5 research outputs found

    Analisis Adopsi Inovasi Teknologi Pertanian Berbasis Padi di Sumatera Selatan dalam Perspektif Komunikasi

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    Analysis of Adoption of Agricultural Technology Innovation Rice-based Farming in Sumatra inthe perspective of communications. Assessment Institute of Agricultural Technology (AIAT) South Sumatrahas produced innovative rice-based farming technology in various agroecosystem. However, adoption ratesare still relatively low. Evaluation of four assessments aimed to identify the factors that predominantly affectthe adoption of technological innovation based local-specific farming rice and to know the level of adoption.This activity is carried out in OKI, East OKU and Banyuasin regencies with 67 respondents interviewedin July-September 2007. The results of this assessment showed that the factors that influence the adoption oftechnological innovations such as the level of selective exposure of technology innovation, cosmopolite,triability, complexity of technology and agricultural extension intensity. The average adoption index for thepacket of rice cultivation technology was 50.32%. As many as 93.02% of respondents have positive perceptionsof the researcher-extension AIAT South Sumatra as the communicator in delivering information technology.Most respondents (80%) expressed a desire to obtain agricultural information generated AIAT South Sumatra.Key words: Adoption, innovation, rice, communication Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Sumatera Selatan sudah menghasilkan inovasi teknologipertanian berbasis padi di berbagai agroekosistem. Namun tingkat adopsinya masih relatif rendah. Evaluasi terhadapempat pengkajian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang dominan mempengaruhi proses adopsiinovasi teknologi pertanian spesifik lokasi berbasis padi dan mengetahui tingkat adopsinya. Kegiatan ini dilakukan diKabupaten OKI, OKU Timur dan Banyuasin dengan mewawancarai 67 orang responden pada bulan Juli – September2007. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif kualitatif diketahui bahwa (1) adopsi inovasi teknologi budidaya tanamanpadi di Sumatera Selatan dipengaruhi oleh tingkat kebutuhan petani terhadap inovasi teknologi, sifat kekosmopolitanpetani, triabilitas dan kompleksitas teknologi dan intensitas pembinaan, (2) indeks adopsi inovasi petani terhadappaket teknologi budidaya padi kondisinya beragam tergantung pada jenis kegiatan, (3) petani di Sumatera Selatanumumnya memberikan apresiasi positif terhadap peneliti-penyuluh BPTP Sumatera Selatan, terlihat dari tingginyaminat petani untuk mendapatkan berbagai media informasi pertanian BPTP Sumatera Selatan, dan (4) temuankajian ini mengindikasikan faktor komunikasi memegang peran utama yang dapat mempengaruhi adopsi teknologi

    Cascade Amination and Acetone Monoarylation with Aryl Iodides by Palladium/Norbornene Cooperative Catalysis

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    A palladium/norbornene cocatalyzed three-component reaction of aryl iodides, <i>O</i>-benzoylhydroxylamines, and acetone is reported. <i>o</i>′-Aminoaryl acetones or <i>o</i>,<i>o</i>′-diaminoaryl acetones are efficiently prepared via tandem <i>ortho</i>-C–H amination/<i>ipso</i>-C–I α-arylation sequence, and the regiospecificity has been confirmed by X-ray analysis. The proposed method addresses the condensation/amination of free-<i>N</i>-H-bearing substrates in acetone monoarylations and the synthesis of extremely congested 2,6-disubstituted aryl acetones

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Nelumbo nucifera leaves extracts inhibit mouse airway smooth muscle contraction

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    The influence of AELL on ASM. (A) & (B) With AELL washing out, high K+-induced contraction was decreased obviously. (C) & (D) When AELL removed, ACh-induced contraction was decreased obviously, too. (PDF 29 kb

    Synthesis of Chiral β‑Amino Nitroalkanes via Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation

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    The asymmetric hydrogenation of β-amino nitroolefins has been successfully achieved by rhodium/bis­(phosphine)-thiourea <b>L</b><sub><b>1</b></sub> with excellent enantioselectivities and yields (up to 96% ee, 96% yield, >99% conversion, TON up to 1000) under mild conditions. Chiral β-amino nitroalkane products and their derivatives are versatile intermediates in organic synthesis

    Enantioselective Access to Chiral 2‑Substituted 2,3-Dihydrobenzo[1,4]dioxane Derivatives through Rh-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation

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    Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of various benzo­[<i>b</i>]­[1,4]­dioxine derivatives was successfully developed to prepare chiral 2-substituted 2,3-dihydrobenzo­[1,4]­dioxane derivatives using ZhaoPhos and <i>N</i>-methylation of ZhaoPhos ligands with high yields and excellent enantioselectivities (up to 99% yield, >99% enantiomeric excess (ee), turnover number (TON) = 24 000). Moreover, this asymmetric hydrogenation methodology, as the key step with up to 10 000 TON, was successfully applied to develop highly efficient synthetic routes for the construction of some important biologically active molecules, such as MKC-242, WB4101, BSF-190555, and (<i>R</i>)-doxazosin·HCl