172 research outputs found

    Structural comparison of metabolic networks in selected single cell organisms

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    BACKGROUND: There has been tremendous interest in the study of biological network structure. An array of measurements has been conceived to assess the topological properties of these networks. In this study, we compared the metabolic network structures of eleven single cell organisms representing the three domains of life using these measurements, hoping to find out whether the intrinsic network design principle(s), reflected by these measurements, are different among species in the three domains of life. RESULTS: Three groups of topological properties were used in this study: network indices, degree distribution measures and motif profile measure. All of which are higher-level topological properties except for the marginal degree distribution. Metabolic networks in Archaeal species are found to be different from those in S. cerevisiae and the six Bacterial species in almost all measured higher-level topological properties. Our findings also indicate that the metabolic network in Archaeal species is similar to the exponential random network. CONCLUSION: If these metabolic network properties of the organisms studied can be extended to other species in their respective domains (which is likely), then the design principle(s) of Archaea are fundamentally different from those of Bacteria and Eukaryote. Furthermore, the functional mechanisms of Archaeal metabolic networks revealed in this study differentiate significantly from those of Bacterial and Eukaryotic organisms, which warrant further investigation

    Different normalization strategies for microarray gene expression traits affect the heritability estimation

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    Abstract Several studies have been conducted to assess the influence of genetic variation on genome-wide gene expression profiles measured by the microarray technologies. Due to substantial noise in microarray-based experiments, it has long been recognized that proper normalization is a crucial step to ensure sensitive and reliable downstream analyses. This is especially true when large number of samples were collected and analyzed. In this study, we investigated the impact of different normalization strategies on genome wide linkage analyses, in particular, the estimation of heritability of gene expression traits. We used the Genetics Analysis Workshop 15 Problem 1 data. We found that there are significant differences in the estimated number of genes showing heritability when different normalization strategies were used. RMA (robust multiarray average) and dChip identify 45% and 13% more genes showing heritability than MAS 5.0, respectively. Our study also reveals that a large number of genes show strong "family effect" in their expression levels but no significant heritability. Analysis of their annotation indicates different types of genes were enriched in this group compared to genes showing strong heritability.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/117370/1/12919_2007_Article_2518.pd

    A genome-wide MeSH-based literature mining system predicts implicit gene-to-gene relationships and networks

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    Abstract Background The large amount of literature in the post-genomics era enables the study of gene interactions and networks using all available articles published for a specific organism. MeSH is a controlled vocabulary of medical and scientific terms that is used by biomedical scientists to manually index articles in the PubMed literature database. We hypothesized that genome-wide gene-MeSH term associations from the PubMed literature database could be used to predict implicit gene-to-gene relationships and networks. While the gene-MeSH associations have been used to detect gene-gene interactions in some studies, different methods have not been well compared, and such a strategy has not been evaluated for a genome-wide literature analysis. Genome-wide literature mining of gene-to-gene interactions allows ranking of the best gene interactions and investigation of comprehensive biological networks at a genome level. Results The genome-wide GenoMesh literature mining algorithm was developed by sequentially generating a gene-article matrix, a normalized gene-MeSH term matrix, and a gene-gene matrix. The gene-gene matrix relies on the calculation of pairwise gene dissimilarities based on gene-MeSH relationships. An optimized dissimilarity score was identified from six well-studied functions based on a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Based on the studies with well-studied Escherichia coli and less-studied Brucella spp., GenoMesh was found to accurately identify gene functions using weighted MeSH terms, predict gene-gene interactions not reported in the literature, and cluster all the genes studied from an organism using the MeSH-based gene-gene matrix. A web-based GenoMesh literature mining program is also available at: http://genomesh.hegroup.org. GenoMesh also predicts gene interactions and networks among genes associated with specific MeSH terms or user-selected gene lists. Conclusions The GenoMesh algorithm and web program provide the first genome-wide, MeSH-based literature mining system that effectively predicts implicit gene-gene interaction relationships and networks in a genome-wide scope.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112478/1/12918_2013_Article_1166.pd

    The Histone Acetyltransferase MOF Is a Key Regulator of the Embryonic Stem Cell Core Transcriptional Network

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    SummaryPluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) maintain self-renewal and the potential for rapid response to differentiation cues. Both ESC features are subject to epigenetic regulation. Here we show that the histone acetyltransferase Mof plays an essential role in the maintenance of ESC self-renewal and pluripotency. ESCs with Mof deletion lose characteristic morphology, alkaline phosphatase (AP) staining, and differentiation potential. They also have aberrant expression of the core transcription factors Nanog, Oct4, and Sox2. Importantly, the phenotypes of Mof null ESCs can be partially suppressed by Nanog overexpression, supporting the idea that Mof functions as an upstream regulator of Nanog in ESCs. Genome-wide ChIP-sequencing and transcriptome analyses further demonstrate that Mof is an integral component of the ESC core transcriptional network and that Mof primes genes for diverse developmental programs. Mof is also required for Wdr5 recruitment and H3K4 methylation at key regulatory loci, highlighting the complexity and interconnectivity of various chromatin regulators in ESCs

    Beyond Transmitting Bits: Context, Semantics, and Task-Oriented Communications

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    Communication systems to date primarily aim at reliably communicating bit sequences. Such an approach provides efficient engineering designs that are agnostic to the meanings of the messages or to the goal that the message exchange aims to achieve. Next generation systems, however, can be potentially enriched by folding message semantics and goals of communication into their design. Further, these systems can be made cognizant of the context in which communication exchange takes place, providing avenues for novel design insights. This tutorial summarizes the efforts to date, starting from its early adaptations, semantic-aware and task-oriented communications, covering the foundations, algorithms and potential implementations. The focus is on approaches that utilize information theory to provide the foundations, as well as the significant role of learning in semantics and task-aware communications.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure

    Integrative Bayesian tensor regression for imaging genetics applications

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    Identifying biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease with a goal of early detection is a fundamental problem in clinical research. Both medical imaging and genetics have contributed informative biomarkers in literature. To further improve the performance, recently, there is an increasing interest in developing analytic approaches that combine data across modalities such as imaging and genetics. However, there are limited methods in literature that are able to systematically combine high-dimensional voxel-level imaging and genetic data for accurate prediction of clinical outcomes of interest. Existing prediction models that integrate imaging and genetic features often use region level imaging summaries, and they typically do not consider the spatial configurations of the voxels in the image or incorporate the dependence between genes that may compromise prediction ability. We propose a novel integrative Bayesian scalar-on-image regression model for predicting cognitive outcomes based on high-dimensional spatially distributed voxel-level imaging data, along with correlated transcriptomic features. We account for the spatial dependencies in the imaging voxels via a tensor approach that also enables massive dimension reduction to address the curse of dimensionality, and models the dependencies between the transcriptomic features via a Graph-Laplacian prior. We implement this approach via an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) computation strategy. We apply the proposed method to the analysis of longitudinal ADNI data for predicting cognitive scores at different visits by integrating voxel-level cortical thickness measurements derived from T1w-MRI scans and transcriptomics data. We illustrate that the proposed imaging transcriptomics approach has significant improvements in prediction compared to prediction using a subset of features from only one modality (imaging or genetics), as well as when using imaging and transcriptomics features but ignoring the inherent dependencies between the features. Our analysis is one of the first to conclusively demonstrate the advantages of prediction based on combining voxel-level cortical thickness measurements along with transcriptomics features, while accounting for inherent structural information

    CERKL regulates autophagy via the NAD-dependent deacetylase SIRT1

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    <p>Macroautophagy/autophagy is an important intracellular mechanism for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Here we show that the <i>CERKL</i> (ceramide kinase like) gene, a retinal degeneration (RD) pathogenic gene, plays a critical role in regulating autophagy by stabilizing SIRT1. <i>In vitro</i> and <i>in vivo</i>, suppressing CERKL results in impaired autophagy. SIRT1 is one of the main regulators of acetylation/deacetylation in autophagy. In CERKL-depleted retinas and cells, SIRT1 is downregulated. ATG5 and ATG7, 2 essential components of autophagy, show a higher degree of acetylation in CERKL-depleted cells. Overexpression of SIRT1 rescues autophagy in CERKL-depleted cells, whereas CERKL loses its function of regulating autophagy in SIRT1-depleted cells, and overexpression of CERKL upregulates SIRT1. Finally, we show that CERKL directly interacts with SIRT1, and may regulate its phosphorylation at Ser27 to stabilize SIRT1. These results show that CERKL is an important regulator of autophagy and it plays this role by stabilizing the deacetylase SIRT1.</p
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