14,957 research outputs found
Wolf Warrior Spreads Superior: The narrative and effectiveness of Chinese public diplomacy behaviours on Twitter
Since 2013, when President Xi Jinping pioneered the concept of "telling China's stories well," the number of senior Chinese diplomats and state-affiliated media accounts on Twitter has increased. Different from the vague and evasive diplomatic parlance, some diplomats defend the policies of China in a relatively aggressive way, even sometimes resulting in online disputes with foreign politicians. They are labeled as "wolf-warrior diplomats," a term coined from the record-breaking Chinese nationalist action movie series Wolf Warrior. This paper investigates the effectiveness of China's "wolf warrior diplomacy" on audience engagement on Twitter and significant factors impacting communication effectiveness. Through the utilization of advanced offensive and humor detection algorithms, counterintuitively, this study finds that the wolf-warrior tweets improve Twitter audience engagement, though prior research pointed out that these tweets may bring out adverse feelings in some audiences. Moreover, it also unveils that providing more information and posting humorously on Chinese diplomatic Tweets can enhance their reach and dissemination
Transfer-matrix renormalization group study of the spin ladders with cyclic four-spin interactions
The temperature dependence of the specific heat and spin susceptibility of
the spin ladders with cyclic four-spin interactions in the rung-singlet phase
is explored by making use of the transfer-matrix renormalization group method.
The values of spin gap are extracted from the specific heat and susceptibility,
respectively. It is found that for different relative strength between
interchain and intrachain interactions, the spin gap is approximately linear
with the cyclic four-spin interaction in the region far away from the critical
point. Furthermore, we show that the dispersion for the one-triplet magnon
branch can be obtained by numerically fitting on the partition function.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
Impedance Analysis of Bunch Length Measurements at the ATF Damping Ring
We present energy spread and bunch length measurements at the Accelerator
Test Facility (ATF) at KEK, as functions of current, for different ring rf
voltages, and with the beam both on and off the coupling resonance. We fit the
on-coupling bunch shapes to those of an impedance model consisting of a
resistor and an inductor connected in series. We find that the fits are
reasonably good, but that the resulting impedance is unexpectedly large.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, presented at 10th International Symposium on
Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM2001
Querying cohesive subgraphs by keywords
© 2018 IEEE. Keyword search problem has been widely studied to retrieve related substructures from graphs for a keyword set. However, existing well-studied approaches aim at finding compact trees/subgraphs containing the keywords, and ignore a critical measure, density, to reflect how strongly and stablely the keyword nodes are connected in the substructure. In this paper, we study the problem of finding a cohesive subgraph containing the query keywords based on the k-Truss model, and formulate it as minimal dense truss search problem, i.e., finding minimal subgraph with maximum trussness covering the keywords. We first propose an efficient algorithm to find the dense truss with the maximum trussness containing keywords based on a novel hybrid KT-Index (Keyword-Truss Index). Then, we develop a novel refinement approach to extract the minimal dense truss based on the anti-monotonicity property of k-Truss. Experimental studies on real datasets show the outperformance of our method
Learning the optimal synchronization rates in distributed SDN control architectures
Since the early development of Software-DefinedNetwork (SDN) technology, researchers have been concernedwith the idea of physical distribution of the control plane to ad-dress scalability and reliability challenges of centralized designs.However, having multiple controllers managing the networkwhile maintaining a “logically-centralized” network view bringsadditional challenges. One such challenge is how to coordinatethe management decisions made by the controllers which isusually achieved by disseminating synchronization messages ina peer-to-peer manner. While there exist many architecturesand protocols to ensure synchronized network views and drivecoordination among controllers, there is no systematic method-ology for deciding the optimal frequency (or rate) of messagedissemination. In this paper, we fill this gap by introducingthe SDN synchronization problem: how often to synchronize thenetwork views for each controller pair. We consider two differentobjectives; first, the maximization of the number of controllerpairs that are synchronized, and second, the maximization of theperformance of applications of interest which may be affectedby the synchronization rate. Using techniques from knapsackoptimization and learning theory, we derive algorithms withprovable performance guarantees for each objective. Evaluationresults demonstrate significant benefits over baseline schemes thatsynchronize all controller pairs at equal rate
Submillimeter continuum observations of Sagittarius B2 at subarcsecond spatial resolution
We report the first high spatial resolution submillimeter continuum
observations of the Sagittarius B2 cloud complex using the Submillimeter Array
(SMA). With the subarcsecond resolution provided by the SMA, the two massive
star-forming clumps Sgr B2(N) and Sgr B2(M) are resolved into multiple compact
sources. In total, twelve submillimeter cores are identified in the Sgr B2(M)
region, while only two components are observed in the Sgr B2(N) clump. The gas
mass and column density are estimated from the dust continuum emission. We find
that most of the cores have gas masses in excess of 100 M and column
densities above 10 cm. The very fragmented appearance of Sgr
B2(M), in contrast to the monolithic structure of Sgr B2 (N), suggests that the
former is more evolved. The density profile of the Sgr B2(N)-SMA1 core is well
fitted by a Plummer density distribution. This would lead one to believe that
in the evolutionary sequence of the Sgr B2 cloud complex, a massive star forms
first in an homogeneous core, and the rest of the cluster forms subsequently in
the then fragmenting structure.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A&A letter
Noncontact evaluation of articular cartilage degeneration using a novel ultrasound water jet indentation system
Author name used in this publication: Y. P. ZhengAuthor name used in this publication: A. MakAuthor name used in this publication: Q.-H. HuangAuthor name used in this publication: M.-H. Lu2008-2009 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe
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