37,492 research outputs found

    Reversibility Checking for Markov Chains

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    In this paper, we present reversibility preserving operations on Markov chain transition matrices. Simple row and column operations allow us to create new reversible transition matrices and yield an easy method for checking a Markov chain for reversibility

    Intense terahertz laser fields on a quantum dot with Rashba spin-orbit coupling

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    We investigate the effects of the intense terahertz laser field and the spin-orbit coupling on single electron spin in a quantum dot. The laser field and the spin-orbit coupling can strongly affect the electron density of states and can excite a magnetic moment. The direction of the magnetic moment depends on the symmetries of the system, and its amplitude can be tuned by the strength and frequency of the laser field as well as the spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in J. Appl. Phy

    Generalized Haldane Equation and Fluctuation Theorem in the Steady State Cycle Kinetics of Single Enzymes

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    Enyzme kinetics are cyclic. We study a Markov renewal process model of single-enzyme turnover in nonequilibrium steady-state (NESS) with sustained concentrations for substrates and products. We show that the forward and backward cycle times have idential non-exponential distributions: \QQ_+(t)=\QQ_-(t). This equation generalizes the Haldane relation in reversible enzyme kinetics. In terms of the probabilities for the forward (p+p_+) and backward (pp_-) cycles, kBTln(p+/p)k_BT\ln(p_+/p_-) is shown to be the chemical driving force of the NESS, Δμ\Delta\mu. More interestingly, the moment generating function of the stochastic number of substrate cycle ν(t)\nu(t), follows the fluctuation theorem in the form of Kurchan-Lebowitz-Spohn-type symmetry. When $\lambda$ = $\Delta\mu/k_BT$, we obtain the Jarzynski-Hatano-Sasa-type equality: \equiv 1 for all tt, where νΔμ\nu\Delta\mu is the fluctuating chemical work done for sustaining the NESS. This theory suggests possible methods to experimentally determine the nonequilibrium driving force {\it in situ} from turnover data via single-molecule enzymology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quantifying N response and N use efficiency in Rice-Wheat (RW) cropping systems under different water management

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    About 0·10 of the food supply in China is produced in rice¿wheat (RW) cropping systems. In recent decades, nitrogen (N) input associated with intensification has increased much more rapidly than N use in these systems. The resulting nitrogen surplus increases the risk of environmental pollution as well as production costs. Limited information on N dynamics in RW systems in relation to water management hampers development of management practices leading to more efficient use of nitrogen and water. The present work studied the effects of N and water management on yields of rice and wheat, and nitrogen use efficiencies (NUEs) in RW systems. A RW field experiment with nitrogen rates from 0 to 300 kg N/ha with continuously flooded and intermittently irrigated rice crops was carried out at the Jiangpu experimental station of Nanjing Agricultural University of China from 2002 to 2004 to identify improved nitrogen management practices in terms of land productivity and NUE. Nitrogen uptake by rice and wheat increased with increasing N rates, while agronomic NUE (kg grain/kg N applied) declined at rates exceeding 150 kg N/ha. The highest combined grain yields of rice and wheat were obtained at 150 and 300 kg N/ha per season in rice and wheat, respectively. Carry-over of residual N from rice to the subsequent wheat crop was limited, consistent with low soil nitrate after rice harvest. Total soil N hardly changed during the experiment, while soil nitrate was much lower after wheat than after rice harvest. Water management did not affect yield and N uptake by rice, but apparent N recovery was higher under intermittent irrigation (II). In one season, II management in rice resulted in higher yield and N uptake in the subsequent wheat season. Uptake of indigenous soil N was much higher in rice than in wheat, while in rice it was much higher than values reported in the literature, which may have consequences for nitrogen fertilizer recommendations based on indigenous N suppl

    A Bayesian predictive classification approach to robust speech recognition

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    We introduce a new Bayesian predictive classification (BPC) approach to robust speech recognition and apply the BPC framework to Gaussian mixture continuous density hidden Markov model based speech recognition. We propose and focus on one of the approximate BPC approaches called quasi-Bayesian predictive classification (QBPC). In comparison with the standard plug-in maximum a posteriori decoding, when the QBPC method is applied to speaker independent recognition of a confusable vocabulary namely 26 English letters, where a broad range of mismatches between training and testing conditions exist, the QBPC achieves around 14% relative recognition error rate reduction. While the QBPC method is applied to cross-gender testing on a less confusable vocabulary, namely 20 English digits and commands, the QBPC method achieves around 24% relative recognition error rate reduction.published_or_final_versio

    A minimax search algorithm for robust continuous speech recognition

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    In this paper, we propose a novel implementation of a minimax decision rule for continuous density hidden Markov-model-based robust speech recognition. By combining the idea of the minimax decision rule with a normal Viterbi search, we derive a recursive minimax search algorithm, where the minimax decision rule is repetitively applied to determine the partial paths during the search procedure. Because of the intrinsic nature of a recursive search, the proposed method can be easily extended to perform continuous speech recognition. Experimental results on Japanese isolated digits and TIDIGITS, where the mismatch between training and testing conditions is caused by additive white Gaussian noise, show the viability and efficiency of the proposed minimax search algorithm.published_or_final_versio

    Hawking radiation from the Schwarzschild black hole with a global monopole via gravitational anomaly

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    Hawking flux from the Schwarzschild black hole with a global monopole is obtained by using Robinson and Wilczek's method. Adopting a dimension reduction technique, the effective quantum field in the (3+1)--dimensional global monopole background can be described by an infinite collection of the (1+1)--dimensional massless fields if neglecting the ingoing modes near the horizon, where the gravitational anomaly can be cancelled by the (1+1)--dimensional black body radiation at the Hawking temperature.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, 3nd revsion with one reference adde