26 research outputs found

    A Simple SERS-Based Trace Sensing Platform Enabled by AuNPs-Analyte/AuNPs Double-Decker Structure on Wax-Coated Hydrophobic Surface

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    In this work, a simple and versatile SERS sensing platform enabled by AuNPs-analyte/AuNPs double-decker structure on wax-coated hydrophobic surface was developed using a portable Raman spectrometer. Wax-coated silicon wafer served as a hydrophobic surface to induce both aggregation and concentration of aqueous phase AuNPs mixed with analyte of interest. After drying, another layer of AuNPs was drop-cast onto the layer of AuNPs-analyte on the substrate to form double-decker structure, thus introducing more “hot spots” to further enhance the Raman signal. To validate the sensing platform, methyl parathion (pesticide), and melamine (a nitrogen-enrich compound illegally added to food products to increase their apparent protein content) were employed as two model compounds for trace sensing demonstration. The as-fabricated sensor showed high reproducibility and sensitivity toward both methyl parathion and melamine detection with the limit of detection at the nanomolar and sub-nanomolar concentration level, respectively. In addition, remarkable recoveries for methyl parathion spiked into lake water samples were obtained, while reasonably good recoveries for melamine spiked into milk samples were achieved. These results demonstrate that the as-developed SERS sensing platform holds great promise in detecting trace amount of hazardous chemicals for food safety and environment protection

    Digital, Rapid, Accurate, and Label-Free Enumeration of Viable Microorganisms Enabled by Custom-Built On-Glass-Slide Culturing Device and Microscopic Scanning

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    Accurately measuring the number of viable microorganisms plays an essential role in microbiological studies. Since the conventional agar method of enumerating visible colonies is time-consuming and not accurate, efforts have been made towards overcoming these limitations by counting the invisible micro-colonies. However, none of studies on micro-colony counting was able to save significant time or provide accurate results. Herein, we developed an on-glass-slide cell culture device that enables rapid formation of micro-colonies on a 0.38 mm-thick gel film without suffering from nutrient and oxygen deprivation during bacteria culturing. Employing a phase contrast imaging setup, we achieved rapid microscopic scanning of micro-colonies within a large sample area on the thin film without the need of fluorescent staining. Using Escherichia coli (E. coli) as a demonstration, our technique was able to shorten the culturing time to within 5 h and automatically enumerate the micro-colonies from the phase contrast images. Moreover, this method delivered more accurate counts than the conventional visible colony counting methods. Due to these advantages, this imaging-based micro-colony enumeration technique provides a new platform for the quantification of viable microorganisms

    Nanofire and scale effects of heat

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    Abstract Combustion is a chemical reaction that emits heat and light. Nanofire is a kind of flameless combustion that occurs on the micro–nano scale. Pt/Al2O3 film with a thickness of 20 nm can be prepared as a catalyst by micro–nano processing. When the methanol-air mixture gas passes through the surface of the catalyst, a chemical reaction begins and a significant temperature rise occurs in the catalyst region. Compared to macroscopic combustion, Nanofire has many special properties, such as large temperature gradients, uniform temperature distribution, and fast temperature response. The large temperature gradient is the most important property of Nanofire, which can reach 1330 K/mm. Combined with thermoelectric materials, it can realize the efficient conversion of chemical energy to electric energy. Nanoscale thickness offers the possibility of establishing thermal gradient. On the other hand, large thermal gradient has an effect on the transport properties of phonons and electrons in film materials. From these we can get the scale effects of heat. This article will provide an overview of the preparation, properties and applications of Nanofire, and then a comprehensive introduction to the thermal scale and thermal scale effects

    Monte Carlo simulation of CdTe thin film recrystallization process during chlorine activation

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    In this work we studied the grain growth and orientation change of CdTe multi-crystallize thin films during chlorine activation. A thermodynamic energy criterion is proposed for finding non-toxic substitutes of cadmium chloride and tested by Monte-Carlo simulation method combined with CASTEP calculation and annealing algorithm. Visualized pixel images of simulation results are in good agreement with experimental results. The mechanism of cadmium chloride for chlorine activation is explained from the aspect of thermodynamics. Predictions of non-toxic chloride substitutes for toxic cadmium chlorine and corresponding annealing routes are given based on the proposed energy criterion and energy calculation results

    Preparation and Characterization of PEG-PLA Genistein Micelles Using a Modified Emulsion-Evaporation Method

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    The objective of this study is to improve the bioavailability of genistein by encapsulation with polyethylene glycol-polylactic acid (PEG-PLA) copolymers. Genistein micelles (GMs) prepared using a modified emulsion-evaporation method were more stable than those made with the original method. The effect of polyvinyl alcohol, Tween 80, sonication time, PEG-PLA/genistein ratio, and organic phase (acetone)/H2O ratio on the size, polydispersity index, encapsulation efficiency, and drug loading efficiency of GMs was investigated. GMs were obtained and characterized under optimal experimental conditions. For long-term storage, GMs were lyophilized by freeze drying with trehalose to produce genistein lyophilized powder (GLP). The analysis of GLP by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry showed that genistein was successfully incorporated into the micellar structure. In vitro release experiments revealed that the incorporation of genistein into PEG-PLA copolymers significantly improved its solubility and bioavailability. GLP was more potent in inhibiting the proliferation of HSC-T6 cells than genistein. Treatment with GLP at 10–20 μg/mL for 48 h significantly inhibited the protein expression of α-smooth muscle actin and collagen I in HSC-T6 cells compared with the control. These data demonstrated that the improved solubility and bioavailability of genistein in the form of GLP enhanced its antifibrotic effect in vitro

    Cadmium stannate conductive layer with high optical transmittance and tunable work function

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    200 nm cadmium stannate (Cd _2 SnO _4 ) transparent conductive layer films with a sheet resistance of 6.35 Ω/sq and resistivity of 1.27 × 10 ^−4 Ω · cm are deposited by magnetron sputtering coupling with adjustable target bias voltage followed by 620 °C 30 min annealing. The lowest resistivity of Cd _2 SnO _4 films reported before was 1.28 × 10 ^−4 Ω · cm, achieved with 510 nm Cd _2 SnO _4 . The average transmission rate of 200 nm sputtering Cd _2 SnO _4 films between 400–800 nm is 94%. The deposition rate increase target bias voltage can the and electrical performance of Cd _2 SnO _4 films. The surface work function of Cd _2 SnO _4 films is also tunable by target bias voltage. The Cd _2 SnO _4 phonon spectrum and phonon density of states combined with Raman microscope shows the Cd _2 SnO _4 films with most ideal electric properties has a identical phonon response. XPS shows the chemical component of as-deposited Cd _2 SnO _4 films and Cd _2 SnO _4 films after annealing with 120 V target bias voltage is Cd _2.03 SnO _6.36 and Cd _1.25 SnO _4.15 , respectively, which is contrary to the general conclusions that interstitial cadmium atoms and oxygen vacancies are the main self-doping defects in Cd _2 SnO _4 films

    Electrode Effect on Ferroelectricity in Free-Standing Membranes of PbZr\u3csub\u3e0.2\u3c/sub\u3eTi\u3csub\u3e0.8\u3c/sub\u3eO\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3e

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    We report the effects of screening capacity, surface roughness, and interfacial epitaxy of the bottom electrodes on the polarization switching, domain wall (DW) roughness, and ferroelectric Curie temperature (TC) of PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 (PZT)- based free-standing membranes. Singe crystalline 10−50 nm (001) PZT and PZT/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) membranes are prepared on Au, correlated oxide LSMO, and two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor MoS2 base layers. Switching the polarization of PZT yields nonvolatile current modulation in the MoS2 channel at room temperature, with an on/off ratio of up to 2 × 105 and no apparent decay for more than 3 days. Piezoresponse force microscopy studies show that the coercive field Ec for the PZT membranes varies from 0.75 to 3.0 MV cm−1 on different base layers and exhibits strong polarization asymmetry. The PZT/LSMO membranes exhibit significantly smaller Ec, with the samples transferred on LSMO showing symmetric Ec of about −0.26/+0.28 MV cm−1, smaller than that of epitaxial PZT films. The DW roughness exponent ζ points to 2D random bond disorder dominated DW roughening (ζ = 0.31) at room temperature. Upon thermal quench at progressively higher temperatures, ζ values for PZT membranes on Au and LSMO approach the theoretical value for 1D random bond disorder (ζ = 2/3), while samples on MoS2 exhibits thermal roughening (ζ = 1/2). The PZT membranes on Au, LSMO, and MoS2 show TC of about 763 ± 12, 725 ± 25, and 588 ± 12 °C, respectively, well exceeding the bulk value. Our study reveals the complex interplay between the electrostatic and mechanical boundary conditions in determining ferroelectricity in free-standing PZT membranes, providing important material parameters for the functional design of PZT-based flexible nanoelectronics

    A Locked Nucleic Acid Probe Based on Selective Salt-Induced Effect Detects Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

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    Detection of single based genetic mutation by using oligonucleotide probes is one of the common methods of detecting single nucleotide polymorphisms at known loci. In this paper, we demonstrated a hybridization system which included a buffer solution that produced selective salt-induced effect and a locked nucleic acid modified 12 nt oligonucleotide probe. The hybridization system is suitable for hybridization under room temperature. By using magnetic nanoparticles as carriers for PCR products, the SNPs (MDR1 C3435T/A) from 45 volunteers were analyzed, and the results were consistent with the results from pyrophosphoric acid sequencing. The method presented in this paper differs from the traditional method of using molecular beacons to detect SNPs in that it is suitable for research institutions lacking real-time quantitative PCR detecting systems, to detect PCR products at room temperature

    Expression Profiling of Circular RNAs in Early Pregnant Jianghuai Buffaloes

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    Circular RNA (circRNA) is expressed in cells and tissues of several species. However, the expression of circRNAs in the blood of Jianghuai buffaloes during early pregnancy has not been reported. In this study, we identified the DECs in the blood of Jianghuai buffaloes and annotated the functions of these DECs. The results showed that there were 890 DECs between the pregnant and non-pregnant groups, of which more than 80% were exon-derived circRNAs, including 323 up-regulated circRNAs and 567 down-regulated circRNAs. Enrichment analysis revealed that DECs were mainly enriched in the epidermal growth factor receptor-signaling pathway important for embryonic development and pregnancy maintenance. In addition, most DECs have multiple miRNA targets, suggesting that these DECs have the potential to function as miRNA sponges. In conclusion, several DECs are present between pregnant and non-pregnant Jianghuai buffaloes, and these DECs are associated with embryo implantation and pregnancy establishment