4,530 research outputs found

    Potential for Cell-Transplant Therapy with Human Neuronal Precursors to Treat Neuropathic Pain in Models of PNS and CNS Injury: Comparison of hNT2.17 and hNT2.19 Cell Lines

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    Effective treatment of sensory neuropathies in peripheral neuropathies and spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the most difficult problems in modern clinical practice. Cell therapy to release antinociceptive agents near the injured spinal cord is a logical next step in the development of treatment modalities. But few clinical trials, especially for chronic pain, have tested the potential of transplant of cells to treat chronic pain. Cell lines derived from the human neuronal NT2 cell line parentage, the hNT2.17 and hNT2.19 lines, which synthesize and release the neurotransmitters gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin (5HT), respectively, have been used to evaluate the potential of cell-based release of antinociceptive agents near the lumbar dorsal (horn) spinal sensory cell centers to relieve neuropathic pain after PNS (partial nerve and diabetes-related injury) and CNS (spinal cord injury) damage in rat models. Both cell lines transplants potently and permanently reverse behavioral hypersensitivity without inducing tumors or other complications after grafting. Functioning as cellular minipumps for antinociception, human neuronal precursors, like these NT2-derived cell lines, would likely provide a useful adjuvant or replacement for current pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain

    Review of the History and Current Status of Cell-Transplant Approaches for the Management of Neuropathic Pain

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    Treatment of sensory neuropathies, whether inherited or caused by trauma, the progress of diabetes, or other disease states, are among the most difficult problems in modern clinical practice. Cell therapy to release antinociceptive agents near the injured spinal cord would be the logical next step in the development of treatment modalities. But few clinical trials, especially for chronic pain, have tested the transplant of cells or a cell line to treat human disease. The history of the research and development of useful cell-transplant-based approaches offers an understanding of the advantages and problems associated with these technologies, but as an adjuvant or replacement for current pharmacological treatments, cell therapy is a likely near future clinical tool for improved health care

    Feedback system for divertor impurity seeding based on real-time measurements of surface heat flux in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak

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    Mitigation of the intense heat flux to the divertor is one of the outstanding problems in fusion energy. One technique that has shown promise is impurity seeding, i.e., the injection of low-Z gaseous impurities (typically N2 or Ne) to radiate and dissipate the power before it arrives to the divertor target plate. To this end, the Alcator C-Mod team has created a first-of-its-kind feedback system to control the injection of seed gas based on real-time surface heat flux measurements. Surface thermocouples provide real-time measurements of the surface temperature response to the plasma heat flux. The surface temperature measurements are inputted into an analog computer that "solves" the 1-D heat transport equation to deliver accurate, real-time signals of the surface heat flux. The surface heat flux signals are sent to the C-Mod digital plasma control system, which uses a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) algorithm to control the duty cycle demand to a pulse width modulated piezo valve, which in turn controls the injection of gas into the private flux region of the C-Mod divertor. This paper presents the design and implementation of this new feedback system as well as initial results using it to control divertor heat flux

    Genome editing of HBG1 and HBG2 to induce fetal hemoglobin

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    Induction of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) via clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/Cas9-mediated disruption of DNA regulatory elements that repress gamma-globin gene (HBG1 and HBG2) expression is a promising therapeutic strategy for sickle cell disease (SCD) and beta-thalassemia, although the optimal technical approaches and limiting toxicities are not yet fully defined. We disrupted an HBG1/HBG2 gene promoter motif that is bound by the transcriptional repressor BCL11A. Electroporation of Cas9 single guide RNA ribonucleoprotein complex into normal and SCD donor CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells resulted in high frequencies of on-target mutations and the induction of HbF to potentially therapeutic levels in erythroid progeny generated in vitro and in vivo after transplantation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells into nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency/Il2rgamma-/-/KitW41/W41 immunodeficient mice. On-target editing did not impair CD34+ cell regeneration or differentiation into erythroid, T, B, or myeloid cell lineages at 16 to 17 weeks after xenotransplantation. No off-target mutations were detected by targeted sequencing of candidate sites identified by circularization for in vitro reporting of cleavage effects by sequencing (CIRCLE-seq), an in vitro genome-scale method for detecting Cas9 activity. Engineered Cas9 containing 3 nuclear localization sequences edited human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells more efficiently and consistently than conventional Cas9 with 2 nuclear localization sequences. Our studies provide novel and essential preclinical evidence supporting the safety, feasibility, and efficacy of a mechanism-based approach to induce HbF for treating hemoglobinopathies

    Guided genome halving: hardness, heuristics and the history of the Hemiascomycetes

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    Motivation: Some present day species have incurred a whole genome doubling event in their evolutionary history, and this is reflected today in patterns of duplicated segments scattered throughout their chromosomes. These duplications may be used as data to ‘halve’ the genome, i.e. to reconstruct the ancestral genome at the moment of doubling, but the solution is often highly nonunique. To resolve this problem, we take account of outgroups, external reference genomes, to guide and narrow down the search

    In-Depth Characterization of Endo-Lysosomal Aβ in Intact Neurons

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    Amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptides are produced within neurons. Some peptides are released into the brain parenchyma, while others are retained inside the neurons. However, the detection of intracellular Aβ remains a challenge since antibodies against Aβ capture Aβ and its precursor proteins (i.e., APP and C99). To overcome this drawback, we recently developed 1) the C99 720-670 biosensor for recording γ-secretase activity and 2) a unique multiplexed immunostaining platform that enables the selective detection of intracellular Aβ with subcellular resolution. Using these new assays, we showed that C99 is predominantly processed by γ-secretase in late endosomes and lysosomes, and intracellular Aβ is enriched in the same subcellular loci in intact neurons. However, the detailed properties of Aβ in the acidic compartments remain unclear. Here, we report using fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) that intracellular Aβ includes both long Aβ intermediates bound to γ-secretase and short peptides dissociated from the protease complex. Surprisingly, our results also suggest that the dissociated Aβ is bound to the glycoproteins on the inner membrane of lysosomes. Furthermore, we show striking cell-to-cell heterogeneity in intracellular Aβ levels in primary neurons and APP transgenic mouse brains. These findings provide a basis for the further investigation of the role(s) of intracellular Aβ and its relevance to Alzheimer’s disease (AD)

    Cataclysmic Variables from SDSS II. The Second Year

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    The first full year of operation following the commissioning year of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has revealed a wide variety of newly discovered cataclysmic variables. We show the SDSS spectra of forty-two cataclysmic variables observed in 2002, of which thirty-five are new classifications, four are known dwarf novae (CT Hya, RZ Leo, T Leo and BZ UMa), one is a known CV identified from a previous quasar survey (Aqr1) and two are known ROSAT or FIRST discovered CVs (RX J09445+0357, FIRST J102347.6+003841). The SDSS positions, colors and spectra of all forty-two systems are presented. In addition, the results of follow-up studies of several of these objects identify the orbital periods, velocity curves and polarization that provide the system geometry and accretion properties. While most of the SDSS discovered systems are faint (>18th mag) with low accretion rates (as implied from their spectral characteristics), there are also a few bright objects which may have escaped previous surveys due to changes in the mass transfer rate.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, Vol. 126, Sep. 2003, 44 pages, 25 figures (now with adjacent captions), AASTeX v5.

    Loop Distribution and Fusion with Timing and Code Size Optimization for Embedded DSPs

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    International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2005), Nagasaki, Japan,6-9 Dec 2005Loop distribution and loop fusion are two e.ective loop transformation techniques to optimize the execution of the programs in DSP applications. In this paper, we propose a new technique combining loop distribution with direct loop fusion, which will improve the timing performance without jeopardizing the code size. We .rst develop the loop distribution theorems that state the legality conditions of loop distribution for multi-level nested loops. We show that if the summation of the edge weights of the dependence cycle satis.es a certain condition, then the statements involved in the dependence cycle can be distributed; otherwise, they should be put in the same loop after loop distribution. Then, we propose the technique of maximum loop distribution with direct loop fusion. The experimental results show that the execution time of the transformed loops by our technique is reduced 21.0compared to the original loops and the code size of the transformed loops is reduced 7.0% on average compared to the original loops.Department of Computin