12 research outputs found

    EMuS Muon Facility and Its Application in the Study of Magnetism

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    A muon facility—EMuS (Experimental Muon Source)—at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) has been studied since 2007. CSNS, which is designed to deliver a proton beam power of 100 kW at Phase-I, and will serve multidisciplinary research based on neutron scattering techniques, has just completed construction, and is ready to open to general users from September 2018. As an additional platform to CSNS, EMuS aims to provide different muon beams for multiple applications, among which, magnetism study by μSR techniques is a core part. By using innovative designs, such as a long target in conical shape situating in superconducting capture solenoids and forward collection method, EMuS can provide very intense muon beams with a proton beam of 5 kW and 1.6 GeV, from surface muons, decay muons, and high momentum muons to slow muons. In this article, the design aspects of EMuS, including general design, target station, muon beamlines, and μSR spectrometer, as well as prospects for applications on magnetism studies, will be reviewed

    Measurement of relative differential cross sections of the neutron-deuteron elastic scattering for neutron energy from 13 to 52 MeV

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    The measurement of the relative differential cross sections of the neutron-deuteron (n−d)n-d) elastic scattering, i.e., the 2^{2}H(n, el)2^{2}H reaction, for 12 neutron energies from 13.56 MeV to 52.48 MeV has been carried out at the Back-n White Neutron Source of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). By detection of the recoil deuterons using the light charged particle detector array (LPDA) system, the relative differential cross sections of the neutrons in the center-of-mass frame were obtained and then compared with previous measurements, the theoretical calculations performed using the Nijmegen I nucleon-nucleon potential in the Faddeev formalism, and the evaluated from libraries including the ENDF-B/VIII.0, JEFF-3.3, JENDL-4.0, CENDL-3.2, and FENDL-3.2. The present work was the first measurement relative differential cross sections of the n-d scattering for the 30 MeV <En≀<E_{\mathrm{n}} \le 60 MeV neutron energy range using a white neutron source

    Simulations of the measurement results of differential cross sections of n-p and n-d elastic scattering at CSNS Back-n WNS

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    Differential cross-section data for the n-p and n-d elastic scattering (1H(n, el), 2H(n, el)) are collected and analyzed from EXFOR library. For En > 20 MeV, the experimental results for both reactions are scarce with large uncertainties and discrepancies in general. For En ≀ 20 MeV, the experimental results lack systematicness, most of which were measured around En = 14 MeV even though the differential cross sections of n-p scattering in 1 keV ≀ En ≀ 20 MeV region are recommended as standard. Taking these facts into account, more accurate and systematic measurements are planned. The experiments will be conducted using ΔE-E detectors of the Light-charged Particle Detector Array (LPDA) system at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Back-n White Neutron Source (WNS), and simulations are carried out. Using polyethylene and deuterated polyethylene as samples, both n-p and n-d scattering reactions are simulated along with the neutron-induced 12C background reactions, and the 2-D spectra and the counting rates of the ΔE-E detectors are obtained. According to the simulations, the applicable neutron energy range and positions of the detectors are recommended, and the beam time for the event and background measurements is suggested

    Measurement of Gamma-Ray from Inelastic Neutron Scattering on

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    In nuclear reactors, inelastic neutron scattering is a significant energy-loss mechanism which has deep impacts on designments of nuclear reactor and radiation shielding. Iron is an important material in reactor. However, for the existing nuclear data for iron, there exists an obvious divergence for the inelastic scattering cross sections and the related gamma production sections. Therefore the precise measurements are urgently needed for satisfying the demanding to design new nuclear reactors (fast reactors), Accelerator Driven Subcritical System (ADS), and other nuclear apparatus. In this paper, we report a new system with an array of HPGe detectors, electronics and acquisition system. Experiments had been carried out on three neutron facilities

    Measurement of the relative differential cross sections of the

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    The relative differential cross sections of the 1H(n, el)^{1}\hbox {H}(n, \,el) reaction have been measured at the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Back-n white neutron source. A low-density polyethylene sample and a graphite foil were prepared for the foreground and background measurements, respectively. The charged particles were detected using the △E−E{\vartriangle }E-E telescope array of the Light-charged Particle Detector Array (LPDA) system. With 10 △E−E{\vartriangle }E-E telescopes, the relative differential cross sections of the 1H(n, el)^{1}\hbox {H}(n, \,el) reaction were obtained from 70∘^{\circ } to 160∘^{\circ } in the center-of-mass system in the neutron energy (EnE_{\mathrm{n}}) range from 6.14 to 52.48 MeV (23 energy points). The present work was the first experiment using the △E−E{\vartriangle }E-E telescope array of the LPDA system at CSNS. The present results are in good agreement with previous measurements, evaluations and theoretical calculations. Furthermore, this work is the first measurement in the 6.52 MeV ≀En≀\le E_{\mathrm{n}} \le 9.09 MeV, 10.57 MeV ≀En≀\le E_{\mathrm{n}} \le 12.43 MeV, and 18.05 MeV ≀\le En≀E_{\mathrm{n}} \le 20.05 MeV regions

    Measurement of Gamma-Ray from Inelastic Neutron Scattering on 56Fe

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    In nuclear reactors, inelastic neutron scattering is a significant energy-loss mechanism which has deep impacts on designments of nuclear reactor and radiation shielding. Iron is an important material in reactor. However, for the existing nuclear data for iron, there exists an obvious divergence for the inelastic scattering cross sections and the related gamma production sections. Therefore the precise measurements are urgently needed for satisfying the demanding to design new nuclear reactors (fast reactors), Accelerator Driven Subcritical System (ADS), and other nuclear apparatus. In this paper, we report a new system with an array of HPGe detectors, electronics and acquisition system. Experiments had been carried out on three neutron facilities

    Simulations of the measurement results of differential cross sections of n-p and n-d elastic scattering at CSNS Back-n WNS

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    Differential cross-section data for the n-p and n-d elastic scattering (1H(n, el), 2H(n, el)) are collected and analyzed from EXFOR library. For En > 20 MeV, the experimental results for both reactions are scarce with large uncertainties and discrepancies in general. For En ≀ 20 MeV, the experimental results lack systematicness, most of which were measured around En = 14 MeV even though the differential cross sections of n-p scattering in 1 keV ≀ En ≀ 20 MeV region are recommended as standard. Taking these facts into account, more accurate and systematic measurements are planned. The experiments will be conducted using ΔE-E detectors of the Light-charged Particle Detector Array (LPDA) system at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Back-n White Neutron Source (WNS), and simulations are carried out. Using polyethylene and deuterated polyethylene as samples, both n-p and n-d scattering reactions are simulated along with the neutron-induced 12C background reactions, and the 2-D spectra and the counting rates of the ΔE-E detectors are obtained. According to the simulations, the applicable neutron energy range and positions of the detectors are recommended, and the beam time for the event and background measurements is suggested

    Measurements of neutron-induced light-charged particle emission reactions

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    In the past two decades cooperating with Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) measurements of (n, α) reaction cross sections for 6Li, 10B, 25Mg, 39K, 40Ca, 54,56,57 Fe, 58Ni, 63Cu, 64,67 Zn, 95Mo, 143Nd and 147,149 Sm nuclei were performed in the MeV neutron energy region based on the 4.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator at Peking University. In recent years, our measurements were extended in three aspects. Firstly, measurements were expanded from two-body reactions to three-body reactions such as 10B (n, t2 α). Secondly, the neutron energy region was extended from below 8 MeV to 8 - 11 MeV by using the HI-13 tandem accelerator of China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), with which cross sections of 54,56 Fe(n, α)53,51Cr reactions were measured. Thirdly, based on the newly-built China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Back-n WNS (White Neutron Source), differential and angle-integrated cross sections for 6Li(n, t) and 10B(n, α) reactions were measured in the neutron energy region from 1 eV to 3 MeV