69 research outputs found


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    Com o avanço tecnológico, a inteligência artificial ganhou protagonismo e cada vez mais encontramos produtos inovadores no mercado, trazendo-a como diferencial. Um exemplo são sistemas de recomendação baseados em aprendizado de máquina, que filtram o conteúdo de maneira personalizada para cada usuário, poupando tempo e esforço cognitivo do usuário. Como toda novidade, o mercado profissional ainda está em amadurecimento e os usuários estão aprendendo a interagir com as interfaces. A atuação do UX designer torna-se relevante para garantir uma boa experiência de uso. Por isso, é importante investigar o mercado para mapear o envolvimento do UX designer no desenvolvimento de produtos que utilizem sistema de recomendação. Com esse propósito, esta pesquisa envolveu profissionais de mercado em entrevistas, para entender o envolvimento do UX Designer no processo de desenvolvimento de sistemas de recomendação baseados em aprendizado de máquina e identificou diversas questões relevantes que apontam para a necessidade de dar foco aos fatores humanos. Também indica a capacitação dos profissionais, a geração de conteúdo no tema de AI/ML voltado para designers e trabalhar a cultura das empresas.With technological advances, artificial intelligence has gained prominence and we increasingly find innovative products on the market, bringing it as a differential. One example is machine learning-based recommender systems, which filter content in a personalized way for each user, saving the user's time and cognitive effort. Like any novelty, the professional market is still maturing, and users are learning to interact with interfaces. The performance of a UX designer becomes relevant to ensure a good user experience. Therefore, it is important to investigate the market to map the participation of the UX designer in the development of products that use a recommendation system. For this purpose, this research involved market professionals in interviews to understand the UX Designer's participation in developing recommendation systems based on machine learning and identified several relevant issues that point to the need to focus on human factors. It also indicates the training of professionals, the generation of content on the theme of AI/ML aimed at designers and working on the culture of companies

    Using User Journey to map emotional oscillations during CoVID-19 social distancing

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    The CoVid-19 pandemic has demanded society to social distance, which significantly affected not only people's routine but also and their mental health. The way each person is facing this period of confinement is shaped according to their principles, culture, health, and financial stability, thus leading individuals to react emotionally in different ways. Through Design, it is possible to map these experiences and represent them through User Journeys, allowing clear representations of how the experience took place when facing the fear of contagion, the sudden change of routine, and isolation. This study focuses on discussing the effectiveness of unifying different experiences in a single representation, mainly to outline emotional aspects. Trying to balance all emotional variations in a single User Journey prevents the researcher from seeing important details of the users' experience. In this study, the need to use individual User Journeys was evidenced when it is intended to analyse the emotional aspects of users when dealing with products or services, as individuality can shed light on aspects not observable in a consolidated analysis


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     The increasing growth in the development of new technology is changing the way users interact with products. Thus, designers must re-think the human-machine interfaces (HMI) for communicating information regularly. Co-creation – the process of joint creation of users and designers – is an approach to product and experience development that can substantially benefit the generation of innovative product proposals. The present paper aims to assess the feasibility of co-creation workshops for the development of proposals for interfaces of Artificial Intelligence derived products through a case study on interfaces for autonomous vehicles. For this purpose, two sessions of co-creation workshops using group brainstorming techniques were conducted with undergraduate and graduate Design students and professors, who are specialists in interaction and information design. The results showed that the interfaces proposed by the designers were communicated information in a wide range of ways, making use of existing technologies to present messages in an innovative manner, meeting autonomous vehicles’ users’ needs.The increasing growth in the development of new technology is changing the way users interact with products. Thus, designers must re-think the human-machine interfaces (HMI) for communicating information regularly. Co-creation – the process of joint creation of users and designers – is an approach to product and experience development that can substantially benefit the generation of innovative product proposals. The present paper aims to assess the feasibility of co-creation workshops for the development of proposals for interfaces of Artificial Intelligence derived products through a case study on interfaces for autonomous vehicles. For this purpose, two sessions of co-creation workshops using group brainstorming techniques were conducted with undergraduate and graduate Design students and professors, who are specialists in interaction and information design. The results showed that the interfaces proposed by the designers were communicated information in a wide range of ways, making use of existing technologies to present messages in an innovative manner, meeting autonomous vehicles’ users’ needs


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    Nowadays, although the user experience is considered a differential in the development of digital products, research, ideation, and evaluation activities are compromised in the user's research. This article aims to investigate the study of users aligned with the application of agile methodologies in the development of digital products in the Brazilian market

    Interactive Voice Response systems for informing citizens about the COVID-19 pandemic: A study on Brazil's Disque Saúde

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    In order to slow down the spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, it is vital to adopt measures to inform citizens about preventive actions. Such an operation requires a wide-ranged system that comprises a variety of interfaces as channels between citizens and healthcare authority’s information services. Amongst such interfaces, the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems can present benefits for informing citizens about the pandemic. Although the literature shows that IVR systems have been used for healthcare, the extent of the COVID-19 pandemic demands new examinations on the role of IVR systems on a multiplatform system for delivering information. This paper aimed to identify gaps and opportunities for the use of IVR systems to inform citizens about the COVID-19 pandemic. A case study was conducted by mapping the Brazilian Ministry of Healthcare’s channels of information about the coronavirus and analyzing the Disque Saúde IVR system – a phone-based ombudsman channel -  based on literature recommendations. The results showed that while IVR systems have great potential for accessibility, it is essential that all types of information are available and continuously updated for citizens. Furthermore, the vast and mutable availability of information in a pandemic scenario may be a challenge for the usability of such systems.

    Citizen data-driven design for pandemic monitoring

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    In a world concerned with the coronavirus pandemic, many governments do not know how to control the disease. Although there are several technologies that generate citizen data, transparency, and privacy are very important to ensure social engagement and more effectiveness in fighting the virus. This article analyzed some applications that contact tracing people or inform them about the disease. We selected the applications based on how they captured data, privacy issues, citizen participation, and the main challenges faced. Later, we created the app journey map to compare them and discovered the most used technology is Bluetooth, and the apps often have open source. However, these initiatives bring superficial insights and need to integrate with more complex data

    Looking through the window: emotional experiences of Instagram users in isolation

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    The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the health and wellbeing of people around the world has become an important research topic. Even for non-essential workers, social isolation has drastically changed people’s lives and habits. Considering that our daily lives and habits occur largely through the intermediation of products and services, social isolation may have drastically changed people's relationship with the products and services surrounding them. Thus, social media apps like Instagram have become crucial sources of information, social connection, and entertainment for the socially isolated. This article investigates the role of social media applications in people’s daily lives in isolation, based on the analysis of their emotional experiences. To this end, an exploratory study was carried out with 13 users in social isolation, based on diaries in which they reported the experiences they had through the Instagram platform from June 15th to June 29th. Results showed that Instagram had brought predominantly positive experiences to its users; however, negative emotions related to an excess of information and content consumption were also relevant. The results and conclusions of this work can be considered in future investigations about parameters for developing digital products that aim to reduce negative experiences and anxiety


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    O exponencial avanço das plataformas digitais focadas em conectar e intermediar a oferta e a demanda gera necessidades de criar produtos digitais capazes de fomentar a confiança entre indivíduos desconhecidos. Para isto, as plataformas estão recorrendo a recursos de interface que possam auxiliar neste processo. Este artigo tem o objetivo avaliar como as plataformas digitais estão gerenciando as interações e estimulando a confiança entre compradores e vendedores. Para isto, foram analisados os recursos utilizados pelo Mercado Livre e pelo Olx em suas páginas de apresentação da oferta, e como estes recursos estão distribuídos e focados em auxiliar a tomada de decisão do comprador. Ao final, é possível notar as diretrizes claras adotadas em cada uma destas plataformas, e como as decisões de negócio e diferentes modelos de monetização estão diretamente conectadas com os recursos disponíveis na interface
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