472 research outputs found

    STG2Seq: Spatial-temporal Graph to Sequence Model for Multi-step Passenger Demand Forecasting

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    Multi-step passenger demand forecasting is a crucial task in on-demand vehicle sharing services. However, predicting passenger demand over multiple time horizons is generally challenging due to the nonlinear and dynamic spatial-temporal dependencies. In this work, we propose to model multi-step citywide passenger demand prediction based on a graph and use a hierarchical graph convolutional structure to capture both spatial and temporal correlations simultaneously. Our model consists of three parts: 1) a long-term encoder to encode historical passenger demands; 2) a short-term encoder to derive the next-step prediction for generating multi-step prediction; 3) an attention-based output module to model the dynamic temporal and channel-wise information. Experiments on three real-world datasets show that our model consistently outperforms many baseline methods and state-of-the-art models.Comment: 7 page

    Multi-Person Brain Activity Recognition via Comprehensive EEG Signal Analysis

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    An electroencephalography (EEG) based brain activity recognition is a fundamental field of study for a number of significant applications such as intention prediction, appliance control, and neurological disease diagnosis in smart home and smart healthcare domains. Existing techniques mostly focus on binary brain activity recognition for a single person, which limits their deployment in wider and complex practical scenarios. Therefore, multi-person and multi-class brain activity recognition has obtained popularity recently. Another challenge faced by brain activity recognition is the low recognition accuracy due to the massive noises and the low signal-to-noise ratio in EEG signals. Moreover, the feature engineering in EEG processing is time-consuming and highly re- lies on the expert experience. In this paper, we attempt to solve the above challenges by proposing an approach which has better EEG interpretation ability via raw Electroencephalography (EEG) signal analysis for multi-person and multi-class brain activity recognition. Specifically, we analyze inter-class and inter-person EEG signal characteristics, based on which to capture the discrepancy of inter-class EEG data. Then, we adopt an Autoencoder layer to automatically refine the raw EEG signals by eliminating various artifacts. We evaluate our approach on both a public and a local EEG datasets and conduct extensive experiments to explore the effect of several factors (such as normalization methods, training data size, and Autoencoder hidden neuron size) on the recognition results. The experimental results show that our approach achieves a high accuracy comparing to competitive state-of-the-art methods, indicating its potential in promoting future research on multi-person EEG recognition.Comment: 10 page

    CAiSE Workshops - Selection of web services for composition using location of provider hosts criterion

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    We present a Web service composition approach that relies on three selection criteria: execution cost, execution time, and location of provider hosts. A Web service is an accessible application that can be automatically discovered and invoked by other applications and humans. Web services can be composed into high level business-processes that users trigger in order to satisfy their needs. Because providers can have Web services in common, criteria are needed to select which Web services will be considered for composition. Location of provider hosts is among these criteria and aims for example at reducing the number of remote interactions between provider hosts

    Converting Your Thoughts to Texts: Enabling Brain Typing via Deep Feature Learning of EEG Signals

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    An electroencephalography (EEG) based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) enables people to communicate with the outside world by interpreting the EEG signals of their brains to interact with devices such as wheelchairs and intelligent robots. More specifically, motor imagery EEG (MI-EEG), which reflects a subjects active intent, is attracting increasing attention for a variety of BCI applications. Accurate classification of MI-EEG signals while essential for effective operation of BCI systems, is challenging due to the significant noise inherent in the signals and the lack of informative correlation between the signals and brain activities. In this paper, we propose a novel deep neural network based learning framework that affords perceptive insights into the relationship between the MI-EEG data and brain activities. We design a joint convolutional recurrent neural network that simultaneously learns robust high-level feature presentations through low-dimensional dense embeddings from raw MI-EEG signals. We also employ an Autoencoder layer to eliminate various artifacts such as background activities. The proposed approach has been evaluated extensively on a large- scale public MI-EEG dataset and a limited but easy-to-deploy dataset collected in our lab. The results show that our approach outperforms a series of baselines and the competitive state-of-the- art methods, yielding a classification accuracy of 95.53%. The applicability of our proposed approach is further demonstrated with a practical BCI system for typing.Comment: 10 page

    Time To Live: Temporal Management of Large-Scale RFID Applications

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    In coming years, there will be billions of RFID tags living in the world tagging almost everything for tracking and identification purposes. This phenomenon will impose a new challenge not only to the network capacity but also to the scalability of event processing of RFID applications. Since most RFID applications are time sensitive, we propose a notion of Time To Live (TTL), representing the period of time that an RFID event can legally live in an RFID data management system, to manage various temporal event patterns. TTL is critical in the "Internet of Things" for handling a tremendous amount of partial event-tracking results. Also, TTL can be used to provide prompt responses to time-critical events so that the RFID data streams can be handled timely. We divide TTL into four categories according to the general event-handling patterns. Moreover, to extract event sequence from an unordered event stream correctly and handle TTL constrained event sequence effectively, we design a new data structure, namely Double Level Sequence Instance List (DLSIList), to record intermediate stages of event sequences. On the basis of this, an RFID data management system, namely Temporal Management System over RFID data streams (TMS-RFID), has been developed. This system can be constructed as a stand-alone middleware component to manage temporal event patterns. We demonstrate the effectiveness of TMS-RFID on extracting complex temporal event patterns through a detailed performance study using a range of high-speed data streams and various queries. The results show that TMS-RFID has a very high throughout, namely 170,000 - 870,000 events per second for different highly complex continuous queries. Moreover, the experiments also show that the main structure to record the intermediate stages in TMS-RFID does not increase exponentially with the number of events. These illustrate that TMS-RFID not only has a high processing speed, but also has a good scalability