107 research outputs found

    Vascular Surprises in Calot’s Triangle during Laproscopic Choleystectomy

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    Background: To identify the vascular anomalies,variations of Calot’s triangle during laparoscopic cholecystectomy  Methods:  In this prospective observational study one thousand patients with a diagnosis of cholithiasis were included. Exclusion criteria were patients younger than 12 years and older than 80 year.  Calot’s triangle dissection was done meticulously.Cystic artery and hepatic artery anomalies and variations were observed and analyzed on SPSS 21.   Results: The age varied from 12 to 80 years. On the basis of distributional variation the cystic artery was single in 90% cases, branched in 7% cases and absent in 3% cases. On positional variations the cystic artery was superomedial to the cystic duct in 85% cases, anterior in 7% cases, and posterior in 3% cases and low lying in 5% of the cases. On the basis of length variation results showed that 80% cases had a normal cystic artery .A short cystic artery was found in 5% cases and a long cystic artery was present in 5%. Other arterial variations are of hepatic artery i.eMoynihan’s Hump (3%) and right hepatic artery present in Calots triangle in 5% Conclusions:  For the safety of laparoscopic cholecystectomy one should be well aware of the anatomical variations of the cystic and hepatic arter

    Institutional Quality, Trade Openness and Economic Growth in South Asian Economies: Some New Insights from a Panel Data Analysis

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    The main aim of the present study is to empirically investigate into the question whether the Institutional Quality (IQ) and Trade Openness (TO) are competitors or complements in Economic Growth (EG) in case of sample South Asia Economies; “India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka”. The panel data for the period of 1984-2018 has been utilized. The Fixed Effects Model (FEM) estimation technique has been applied for empirical investigation. The empirical results of FEM confirm the positive and statically significant impact of IQ and Interaction Term on Economic Growth in sample countries. The positive significant results strongly supported the hypothesis of this study, the IQ and TO are complements in EG in the case of sample SAE. The IQ measure has also established positive and significant effects on EG while the TO has a negative impact. Based on empirical findings, this study recommends that the policymakers of sample countries should make policies that strengthen the IQ, in order to improve trade and, consequently, the EG.&nbsp

    The genetics associated with Primary Congenital Glaucoma

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    Glaucoma is a progressive optic neuropathy; increased intraocular pressure (IOP) is a modifiable risk factor for primary congenital glaucoma (PCG). Increase IOP causes retinal and optic nerve compression and leads to gradual and irreversible loss of eyesight if left untreated. It is the second most leading cause of blindness. PCG mainly affects children up to the age of three years, and symptoms include epiphora, photalgia, swollen eyes, opaque corneas, blepharospasm, rupture in the retina and ocular nerve damage due to IOP. Early detection, management, and treatment are the keys to preventing vision loss from glaucoma. Many mutations have been discovered in Cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1) gene to be responsible for causing PCG, and there are still a lot of mutations to be discovered. In this review, we will discuss the genetic aspects of PCG and the most frequent mutations responsible for PCG in Pakistani children. PCG can be handled by decreasing IOP either by medication or by surgery. Genetic counselling plays a significant role in the establishment of proper management of PCG.Keywords: Primary Congenital Glaucoma; IOP; Cyp1b1; Mutation

    Genome-Wide Diversity of MADS-Box Genes in Bread Wheat is Associated with its Rapid Global Adaptability

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    MADS-box gene family members play multifarious roles in regulating the growth and development of crop plants and hold enormous promise for bolstering grain yield potential under changing global environments. Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a key stable food crop around the globe. Until now, the available information concerning MADS-box genes in the wheat genome has been insufficient. Here, a comprehensive genome-wide analysis identified 300 high confidence MADS-box genes from the publicly available reference genome of wheat. Comparative phylogenetic analyses with Arabidopsis and rice MADS-box genes classified the wheat genes into 16 distinct subfamilies. Gene duplications were mainly identified in subfamilies containing unbalanced homeologs, pointing towards a potential mechanism for gene family expansion. Moreover, a more rapid evolution was inferred for M-type genes, as compared with MIKC-type genes, indicating their significance in understanding the evolutionary history of the wheat genome. We speculate that subfamily-specific distal telomeric duplications in unbalanced homeologs facilitate the rapid adaptation of wheat to changing environments. Furthermore, our in-silico expression data strongly proposed MADS-box genes as active guardians of plants against pathogen insurgency and harsh environmental conditions. In conclusion, we provide an entire complement of MADS-box genes identified in the wheat genome that could accelerate functional genomics efforts and possibly facilitate bridging gaps between genotype-to-phenotype relationships through fine-tuning of agronomically important traits

    Screening of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cultivars for drought stress based on vegetative and physiological characteristics

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    Drought tolerance is an important genotypic character to be exploited for the plant cultivar selection under water deficit conditions. In the recent study, we examined the response of two marigold cultivars (Inca and Bonanza) under different regimes of drought stress. The aim was to determine the best performing cultivar under water/drought stress. Three irrigation treatments include; 4 days (T1), 6 days (T2) and 8 days (T3) in comparison to control 1 day (T0) interval were imposed. Response characters under study were morphological, physiological and anatomical. Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with four replications in two factorial arrangements was followed for experiment layout. The results revealed that increasing water stress adversely affect plant height, in both cultivars. Both cultivars showed a decreasing trend to the number of flowers under water stress. Total chlorophyll contents including a, b were also showed reduction under prolonged drought treatment in both cultivars from (2.7 mg g-1 FW) to (1 mg g-1 FW). Overall, the performance of cultivar (cv.) Inca was satisfactory under water stress regimes. These results are helpful for selecting drought tolerant marigold cultivars in water scarce areas.  Â

    Is Trade Openness the Reason of High Energy Demand in China?

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    The present study aims to examine the short-run and long-run impact of China's trade liberalization policies on its energy demand over the period from 1980 to 2018. The results of Autoregressive Distributed Lag approach of co-integration show that energy consumption significantly increases as a result of trade openness and increase in real Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The results of the granger causality test also confirm the unidirectional causality running from trade openness and real GDP to energy demand. The results of the study have an important implication because if China wants to continue its trade liberalization policies then it must increase its energy production. Keywords: Energy Consumption, Gross Domestic Product, Trade Openness, China, Time Series JEL Classifications: C22, F15, L98, Q43 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.1116

    Pathway-Wide Association Study Implicates Multiple Sterol Transport and Metabolism Genes in HDL Cholesterol Regulation

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    Pathway-based association methods have been proposed to be an effective approach in identifying disease genes, when single-marker association tests do not have sufficient power. The analysis of quantitative traits may be benefited from these approaches, by sampling from two extreme tails of the distribution. Here we tested a pathway association approach on a small genome-wide association study (GWAS) on 653 subjects with extremely high high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels and 784 subjects with low HDL-C levels. We identified 102 genes in the sterol transport and metabolism pathways that collectively associate with HDL-C levels, and replicated these association signals in an independent GWAS. Interestingly, the pathways include 18 genes implicated in previous GWAS on lipid traits, suggesting that genuine HDL-C genes are highly enriched in these pathways. Additionally, multiple biologically relevant loci in the pathways were not detected by previous GWAS, including genes implicated in previous candidate gene association studies (such as LEPR, APOA2, HDLBP, SOAT2), genes that cause Mendelian forms of lipid disorders (such as DHCR24), and genes expressing dyslipidemia phenotypes in knockout mice (such as SOAT1, PON1). Our study suggests that sampling from two extreme tails of a quantitative trait and examining genetic pathways may yield biological insights from smaller samples than are generally required using single-marker analysis in large-scale GWAS. Our results also implicate that functionally related genes work together to regulate complex quantitative traits, and that future large-scale studies may benefit from pathway-association approaches to identify novel pathways regulating HDL-C levels