22 research outputs found

    Tema Budaya yang Melatarbelakangi Perilaku Ibu-ibu Penduduk Asli dalam Pemeliharaan Kehamilan dan Persalinan di Kabupaten Mimika

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    Aktivitas Sehari-hari, Pola Makan Dan Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Ibu Hamil Dan Nifas Suku Kamoro, Papua

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    Background: According to a quick Survey of Papua in 2000, MMR of Papua province was about 750 to 1.300, especially Mimika district was about 1.100 per 100.000 live birth. This number is 4 times higher than national number. Objective: The aim of this research is to get information due to pregnant and lactating mother behaviors in health care. Methode: Design is qualitative fenomenologic approach. This research was carried out in 2005 in Mimika District of PT Freeport Indonesia (PT FI) project area to indigenous people: Kamoro tribe who lived in Mwapi and Poumako villages. Collecting data by indepth interview and observation in daily activities, food patern dan seeking health care. Result: That pregnant and lactating mother 's daily activities in seeking food to jungle, river and sea tend to dangering mothers health. Beside that their food taboos with high protein caused anaemia and low energic chronic. Those mothers also still seeked treatment of traditional birth attendants and avoided health care of midwife who live near their houses. Conclusion: Explanation about diet and security on the pregnant and lactating mother to prevent the occurrence complication or even dead

    Ethicolegal Analysis of Safety Assesor Aspect on the Application of Ministry of Health of Cosmetic Notification Regulation

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    Background: Indonesia is a last country implemented Asean notification of cosmetic which was declared by Permenkes Nomor 1176/Menkes/Per/VIII/2010 about notification of cosmetic started at 1st January 2011. The consequance is every industry has to prepare a safety assessor that to be responsible for quality, beneficial and safety of cosmetic producted. The aims of this research are to analyse ethicolegal aspect of profesionalism of safety assessor, to investigate the willingness of producer in the utility of safety assessor, and to investigate the availability of the safety assessor in implementing notification of cosmetic. Method: Design of this research is cross sectional qualitative approach. Sampling is selected purposively in four provinces namely DKI Jakarta, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, and Bali. In every province 9 industries are choosen (clasified by 2 big industries, 3 middle industries, and 4 small industries). Collecting data was conducted by indepth interview, document analyze, and round table discussion. Result: Research results are firstly all producer confessed the notification registering system are easier and faster than the old registration system. Secondly the qualification and profesionalism or independency of safety assessor has not been mentioned clearly by goverment so it may create etico legal conflict in every side. Thirdly the ministry of health cq health regional offices side do not have roles in applying the Permenkes (exp.in capacity building and controlling). Conclusion: Notification cosmetic regulation has been implemented and the method iseasier compare to registration prosedure. Recommendation: The mechanism of controlling by BPOM and Balai POM have to be informed transparancy to the industries, and the role of Ministry of Health and Health Regional Offices in notificationof cosmetic should be arranged and implemented clearly


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    Background: According to a quick Survey of Papua in 2000, MMR of Papua province was about 750 to 1.300, especially Mimika district was about 1.100 per 100.000 live birth. This number is 4 times higher than national number. Objective: The aim of this research is to get information due to pregnant and lactating mother behaviors in health care. Methode: Design is qualitative fenomenologic approach. This research was carried out in 2005 in Mimika District of PT Freeport Indonesia (PT FI) project area to indigenous people: Kamoro tribe who lived in Mwapi and Poumako villages. Collecting data by indepth interview and observation in daily activities, food patern dan seeking health care. Result: That pregnant and lactating mother 's daily activities in seeking food to jungle, river and sea tend to dangering mothers health. Beside that their food taboos with high protein caused anaemia and low energic chronic. Those mothers also still seeked treatment of traditional birth attendants and avoided health care of midwife who live near their houses. Conclusion: Explanation about diet and security on the pregnant and lactating mother to prevent the occurrence complication or even dead.   Keywords: activity, food patern, treatment, pregnancy, Kamoro Trib