23 research outputs found

    On the uniqueness of Cournot equilibrium in case of concave integrated price flexibility

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    We consider a class of homogeneous Cournot oligopolies with concave integrated price flexibility and convex cost functions. We provide new results about the semi-uniqueness and uniqueness of (Cournot) equilibria for the oligopolies that satisfy these conditions. The condition of concave integrated price flexibility is implied by (but does not imply) the log-concavity of a continuous decreasing price function. So, our results generalize previous results for decreasing log-concave price functions and convex cost functions. We also discuss the particular type of quasi-concavity that characterizes the conditional revenue and profit functions of the firms in these oligopolies and we point out an error of the literature on the equilibrium uniqueness in oligopolies with log-concave price functions. Finally, we explain how the condition of concave integrated price flexibility relates to other conditions on the price and aggregate revenue functions usually considered in the literature, e.g., their concavity

    Existence of maximals via right traces

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    This paper examines the conditions for the existence of a maximal element of a relation on every nonempty compact subset of its ground set. A preliminary analysis establishes some connections between the maximals of a relation and those of its right trace. Via this analysis, various results of the literature are unified by identifying a common property of their assumptions that concerns the right trace of the transitive closure of the objective relation. Next, a generalization is provided so as to accommodate some relations of interest to economics. Finally, a necessary and sufficient condition is presented for the existence of a maximal on every nonempty compact subset of the ground set of a relation

    Nash equilibrium uniqueness in nice games with isotone best replies

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    We prove the existence of a unique pure-strategy Nash equilibrium in nice games with isotone chain-concave best replies and compact strategy sets. We establish a preliminary fixpoint uniqueness argument showing sufficient assumptions on the best replies of a nice game that guarantee the existence of exactly one Nash equilibrium. Then, by means of a comparative statics analysis, we examine the necessity and sufficiency of the conditions on (marginal) utility functions for such assumptions to be satisfied; in particular, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for the isotonicity and chain-concavity of best replies. We extend the results on Nash equilibrium uniqueness to nice games with upper unbounded strategy sets and we present "dual" results for games with isotone chain-convex best replies. A final application to Bayesian games is exhibited

    A Second Welfare Theorem in a Non-convex Economy: The Case of Antichain-convexity

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    We introduce the notion of an antichain-convex set to extend Debreu (1954)'s version of the second welfare theorem to economies where either the aggregate production set or preference relations are not convex. We show that (possibly after some redistribution of individuals' wealth) the Pareto optima of some economies which are marked by certain types of non-convexities can be spontaneously obtained as valuation quasi-equilibria and equilibria: both equilibrium notions are to be understood in Debreu (1954)'s sense. From a purely structural point of view, the mathematical contribution of this work is the study of the conditions that guarantee the convexity of the Minkowski sum of finitely many possibly non-convex sets. Such a study allows us to obtain a version of the Minkowski\Hahn-Banach separation theorem which dispenses with the convexity of the sets to be separated and which can be naturally applied in standard proofs of the second welfare theorem; in addition (and equally importantly) the study allows to get a deeper understanding of the conditions on the single production sets of an economy that guarantee the convexity of their aggregate

    A Second Welfare Theorem in a Non-convex Economy: The Case of Antichain-convexity

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    We introduce the notion of an antichain-convex set to extend Debreu (1954)'s version of the second welfare theorem to economies where either the aggregate production set or preference relations are not convex. We show that (possibly after some redistribution of individuals' wealth) the Pareto optima of some economies which are marked by certain types of non-convexities can be spontaneously obtained as valuation quasi-equilibria and equilibria: both equilibrium notions are to be understood in Debreu (1954)'s sense. From a purely structural point of view, the mathematical contribution of this work is the study of the conditions that guarantee the convexity of the Minkowski sum of finitely many possibly non-convex sets. Such a study allows us to obtain a version of the Minkowski\Hahn-Banach separation theorem which dispenses with the convexity of the sets to be separated and which can be naturally applied in standard proofs of the second welfare theorem; in addition (and equally importantly) the study allows to get a deeper understanding of the conditions on the single production sets of an economy that guarantee the convexity of their aggregate

    New opportunities in trace elements structural characterization: high-energy X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy

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    Garnets in lower crustal mafic and ultramafic rocks usually contain rare-earth elements (REE) in trace concentrations. Direct characterization of REE at trace levels in natural garnets is not available in the literature because of the difficulty of obtaining structural information by means of conventional diffraction methods. Here, the characterization of Nd at trace levels (176-1029 p.p.m.) in a set of natural garnets performed by means of Nd K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy is presented, showing the capability of high-energy XANES for REE in trace structural determinations