552 research outputs found

    Das Strukturierte Interview für Anorektische und Bulimische Ess-Störungen nach DSM-IV und ICD-10 zur Expertenbeurteilung (SIAB-EX) und dazugehöriger Fragebogen zur Selbsteinschätzung (SIAB-S)

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    Background: The Structured Inventory for Anorexic and Bulimic Syndromes according to DSM-IV and ICD-10 consists of the Structured Expert Interview for Anorexic and Bulimic Syndromes (SIAB-EX) and the corresponding self report questionnaire (SIAB-S). These instruments assess symptoms of eating disorders and other symptoms often found in eating-disordered individuals (e.g. anxieties, symptoms of OCD, depression, substance abuse and impairment of sexuality and social integration). Thus, parallel forms for self-report and expert rating are available. Separate factor analyses resulted in very similar factor structures for self-report and interview as well as for both time points assessed: current (last 3 months before the interview) and past (time from puberty up to 3 months before the interview). Both assessments can be used for diagnosing eating disorders according to DSM-IV and ICD-10 and a total score can be computed. Method: Test criteria were assessed using a sample of 377 inpatients treated for an eating disorder. For the expert interview, SIAB-EX data were collected in a community sample of 202 young women without eating disorders. Results: Test criteria were satisfying or better. Interrater reliability (kappa) for the expert interview SIAB-EX was 0,81 (current) and 0,85 (past). Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value were very good for the SIAB-EX (ppv = 0.91 lifetime) and the SIAB-S (ppv = 0.98 lifetime). Means for SIAB-EX and SIAB-S for the inpatient sample are reported. For the expert interview SIAB-EX norms for 202 young non-eating disordered women are given. Conclusion: The expert interview SIAB-EX can be seen as a `gold standard' for the assessment of eating disorders. The SIAB-EX is available in German, English, Italian and Spanish

    Veränderung von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen im Verlauf einer stationären Therapie

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    Background: The Freiburger Personality Inventory (FPI-R) is a well established and proven instrument for the assessment of personality traits. Although personality is conceived as a stable trait, clinical experience indicates that impressive changes are found on personality scales during intensive treatment. Method A large sample of inpatients which were treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa, tinnitus or anxiety disorder was evaluated concerning the question which items of the FPI-R were answered differently or identically before and after intensive therapy. Results: It could be found that items which cover aspects that are central to the therapy more often show changing answers. The use of conditional form and indefinite frequency adjuncts in the formulation of items evidently allowed a more differentiated weighting of pros and cons at the end of therapy. Effects of regression to the mean could be excluded as an explanation by empirical data. Conclusion: It can be concluded that changes in answering items before and after intensive therapy can be explained as specific effects of therapy

    Internet-based relapse prevention for anorexia nervosa: nine- month follow-up

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    To study the longer term effects of an internet-based CBT intervention for relapse prevention (RP) in anorexia nervosa

    Implicit out-group preference is associated with eating disorders symptoms amongst Emirati females

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    © 2015. Studies exploring the relationship between acculturation and eating disorders symptoms have proven equivocal. Socially desirable responding associated with the use of explicit measures may account for these mixed findings. This study explores the relationship between in-group identity, acculturation and eating disorders symptoms using both implicit and explicit assessments. Emirati female college students (N = 94) completed an affective priming task (APT) designed to implicitly assess Emirati in-group evaluations. Participants also completed explicit measures, including the Westernization Survey and the Multicomponent In-group Identification Scale. Eating disorders symptoms were assessed using the Eating Attitudes Test. Only implicit in-group evaluations were correlated with eating disorders symptoms. Specifically, increases in in-group preference were associated with lower levels of eating disorders symptomatology. Furthermore, participants with an actual out-group preference had significantly higher levels of eating disorders symptomatology compared with those demonstrating an in-group preference.These findings support the acculturative stress hypothesis, and suggest that the relationship between eating disorders and acculturation may be better understood with reference to implicit rather than explicit in-group evaluations

    Kultur als Frage der Moderne

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    It seems that the concept of culture is becoming ever more ambivalent. On the one hand, since the 20th century nearly every topic or object can be perceived as a product of culture or as an expression of a specific cultural subdomain. On the other hand, we are witnessing a return of identitarian movements which use culture as a normative concept to designate the substantial unity of a “we” and separate this unity from other cultures and people. Against this backdrop, the article traces back the concept of culture to the specific situation of modernity, which could be characterized by the loss of substance and the challenge of contingency in all fields of the lifeworld. The essay argues that, emerging in this modern situation, culture is not defined by a specific content or a set of objects, but is used rather as a way of putting one’s own position into question. Seeing things through the lens of culture implies that the actual given comes into view as something that has developed socially and historically. From such a perspective, culture is neither an arbitrary concept nor a substantial unity but allows for a critical reflection on the present
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