23 research outputs found

    Selected Aspects of Model Approach to Logistics System of Poland

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    The paper presents selected aspects of an innovatory approach to formalization of a notation of Polish Logistics System regarding transport co-modality issue. The importance of external transport in logistics process implemented by Polish Logistics System was discussed. The preliminary identification of Polish Logistics System model elements and links between them were made. As a result the formalization of notation of Polish Logistics System structure was proposed

    Transport Co-Modality and Intermodal Transshipment Terminals

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    Co-modality means the efficient use of transport modes operating on their own or in multimodal integration in the European transport system to reach an optimal and sustainable exploitation of resources. Due to the growing demand for freight transport high efficiency and co-modality of different branches of transport in the European transport system are imperative. The basic criterion for assessing the effectiveness of all the available and proposed solutions must be economical bill, complex conducted both in terms of micro (at the level of each customer) and macro (at the level of the whole transport sector), endearing issues of economic, ecology, social, etc. An important aspect are the additional costs such as those related to the creation of new element of infrastructure, especially point elements of infrastructure

    The application of the genetic algorithm to multi-criteria warehouses location problems on the logistics network

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    This paper presents multi-criteria warehouses location problem in the logistics network. In order to solve this problem the location model was developed. The limitations and optimization criteria of the model were determined. Optimization criteria refer to transportation costs, costs associated with warehouses, e.g.: local taxes, expenditure on starting the warehouse, the constant costs, the labour force costs, the purchase costs of the additional land for the expansion, the transition costs of the raw material via the warehouses. The final location of warehouse facilities was obtained using a genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm was developed in order to solve the multi-criteria warehouses location problem. This paper describes the stages of the genetic algorithm i.e. the stage of designating the initial population, the crossover and mutation process, the adaptation function. In this paper, the process of calibration of this algorithm was presented. The results of the genetic algorithm were compared with the random results

    Multicriteria Evaluation of Designing Transportation System within Distribution Sub-Systems

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    The paper presents the problem of designing transportation system for goods distribution with usage of multicriteria decision supporting method. The general characteristic of transportation system as an element of distribution system was presented. Moreover, the distribution system was identified as a one of the most important elements of supply chain which aims in making products available in place and time matching client needs. In further part the problem was mathematically formalized to optimization task. Analyzing the problems of modeling conveying system forces claim that decisions taken within area of transport organization consist in solving complex decision problems. Complexity follows from the demand of best decision according to many aspects. Solution must ensure othe best realization of all partial criteria (aims) taken into account during decision making process. The article contains characteristics of methods of multicriteria evaluation with regard to short literature review. The emphasis was placed on ELEKTRA and MAJA methods which can be applied in the evaluation of complex decision problems in transportation systems. The last part of the article is verifies of presented issues by tneans of numerical experiment

    Designing of transshipment terminals in the aspect of selected intermodal transport systems

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    The article deals with the problem of intermodal terminal designing for selected intermodal transport systems, determined by the type of intermodal transport unit. The purpose of the article is to present a comprehensive methodology for designing intermodal terminals, enabling the assessment of developed design solutions. Specificity of intermodal terminals due to the tasks carried out and their role in the integration of various modes of transport in freight transport was presented. In the following, the general principles and methodology of intermodal terminal design were characterized. Based on that, the conceptual project of the terminal was presented as a case study

    Designing of Functional Areas of Intermodal Terminals

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    This article is about the design of intermodal terminals. The classification of intermodal terminals and their role in the transport chain have been presented. Particular attention has been paid to the design of functional zones of the intermodal terminal serving both containers as well as swap bodies and semi-trailers. Technical and technological requirements for these zones have been determined. Theoretical example of calculation of selected functional zones of intermodal terminal is presented

    A Refined Model for Carbon Footprint Estimation in Electric Railway Transport

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    There is a plethora of methods in the global literature that can be used to measure CO2 emissions from electrified transport. But are these methods reliable, and do they offer us a true view of how much exactly of this greenhouse gas is being produced by electric rail transport? We answer this question by proposing an improved CO2 emission estimation model based on cargo transport. Unlike other works, our studies include four crucial steps: (1) estimation of energy consumption in electrified rail cargo transport; (2) estimation of energy losses in the railway traction system and high voltage transmission lines; (3) CO2 emission estimation in traditional powerhouses; and (4) determination of the intensity of the CO2 emissions from electrified rail cargo transport. Based on our method, we concluded that the intensity of CO2 depends not only on the type of fossil fuel used for energy production but also on the parameters of the cargo train, such as its length and weight or the total number of wagon axles (which depend on wagon type). The achieved intensity of CO2 emissions in electrified rail cargo transport slightly varies from those reported in the global literature. Among the most important reasons responsible for this are the conditions under which these tests were conducted. Nevertheless, our results shed new light on how CO2 should be measured. We proved that the decarbonization of electrified rail cargo transport will never be possible without infrastructure modernization. In addition, based on a case study, we also delivered knowledge on how to reduce the environmental impact of electrified rail cargo transport

    Carbon dioxide emission from diesel engine vehicles in intermodal transport

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    Currently, many logistics operators operate in both domestic and foreign markets using various forms of transport organization. Choosing a corresponding technology and appropriate form of transport has an influence not only delivery time and costs, but also has an impact on the environment as a whole. There is a plethora of public research available in global literature discussing various ways of exploiting transport. On the other hand, there is a lack of complex studies detailing carbon emissions coming from transport activity. Specifically, where a theory of organic fuel combustion in the form of a chemical reaction with oxygen is considered. To fill this gap, we offer an innovative Emission Model of Industrial Sources (EMIS) method. This method makes it possible to determine the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere during various transport methods. It also enables us to estimate, in terms of CO2 output, a threshold where transport of containers via combined mode becomes more favourable for the environment, than road transport. We ran a simulation of our algorithm to create boundary conditions. This let us prepare a regression function of CO2 emission, for intermodal and road transport as a function of various transport distances. The simulation results suggest that our approach may be used by supervisory institutions, which are responsible further developing and utilizing combined transport