12 research outputs found

    The Source, Distribution, and Sedimentary Pattern of K-Rich Brines in the Qaidam Basin, Western China

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    Potash plays an important role in agricultural production. The Qaidam Basin (QB) in western China is a typical inland evaporite basin, which contains an abundance of K-rich brines, including shallow brines (i.e., surface brines and intercrystalline brines) in salt lakes and deep brines (i.e., pore brines and oilfield brines) in the strata. Significant studies on these brines have been reported; however, the integrated studies on sources of K, its distribution, and the sedimentary pattern of the two brine types are still inadequate. In this study, the K+ concentrations of sixty-four intercrystalline brines from the Qarhan Salt Lake (QSL), the largest playa in the QB, are presented. After combining those results with the major ionic compositions of river waters and deep K-rich brines, and the K+ concentrations of shallow brines in the QB, we concluded that: (1) The K of brines in the QSL is mainly from the high–flux K input by rivers which gain K from silicate weathering, while the “ancient Qaidam Lake” contributed little K to the QSL; (2) the large K flux supplied by rivers, the appropriate concentration degree, and the mixing of river waters and spring waters, cooperatively account for the highest K concentrations of brines in the QSL in the QB. The different river K recharges in different sections and isolated depressions are responsible for uneven K+ concentrations of brines in the QSL. (3) The deep brines are mainly distributed in the western QB. The K source of pore brines is from the interaction of pore water with the overlying evaporite layer. While the K in oilfield brines may be meteoric water, salt dissolution, the mixing of hydrothermal fluids, and the conversion of clay minerals to K-feldspar may consume K in the oilfield brines

    Hydrochemistry, Distribution and Formation of Lithium-Rich Brines in Salt Lakes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

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    Salt lakes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) are remarkable for Li-rich brines. Along with the surging demand of Li, the Li-rich brines in salt lakes on the QTP are of great importance for China’s Li supply. Previous studies reported the geological, geographical, geochemical signatures of numerous salt lakes on the QTP; however, conclusive work and the internal relationships among the hydrochemistry, distribution and geological setting of Li-rich salt lakes are still inadequate. In this study, major and trace (Li, B) ionic compositions of 74 Li-rich salt lakes on the QTP were reviewed. The Li-rich brines cover various hydrochemical types (carbonate, sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, and chloride types) and present horizontal zoning from the southwest to the northeast along with the stronger aridity. The Li concentrations and Mg/Li ratios in these salt lakes range from 23 to 2895 mg/L, 0.0 to 1549.4, respectively. The distribution of these salt lakes is close to the major suture zones. Geothermal water is proposed to be the dominant source of Li in the investigated salt lakes, while weathering of Li-bearing sediments and igneous rocks, and brine migration provide a minor part of Li. Four factors (sufficient Li sources, arid climate, endorheic basin and time) should be considered for the formation of Li-rich brines in salt lakes on the QTP

    Geochemical and Statistical Analyses of Trace Elements in Lake Sediments from Qaidam Basin, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Distribution Characteristics and Source Apportionment

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    The safety of lake ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) has attracted increasing attention, owing to its unique location and ecological vulnerability. Previous studies have shown that the aquatic systems on the QTP have been polluted to varying degrees by trace elements. However, little is known of the distribution and sources of trace elements in lakes in the northeast QTP. Here, 57 sediment samples were collected from six lakes (Dasugan Lake, Xiaoqaidam Lake, Kreuk Lake, Toson Lake, Gahai Lake and Xiligou Lake) in the Qaidam Basin, northeast QTP, and the trace elements (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Ba, Tl, Cd, Pb, and U) were analyzed. The results indicated that Ba, Zn, V, and Cr had a higher content and a wider distribution relative to the other tested elements. Correlation coefficient matrix results showed that the trace elements in the study area were strongly correlated, revealing their source of similarity. Self-organizing maps (SOM, an artificial neural network algorithm) results indicated that the degree of pollution in Xiaoqaidam Lake was the highest, and that of Dasugan Lake was the lowest. Furthermore, all sampling points were clustered into four categories through K-means clustering. The positive matrix factorization (PMF) results indicated that atmospheric deposition and anthropogenic inputs were the main trace elements sources in these lakes, followed by traffic emission and geological sources. Collectively, trace elements of six lakes in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau presented high-content and pollution characteristics. This research provides a scientific basis for better water environment management and ecological protection on the QTP

    Prediction of Toxoplasma gondii virulence factor ROP18 competitive inhibitors by virtual screening

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    Abstract Background Rhoptry protein 18 (ROP18) is a key virulence factor of Toxoplasma gondii. The host’s immune responses mediated by immune-related GTPases (IRGs) could be blocked by ROP18’s kinase activity. ROP18 also interacts with various substrates, such as activating transcription factor 6 beta (ATF6β) and affects multiple physiological functions within host cells, thereby inducing intense virulence. In this study, competitive inhibitors targeted to ROP18 were subjected to virtual screening based on the principle of structure-based drug design (SBDD). Methods The preparation of the ROP18 structure was conducted using the “Structure Prepare” function of Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) software. The ATP-binding pocket was selected as the starting point for virtual screening. Construction of the pharmacophore model used Extended Hückel Theory (EHT) half-quantitative measurement and construction, as well as the characteristics of Type I kinase inhibitors. The pharmacophore model of ROP18 was imported into the Specs database for small molecule similarity screening using EHT pharmacophore measurement. Hit compounds were selected using the functions of London dG and generalized-born volume integral/weighted surface area (GBVI/WSA) scoring. The top 100 hits were analyzed by molecular docking and structure activity relationships (SAR) analysis. Results The final pharmacophore comprised three typical characteristics: three hydrogen bond acceptors/donors, two ring aromatic features occupying the hydrophobic core, and one cation group feature targeted to the terminus of ATP. A total of 1314 hit compounds analogous to ROP18 pharmacophore were passed through the Specs. After two rounds of docking, 25 out of 100 hits were identified as belonging to two main scaffold types: phthalimide ring structure, thiazole ring and styrene structure. Additionally, the screen also identified 13 inhibitors with distinct scaffold types. The docking models and SAR analysis demonstrated that these hits could engage in multiple hydrogen bonds, salt bridges halogen bonds, and hydrophobic interactions with ROP18, and para-position halo substituents on the benzene ring may enhance their affinity scoring. Conclusions A pharmacophore against the ROP18 ATP-binding pocket was successfully constructed, and 25 representative inhibitors from 15 scaffold clusters were screened using the Specs database. Our results provide useful scaffold types for the chemical inhibition of ROP18 or alternative conformations to develop new anti-toxoplasmosis drug leads

    Cysticercosis in Shandong Province, Eastern China

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    We analyzed demographic and clinical data and estimated the incidence of cysticercosis in Shandong Province, China, during 1975–2014. Our analyses showed that a cysticercosis-endemic area is present in Shandong Province, especially in its western regions. Improved surveillance and control are needed to address the elevated risk for cysticercosis in this region