19 research outputs found

    Sizing of Residential PV Battery Systems

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    AbstractThis paper analyses residential PV battery systems in order to gain insights into their sizing. For this purpose a simulation model was developed and system simulations on a timescale of one minute were performed. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis was conducted varying the PV system and battery size to identify appropriate system configurations. Based on the simulation results, an economic assessment of PV battery systems was carried out and the cost-optimal configurations for various cost scenarios were determined. The results show that in the considered long-term scenario the conjunction of PV systems with batteries will be not only profitable but also the most economical solution

    A statement by Scientists for Future concerning the protests for more climate protection

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    In March 2019, German-speaking scientists and scholars calling themselves Scientists for Future, published a statement in support of the youth protesters in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (Fridays for Future, Klimastreik/Climate Strike), verifying the scientific evidence that the youth protestors refer to. In this article, they provide the full text of the statement, including the list of supporting facts (in both English and German) as well as an analysis of the results and impacts of the statement. Furthermore, they reflect on the challenges for scientists and scholars who feel a dual responsibility: on the one hand, to remain independent and politically neutral, and, on the other hand, to inform and warn societies of the dangers that lie ahead

    Renewable energy and climate change

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    This dazzling introductory textbook encompasses the full range of today's important renewable energy technologies. Solar thermal, photovoltaic, wind, hydro, biomass and geothermal energy receive balanced treatment with one exciting and informative chapter devoted to each. As well as a complete overview of these state-of-the-art technologies, the chapters provide: clear analysis on their development potentials; an evaluation of the economic aspects involved; concrete guidance for practical implementation; how to reduce your own energy waste. If we do not act now to stop climate change, the cons

    Erneuerbare Energien und Klimaschutz. English

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 300-302) and index.Book Fair 2013.xii, 308 p.

    Soiling of irradiation sensors and methods for soiling correction

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    Access to exact solar irradiation data is indispensable for planning and dimensioning of applications as e.g. solar power plants. The expectable amount of yearly solar irradiation has an over-proportional impact on the financing and therefore has to be known very precisely. For this reason, DLR performs investigations at PSA to improve the accuracy of irradiation data, which are measured at several locations in southern Spain and Morocco. Devices as Rotating Shadowband Pyranometers (RSP) as well as thermal pyranometers and a pyrheliometer are used. Besides well-documented and known technical aberrations, soiling of the sensors is an important source for underestimation of the measured irradiation, especially at offside stations where daily maintenance is not possible. In this paper, we present soiling characteristics of these sensors and a corresponding method for its correction

    Free Greenius – New Options and Availability

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    Recent model extensions of the software Greenius are introduced, namely the simulation of absorption chillers and the addition of user defined operating strategies. Furthermore the impact of considering or neglecting the thermal inertia of HTF inventory and piping in annual performance calculation is discussed as well as the required temporal resolution for these simulations. A new free version of Greenius with full functionality is going to be published soon

    GREENIUS - A simulation tool for renewable energy utilization

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    The simulation tool Greenius is presented and details about CSP power plant modeling are given. A typical example for the usage is shown: the simulation of a 50 MWe parabolic trough power plant with 7.5 hour thermal storage. Furthermore the impact of considering or neglecting the thermal inertia of the HTF and solar field piping is discussed. For the current example the difference is about 10% for the thermal solar field output and also for the net electrical out