814 research outputs found

    Le piante vascolari del litorale trapanese: da Ronciglio a Capo San Vito

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    Vascular flora of the Trapani littoral between Ronciglio and Capo San Vito (NW Sicily). – The list of the vascular plants observed and collected in the Trapani littoral between Ronciglio and Capo San Vito (NW Sicily) during the last 20 years is presented here and commented. In total, 541 specific and infraspecific taxa were recorded. This flora has marked Mediterranean characteristics as shown by the absolute prevalence of therophytes as well as Mediterranean chorotypes. Among the most interesting taxa belonging to this flora are some halophytes and rare endemics such as Biscutella maritima, Calendula maritima, Cynomorium coccineum, Erica sicula, Galium litorale, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Limonium bocco- nei, L. ponzoi, Limoniastrum monopetalum e Pseudoscabiosa limonifolia

    A simple and sensitive gas chromatography–electron capture detection method for analyzing perfluorocarbon tracers in soil gas samples for storage of carbon dioxide

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    Co-injection of a conservative tracer during the geological sequestration of CO2 can imprint a marker to the injected gas that can be easily recognized during soil gas surveys in case of CO2 leakage from the reservoir toward the surface. In this work, an ultra-trace detection method, based on gas chromatography with electron capture detection for analyzing perfluorocarbon tracers (PFTs) in soil gas samples was optimized. Three totally fluorinated cycloalcane compounds consisting of five and six atom carbon rings were selected for this purpose. We evaluated the feasibility of collecting PFTs on adsorbent tube packed with a commercial graphitized carbon black (Carbotrap™ 100) sampling 2 L of soil gas. The sorbent tubes were then analyzed by using a two-stage thermal desorption process. The developed method allows to quickly determine these compounds at very low fL/L level, method identification limits ranged from 1.3 to 5.8 fL/L. Moreover, it shows good precision, evaluated by within-day and between-day studies. A preliminary survey of the PFT soil gas background concentrations, conducted by analyzing some soil gas samples collected in two different areas in Central Italy and in the Po Plain, ascertained the PFT background concentration lower than MIL

    DAPK1 Promoter Methylation and Cervical Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis.

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    Objective: The Death-Associated Protein Kinase 1 (DAPK1) gene has been frequently investigated in cervical cancer (CC). The aim of the present study was to carry out a systematic review and a meta-analysis in order to evaluate DAPK1 promoter methylation as an epigenetic marker for CC risk. Methods A systematic literature search was carried out. The Cochrane software package Review Manager 5.2 was used. The fixed-effects or random-effects models, according to heterogeneity across studies, were used to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs). Furthermore, subgroup analyses were conducted by histological type, assays used to evaluate DAPK1 promoter methylation, and control sample source. Results: A total of 20 papers, published between 2001 and 2014, on 1929 samples, were included in the meta-analysis. DAPK1 promoter methylation was associated with an increased CC risk based on the random effects model (OR: 21.20; 95%CI = 11.14–40.35). Omitting the most heterogeneous study, the between study heterogeneity decreased and the association increased (OR: 24.13; 95% CI = 15.83–36.78). The association was also confirmed in all the subgroups analyses. Conclusions: A significant strong association between DAPK1 promoter methylation and CC was shown and confirmed independently by histological tumor type, method used to evaluate methylation and source of control samples. Methylation markers may have value in early detection of CC precursor lesions, provide added reassurances of safety for women who are candidates for less frequent screens, and predict outcomes of women infected with human papilloma virus

    Epidemiological and virological assessment of influenza activity in Apulia, Italy, during the seasons 2004 - 2005 and 2005 - 2006.

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    This study evaluated the impact of influenza and vaccination coverage in Apulia, Italy, during the 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 seasons, using epidemiological and virological surveillance data collected through the Italian Net of Surveillance of Influenza (InfluNet) organized by the Superior Institute of Health (ISS) and the Inter-University Centre of Research on Influenza (CIRI). Vaccination coverage was calculated from the number of doses administered to individuals aged ≤ 65 years. Sentinel physicians reported weekly influenza-like illness (ILI) and acute respiratory illness (ARI) occurrences among patients. Influenza viruses were isolated and identified by cell culture on Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells and polymerase chain reaction techniques. Vaccination coverage reached 72.7% and 77.0% during the 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 seasons, respectively. Incidence of ILI was higher during the 2004–2005 season compared with the 2005–2006 season, whereas the incidence ARI appeared to show a more constant trend. Incidence rates for ILI and ARI were higher in the 0 − 14-year age group. The increase in vaccination coverage and implementation of a network of epidemiological and virological surveillance are fundamental for the control and prevention of influenza

    Preliminary evidence of a potential reproductive aggregation area of the common stingray Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chondrichthyes - Dasyatidae) in the Central Mediterranean Sea

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    Shallow and coastal aggregations of batoids are poorly documented in the Mediterranean Sea, despite being likely threatened by multiple anthropogenic pressures. We report the first observations of a potential summer reproductive aggregation of the common stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca). The recurrent presence in previous years of several pregnant females, a mature male and a female with fresh bite wounds was recorded in shallow waters by recreational scuba divers and scientists in Scilla Bay (Strait of Messina, Italy), a location with unique oceanographic features in the Central Mediterranean Sea. These observations suggest that the area could be used as a parturition and mating site in early summer, and this is significant for the conservation of this Vulnerable species

    Optimization methodologies study for the development of prognostic artificial neural network

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    In this work, we discuss the implementation and optimization of an artificial neural network (ANN) based on the analysis of the back-EMF coefficient capable of making electromechanical actuator (EMA) prognostics. Starting from the pseudorandom generation of failure values related to static rotor eccentricity and partial short circuit of the stator coils, we simulated through a MATLAB-Simulink model the values of currents, voltages, position and angular velocity of the rotor and thanks to these we obtained the back-electromotive force which represents the input layer of the ANN. In this paper, we will turn our attention to optimizing the hyperparameters which influence supervised learning and make it more performing in terms of computational cost and complexity. The results are satisfactory dealing with the number of examples present in the available dataset

    La sorveglianza della tubercolosi in Sicilia

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    Obiettivi. Descrivere l’andamento dei casi di tubercolosi (TB) in Sicilia negli anni 2010-2013. Disegno e partecipanti. Indagine osservazionale delle notifiche di TB relative agli anni 2010-2013 mediante l’analisi dei dati del Sistema informativo delle malattie infettive (SIMI) e indagine epidemiologico-molecolare mediante tipizzazione spoligo- e 24- loci mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units-variable number of tandem repeats (MIRU-VNTR) dei ceppi di Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) isolati a Palermo negli anni 2012-2013. Risultati. Negli anni 2010-2013 sono stati notificati in Sicilia 876 casi di TB con un tasso medio annuale di notifica pari a 4,4 casi per 100.000 abitanti. La proporzione di casi di TB in soggetti nati all’estero è crescente e nel 2012 e 2013 supera quella nella popolazione autoctona. L’età mediana dei pazienti stranieri è risultata significativamente inferiore agli italiani (30,5 vs. 51,2 anni, p <0,001). La distribuzione per classi di età è stata significativamente differente nelle due subpopolazioni, con la proporzione più elevata di casi nelle fascia di età 15-44 anni tra gli stranieri e, al contrario, una distribuzione uniforme dei pazienti italiani tra le fasce di età 15-44, 45-64 e >64 anni. Nell’82,5% dei casi è stata diagnosticata una localizzazione polmonare. La tipizzazione molecolare è stata effettuata su 151 ceppi di MTBC. Mediante spoligotyping essi sono stati attribuiti a 14 differenti lineage e 33 sublineage rappresentati con frequenza diversa tra le due subpopolazioni di pazienti. Soltanto nove ceppi (6,2%) sono stati inclusi in quattro cluster. Sono stati identificati, infine, due ceppi multiresistenti. Conclusioni. L’epidemiologia della TB in Sicilia è complessa e in rapida evoluzione, con una crescente proporzione di casi in soggetti non italiani e una grande eterogeneità dei ceppi di MTBC circolanti. L’integrazione di strumenti convenzionali e molecolari è necessaria per una sorveglianza efficace e un’interpretazione accurata dell’epidemiologia della TB in Sicilia

    Development of an Italian catalogue of potential CO2storage sites: an approach from deep wells data

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    Stabilize and reduce the atmospheric concentration of anthropogenic greenhouse gases is one of the principal goal that have to be accomplished in short time, in order to reduce the climate changes and the global warming, following the World Energy Outlook 2007 program by IEA. The most promising remedy, proposed for large CO2 sources like thermoelectric power plants, refineries and cement industries, is to separate the flue gas capturing the CO2 and to store it into deep sub-surface geological reservoirs, such as deep saline aquifers, depleted oil and gas fields and unminable coal beds. Among these options, deep saline aquifers are considered the reservoirs with the larger storage potentiality, as a consequence of a wide availability with respect to deep coal seems, depleted oil fields and gas reservoirs. The identification of a possible storage site necessarily passes through the demonstration that CO2 can be injected in extremely safe conditions into geological deep formations, with impermeable caprock above the aquifer/s, which physic-chemical-mineralogical conditions are useful to a better mineral and solubility trapping as well as the hydrodynamic or physical/ structural ones. In order to support the identification of potential storage reservoirs in Italy, INGV jointly with CESI RICERCA S.p.A. accomplished a detailed reworking of available geological, geophysical, geochemical and seismological data, in order to support the existing European GESTCO as well as the CO2GeoCapacity projects. Aim of this work is to establish some site selection criteria to demonstrate the possibility of the geological storage of CO2 in Italy, even if it is located in an active geodynamical domain. This research started from the study of 7575 wells drilled on Italian territory during the last 50 years for gas/oil and geothermal exploration. Among this data-set as a whole, only 1700 wells (deeper than 800 m) have been selected. Only 1290 of these wells have a public-available composite log and fit with the basic prerequisites for CO2 storage potential, mostly as deep saline aquifer/s presence. Wells data have been organized into a geodatabase containing information about the nature and the thickness of geological formations, the presence of fresh, saline or brackish water, brine, gas and oil, the underground temperature, the permeability, porosity and geochemical characteristics of the caprock and the reservoirs lithologies. Available maps, seismic and geological profiles containing or closer to the analyzed wells have been catalogued too. In order to constrain the supercritical behaviour of the CO2 and to prevent the escape of gaseous CO2 to the surface, a first evaluation of the caprock presence and quality has been done on these selected wells. Using a numerical parameterization of the caprock lithologies, a “Caprock Quality Factor” (Fbp) has been defined, which clustered the wells into 5 different classes of caprock impermeability (ranging between the lowest 1 to highest 5). The analysis shows that more than 50% of the selected wells have an Fbp Factor between 4 and 5 (good and optimal quality of caprock), and are mostly located in foredeep basins of the Alps-Apenninic Chain. The geodatabase also includes: i) the seismogenetic sources (INGV DISS 3.0.4 Database of Individual Seismogenetic Sources), ii) an elaboration of seismic events catalogues (INGV CFTI, CPTI04, NT4.1), iii) the Diffuse Degassing Structures (DDS), as part of the INGV project V5 diffuse degassing in Italy geodatabase, considered as “CO2 analogue” field-tests, iv) the distribution of the thermal anomalies on the Italian Territory, linked to the presence of volcanic CO2 emissions, in order to consider the CO2 diffuse degassing risk assessment on the Italian territory Successively it has been created a geodatabase on the nature and quality of deep aquifers for the high-ranking wells sub-dataset (where the aquifers data are available), containing the following parameters: i) presence of one or more aquifers deeper than 800 meters; ii) thickness of the aquifer/s; iii) lithology of the reservoir/s; iv) available chemical analysis; v) distance from closer power plants or other anthropogenic CO2 sources.The final aim of these work is to help to find potential areas in Italy where CO2 storage feasibility studies can be done. In these cases it is necessary to implement the knowledge by: i) better evaluation of saline aquifer quality; ii) estimation of CO2 storage capacity by 3D-modeling of deep crustal structures; iii) fluid-dynamic and geochemical modelling of water-rock-CO2 interaction paths

    Nest guarding behaviour of a temperate wrasse differs between sites off Mediterranean CO2 seeps

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    Organisms may respond to changing environmental conditions by adjusting their behaviour (i.e., behavioural plasticity). Ocean acidification (OA), resulting from anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), is predicted to impair sensory function and behaviour of fish. However, reproductive behaviours, and parental care in particular, and their role in mediating responses to OA are presently overlooked. Here, we assessed whether the nesting male ocellated wrasse Symphodus ocellatus from sites with different CO2 concentrations showed different behaviours during their breeding season. We also investigated potential re-allocation of the time-budget towards different behavioural activities between sites. We measured the time period that the nesting male spent carrying out parental care, mating and exploring activities, as well as changes in the time allocation between sites at ambient (~400 μatm) and high CO2 concentrations (~1000 μatm). Whilst the behavioural connectance (i.e., the number of linkages among different behaviours relative to the total amount of linkages) was unaffected, we observed a significant reduction in the time spent on parental care behaviour, and a significant decrease in the guarding activity of fish at the high CO2 sites, with a proportional re-allocation of the time budget in favour of courting and wandering around, which however did not change between sites. This study shows behavioural differences in wild fish living off volcanic CO2 seeps that could be linked to different OA levels, suggesting that behavioural plasticity may potentially act as a mechanism for buffering the effects of ongoing environmental change. A reallocation of the time budget between key behaviours may play a fundamental role in determining which marine organisms are thriving under projected OA

    Lumped parameters multi-fidelity digital twins for prognostics of electromechanical actuators

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    The growing affirmation of on-board systems based on all-electric secondary power sources is causing a progressive diffusion of electromechanical actuators (EMA) in aerospace applications. As a result, novel prognostic and diagnostic approaches are becoming a critical tool for detecting fault propagation early, preventing EMA performance deterioration, and ensuring acceptable levels of safety and reliability of the system. These approaches often require the development of various types of multiple numerical models capable of simulating the performance of the EMA with different levels of fidelity. In previous publications, the authors already proposed a high-fidelity multi-domain numerical model (HF), capable of accounting for a wide range of physical phenomena and progressive failures in the EMA, and a low-fidelity digital twin (LF). The LF is directly derived from the HF one by reducing the system degrees of freedom, simplifying the EMA control logic, eliminating the static inverter model and the three-phase commutation logic. In this work, the authors propose a new EMA digital twin, called Enhanced Low Fidelity (ELF), that, while still belonging to the simplified types, has particular characteristics that place it at an intermediate level of detail and accuracy between the HF and LF models. While maintaining a low computational cost, the ELF model keeps the original architecture of the three-phase motor and the multidomain approach typical of HF. The comparison of the preliminary results shows a satisfactory consistency between the experimental equipment and the numerical models