476 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of video game therapy in helping adolescent clients to build connections with their families

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    This study explores the role of video game therapy in enhancing family connections among adolescents. Using a mixed-methods approach, we use surveys and interviews to assess changes in family relationships for adolescents undergoing video game therapy. Preliminary findings indicate that video game therapy could be a great tool for improving familial bonds. This research adds to the understanding of non-traditional therapeutic interventions and their potential impact on family dynamics and adolescent mental health

    Effects of day-night supplemental UV-A on growth, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant system of pea seedlings in glasshouse

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    A glasshouse experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of day-night supplemental UV-A on growth, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant system (contents of antioxidant substances and antioxidant enzyme activity) of pea seedlings substrate-cultivated in glasshouse. The results show that supplemental UV-A did not significantly affect shoot and root to shoot ratio of pea seedlings, but root and total biomass were modified.  Day supplemental UV-A slightly increased root and total biomass of pea seedlings, while night supplemental UV-A significantly decreased the root and total biomass. Supplemental UV-A did not affect the contents of  shoot chlorophyll a and carotenoid of pea seedlings. Nevertheless, day supplemental UV-A significantly  decreased chlorophyll b content in shoot of pea seedlings, while night supplemental UV-A slightly decreased  shoot chlorophyll b content. In addition, supplemental UV-A did not significantly affect the contents of shoot  vitamin C, phenolic compounds and flavonoid of pea seedlings. However, day supplemental 6 h and night  supplemental 3 h slightly decreased shoot anthocyanin content of pea seedlings, while night supplemental 6 h significantly reduced shoot anthocyanin content. Finally, supplemental UV-A did not significantly affect shoot peroxidase activity and catalase activity.Key words: UV-A, photosynthetic pigment, antioxidant enzymatic activity, antioxidant substance, pea seedlin


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate toes’ function while performing barefoot and shod running between habitually unshod and shod runners. Seven habitually male shod runners and six habitually male barefoot runners participated the running test. Kinematic and kinetic analysis were synchronously conducted. The habitually unshod runners showed significantly higher ankle eversion-to-inversion angle in the pushing-off phase than habitually shod runners. And forefoot loading reduced as the big toe of habitually unshod runners pushing ground under shod condition, with similar function of other toes among habitually shod runners. It is noted that the work of big toe and other toes lead to the decreased loading to the forefoot. This might be beneficial for the prevention of foot injuries, like plantar fasciitis and metatarsal fatigue fracture

    Predicting the Lifetime of Superlubricity

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    The concept of superlubricity has recently called upon notable interest after the demonstration of ultralow friction between atomistically smooth surfaces in layered materials. However, the energy dissipation process conditioning the sustainability of superlubric state has not yet been well understood. In this work, we address this issue by performing dynamic simulations based both on full-atom and reduced Frenkel-Kontorova models. We find that the center-of-mass momentum autocorrelation of a sliding object can be used as an indicator of the state of superlubricity. Beyond a critical value of it, the sliding motion experiences catastrophic breakdown with a dramatically high rate of energy dissipation, caused by the inter-vibrational-mode coupling. By tracking this warning signal, one can extract heat from modes other than the translation to avoid the catastrophe and extend the lifetime of superlubricity. This concept is demonstrated in double-walled carbon nanotubes based nanomechanical devices with indicator-based feedback design implemented

    Computational renormalization scheme for quantum field theories

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    We propose an alternative technique for numerically renormalizing quantum field theories based on their Hamiltonian formulation. This method is nonperturbative in nature and, therefore, exact to all orders. It does not require any correlation functions or Feynman diagrams. We illustrate this method for a model Yukawa-like theory describing the interaction of electrons and positrons with model photons in one spatial dimension. We show that, after mass renormalization of the fermionic and bosonic single-particle states, all other states in the Fock space have finite energies, which are independent of the momentum cutoff

    Classical-quantum correspondence in electron-positron pair creation

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    We examine the creation of electron-positron pairs in a very strong force field. Using numerical solutions to quantum field theory we calculate the spatial and momentum probability distributions for the created particles. A comparison with classical mechanical phase space calculations suggests that despite the fully relativistic and quantum mechanical nature of the matter creation process, most aspects can be reproduced accurately in terms of classical mechanics
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