8,282 research outputs found

    Observation of Landau quantization and standing waves in HfSiS

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    Recently, HfSiS was found to be a new type of Dirac semimetal with a line of Dirac nodes in the band structure. Meanwhile, Rashba-split surface states are also pronounced in this compound. Here we report a systematic study of HfSiS by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy at low temperature and high magnetic field. The Rashba-split surface states are characterized by measuring Landau quantization and standing waves, which reveal a quasi-linear dispersive band structure. First-principles calculations based on density-functional theory are conducted and compared with the experimental results. Based on these investigations, the properties of the Rashba-split surface states and their interplay with defects and collective modes are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Dirac Line-nodes and Effect of Spin-orbit Coupling in Non-symmorphic Critical Semimetal MSiS (M=Hf, Zr)

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    Topological Dirac semimetals (TDSs) represent a new state of quantum matter recently discovered that offers a platform for realizing many exotic physical phenomena. A TDS is characterized by the linear touching of bulk (conduction and valance) bands at discrete points in the momentum space (i.e. 3D Dirac points), such as in Na3Bi and Cd3As2. More recently, new types of Dirac semimetals with robust Dirac line-nodes (with non-trivial topology or near the critical point between topological phase transitions) have been proposed that extends the bulk linear touching from discrete points to 1D lines. In this work, using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), we explored the electronic structure of the non-symmorphic crystals MSiS (M=Hf, Zr). Remarkably, by mapping out the band structure in the full 3D Brillouin Zone (BZ), we observed two sets of Dirac line-nodes in parallel with the kz-axis and their dispersions. Interestingly, along directions other than the line-nodes in the 3D BZ, the bulk degeneracy is lifted by spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in both compounds with larger magnitude in HfSiS. Our work not only experimentally confirms a new Dirac line-node semimetal family protected by non-symmorphic symmetry, but also helps understanding and further exploring the exotic properties as well as practical applications of the MSiS family of compounds.Comment: 5 figure

    Postprocessing for quantum random number generators: entropy evaluation and randomness extraction

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    Quantum random-number generators (QRNGs) can offer a means to generate information-theoretically provable random numbers, in principle. In practice, unfortunately, the quantum randomness is inevitably mixed with classical randomness due to classical noises. To distill this quantum randomness, one needs to quantify the randomness of the source and apply a randomness extractor. Here, we propose a generic framework for evaluating quantum randomness of real-life QRNGs by min-entropy, and apply it to two different existing quantum random-number systems in the literature. Moreover, we provide a guideline of QRNG data postprocessing for which we implement two information-theoretically provable randomness extractors: Toeplitz-hashing extractor and Trevisan's extractor.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Mott physics, sign structure, ground state wavefunction, and high-Tc superconductivity

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    In this article I give a pedagogical illustration of why the essential problem of high-Tc superconductivity in the cuprates is about how an antiferromagnetically ordered state can be turned into a short-range state by doping. I will start with half-filling where the antiferromagnetic ground state is accurately described by the Liang-Doucot-Anderson (LDA) wavefunction. Here the effect of the Fermi statistics becomes completely irrelevant due to the no double occupancy constraint. Upon doping, the statistical signs reemerge, albeit much reduced as compared to the original Fermi statistical signs. By precisely incorporating this altered statistical sign structure at finite doping, the LDA ground state can be recast into a short-range antiferromagnetic state. Superconducting phase coherence arises after the spin correlations become short-ranged, and the superconducting phase transition is controlled by spin excitations. I will stress that the pseudogap phenomenon naturally emerges as a crossover between the antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases. As a characteristic of non Fermi liquid, the mutual statistical interaction between the spin and charge degrees of freedom will reach a maximum in a high-temperature "strange metal phase" of the doped Mott insulator.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Merger Dynamics of the Pair of Galaxy Clusters -- A399 and A401

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    Convincing evidence of a past interaction between two rich clusters A399 and A401 was recently found by the X-ray imaging observations. In this paper we examine the structure and dynamics of this pair of galaxy clusters. A mixture-modeling algorithm has been applied to obtain a robust partition into two clusters, which allows us to discuss the virial mass and velocity distribution for each cluster. Assuming that these two clusters follow a linear orbit and they have once experienced a close encounter, we model the binary cluster as a two-body system. As a result, four gravitationally bound solutions are obtained. The recent X-ray observations seem to favor a scenario in which the two clusters with a true separation of 5.4h15.4h^{-1} Mpc are currently expanding at 583 km/s along the direction with a projection angle of 67.5 degree, and they will reach a maximum extent of 5.65h15.65h^{-1} Mpc in about 1.0h11.0h^{-1} Gyr.Comment: 11 pages, including 6 EPS figures and 4 tables, uses chjaa.cls, Accepted by the ChJA

    Nuclei Detection Using Mixture Density Networks

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    Nuclei detection is an important task in the histology domain as it is a main step toward further analysis such as cell counting, cell segmentation, study of cell connections, etc. This is a challenging task due to the complex texture of histology image, variation in shape, and touching cells. To tackle these hurdles, many approaches have been proposed in the literature where deep learning methods stand on top in terms of performance. Hence, in this paper, we propose a novel framework for nuclei detection based on Mixture Density Networks (MDNs). These networks are suitable to map a single input to several possible outputs and we utilize this property to detect multiple seeds in a single image patch. A new modified form of a cost function is proposed for training and handling patches with missing nuclei. The probability maps of the nuclei in the individual patches are next combined to generate the final image-wide result. The experimental results show the state-of-the-art performance on complex colorectal adenocarcinoma dataset.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Mapping the unconventional orbital texture in topological crystalline insulators

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    The newly discovered topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) harbor a complex band structure involving multiple Dirac cones. These materials are potentially highly tunable by external electric field, temperature or strain and could find future applications in field-effect transistors, photodetectors, and nano-mechanical systems. Theoretically, it has been predicted that different Dirac cones, offset in energy and momentum-space, might harbor vastly different orbital character, a unique property which if experimentally realized, would present an ideal platform for accomplishing new spintronic devices. However, the orbital texture of the Dirac cones, which is of immense importance in determining a variety of materials properties, still remains elusive in TCIs. Here, we unveil the orbital texture in a prototypical TCI Pb1x_{1-x}Snx_xSe. By using Fourier-transform (FT) scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) we measure the interference patterns produced by the scattering of surface state electrons. We discover that the intensity and energy dependences of FTs show distinct characteristics, which can directly be attributed to orbital effects. Our experiments reveal the complex band topology involving two Lifshitz transitions and establish the orbital nature of the Dirac bands in this new class of topological materials, which could provide a different pathway towards future quantum applications

    New Family of Robust 2D Topological Insulators in van der Waals Heterostructures

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    We predict a new family of robust two-dimensional (2D) topological insulators in van der Waals heterostructures comprising graphene and chalcogenides BiTeX (X=Cl, Br and I). The layered structures of both constituent materials produce a naturally smooth interface that is conducive to proximity induced new topological states. First principles calculations reveal intrinsic topologically nontrivial bulk energy gaps as large as 70-80 meV, which can be further enhanced up to 120 meV by compression. The strong spin-orbit coupling in BiTeX has a significant influence on the graphene Dirac states, resulting in the topologically nontrivial band structure, which is confirmed by calculated nontrivial Z2 index and an explicit demonstration of metallic edge states. Such heterostructures offer an unique Dirac transport system that combines the 2D Dirac states from graphene and 1D Dirac edge states from the topological insulator, and it offers new ideas for innovative device designs

    Experimental observation of topological Fermi arcs in type-II Weyl semimetal MoTe2

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    Weyl semimetal is a new quantum state of matter [1-12] hosting the condensed matter physics counterpart of relativisticWeyl fermion [13] originally introduced in high energy physics. The Weyl semimetal realized in the TaAs class features multiple Fermi arcs arising from topological surface states [10, 11, 14-16] and exhibits novel quantum phenomena, e.g., chiral anomaly induced negative mag-netoresistance [17-19] and possibly emergent supersymmetry [20]. Recently it was proposed theoretically that a new type (type-II) of Weyl fermion [21], which does not have counterpart in high energy physics due to the breaking of Lorentz invariance, can emerge as topologically-protected touching between electron and hole pockets. Here, we report direct spectroscopic evidence of topological Fermi arcs in the predicted type-II Weyl semimetal MoTe2 [22-24]. The topological surface states are confirmed by directly observing the surface states using bulk-and surface-sensitive angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), and the quasi-particle interference (QPI) pattern between the two putative Fermi arcs in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Our work establishes MoTe2 as the first experimental realization of type-II Weyl semimetal, and opens up new opportunities for probing novel phenomena such as exotic magneto-transport [21] in type-II Weyl semimetals.Comment: submitted on 01/29/2016. Nature Physics, in press. Spectroscopic evidence of the Fermi arcs from two complementary surface sensitive probes - ARPES and STS. A comparison of the calculated band structure for T_d and 1T' phase to identify the topological Fermi arcs in the T_d phase is also included in the supplementary informatio