383 research outputs found

    Reading Affects in Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep

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    New Perspectives on Reading : An Introduction

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    Book review: Eide, Elisabeth & Nikunen, Kaarina (eds) (2011) Media in Motion. Cultural Complexities and Migration in the Nordic Region. Farnham: Ashgate. 296 pp.

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    Book Review. Reviewed book: Briones, Leah (2009) Empowering Migrant Women. Why Agency and Rights are not enough. Farnham: Ashgate. 228 pp.Non peer reviewe


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    Tikkakosken ilmasotakoulu (ILMASK) on ilmavoimien komentajan alainen puolustushaarakoulu ja yksi ilmavoimien kolmesta aselajikouluista. Ilmasotakoulu antaa palkatun henkilöstön perus-, tÀydennys- ja jatkokoulutusta sekÀ toteuttaa kÀsketyt tutkimus- ja kehittÀmistehtÀvÀt. Ilmasotakoululla on halu kehittyÀ tunnetuksi ja halutuksi kouluttajaksi ja työnantajaksi. TÀmÀn tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi Ilmasotakoululle on tarkoitus rakentaa tunnettu brandi. OpinnÀtetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia brandia ja sen kehittÀmistÀ sekÀ kartoittaa Ilmasotakoulun henkilöstön brandituntemusta ja sitÀ minkÀlaisena brandi tÀllÀ hetkellÀ nÀhdÀÀn organisaation sisÀllÀ. Tutkimuksen tavoittena oli kartoittaa lÀhtökohdat Ilmasotakoulun brandin kehittÀmiselle organisaation sisÀllÀ. Tutkimus rajattiin koskemaan organisaation sisÀistÀ brandimielikuvan kehittÀmistÀ, koska brandin kehittÀminen lÀhtee orgnisaation sisÀltÀ. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin brandi- ja johtamiskirjallisuutta, mikÀ antoi teoria pohjan tutkimukselle. Ilmasotakoulun henkilöstölle toteutettiin internetpohjainen kysely, millÀ kartoitettiin lÀhtötilanne brandin kehittÀmiselle. Kyselyn tuloksista ilmeni, ettÀ brandimielikuva omasta organisaatiosta oli heikko. Teoriatietoa ja tutkimustuloksia peilatessa toisiinsa on selvÀÀ, ettÀ Ilmasotakoululla tulee tehdÀ muutoksia, jotta tunnetun brandin kehittÀminen on mahdollista. TÀmÀ opinnÀytetyö antaa siihen tarpeelliset lÀhtökohdat. Brandin jatkokehittÀminen vaatii kuitenkin jatkotutkimuksia organisaation sisÀllÀ ja sen ulkopuolella sekÀ perehtymistÀ brandin kokonaisvaltaiseen hallintaan ja kehittÀmiseen. OpinnÀytetyötÀ on mahdollista hyödyntÀÀ myös muiden organisaatioiden kohdalla.TikkakoskI Air Force Academy works under Commander on Finnish Air Force and is one of the three specialized schools in the Finnish Air Force. Air Force Academy gives employees the basic, refresher and advancedtraining, and carries out research and development tasks. The Air Force Academy has the desire to develope as desired educator and employer. To achieve this goal the Air Force Academy has need to build a known brand. The aim of final thesis was to investigate the brand and its development and to identify the brand awareness in Air Force Academy staff. The objective was to identify the starting points for the Air Force Academy brand development within the organization. The research was concerned to development of brand image inside the organization. That was chosen because the brand's development starts from inside of the orgnisaation. In the research brand and management literature was investigated, which gave the theoretical base for research. Air Force Academy staff took an Internet-based survey, which identified a baseline of brand development. Survey results showed that the brand image in the organization was weak. Information from brand theory and research findings compared to each other, it was clear that the Air Force Academy has to make changes that the brand development is possible. This thesis gives the needed starting points for that. Further development of the brand, however, requires further study within the organization and beyond, and to familiarize with the brand's overall management and development. Final thesis is also possible to use in other organizations if needed

    In Search for Unexpected Allies? Radical Right Remediation of ‘the 2015 Refugee Crisis’ on Social Media

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    This chapter analyses the remediation of the mainstream news cycle on the ‘refugee crisis’ to the social media audiences of two Finnish anti-immigration groups, namely ‘Close the Borders!’ and ‘Finland First’. The analysis focuses on the post-truth tropes employed by these groups as practices for subverting information and interpretations originally sourced to epistemic authorities. In doing so, the chapter provides a more nuanced approach to the post-truth tropes where the generation of ‘fake news’ and explicit disinformation is only the tip of the iceberg. The results show that by harnessing careful and context-sensitive remediation practices, the radical right is effectively able to hijack the news cycle with the alleged support from ‘unlikely allies’ among epistemic authorities.Peer reviewe

    Conspiracies beyond Fake News : Produsing Reinformation on Presidential Elections in the Transnational Hybrid Media System

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    Among work published between January 2018 and December 2019 in Sociological Inquiry, "Conspiracies beyond Fake News. Produsing Reinformation on Presidential Elections in the Transnational Hybrid Media System" is among the top 10% most downloaded papers.As presidential elections carry the promise of distilling the contested and elusive 'will of the people', the protracted media event intensifies the public demand for exposing the transgressions of the aspiring political elite. This expectation provides fertile ground for investigative journalism, ultrapartisan smear campaigns, fake news, and full-fledged conspiracy theories that are sometimes difficult to differentiate from one another in a hybridized media space. We compare three unique conspiracy stories - Macronleaks, Pizzagate, and Voter fraud - emerging during the previous French and American elections. We assess the divergent strategies of social action that contribute to the stories' dissimilar patterns for intervening the political news cycle with the 'reinformative toolkit' and deconstruct the common conspiratorial 'masterplot' for 'reinforming' the public. Focusing on online 'produsers' - media users functioning as (dis)information producers - we analyze how the grassroots level participated in shaping the conspiracy stories' synopses and channeling news-framed, conspiratory content between mainstream and 'countermedia' outlets.Peer reviewe

    The Finnish National Report on the Politicization of the “Refugee Crisis” in Public Debate

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    This report addresses the politicization of common European policy for refugee relocation, with particular focus on the question of responsibility for the so-called “refugee crisis”. As Finland faced the tenfold increase in the annual number of asylum seekers in 2015, public debate on the topic was rapidly electrified. The media attention culminated in September, when Finland decided as the only member state to abstain from voting on the issue of relocation. The decision was widely considered to be imposed on the Finnish government by the Eurosceptic, right-wing populist Finns party, whose path to the coalition government was paved with the party’s highly mediatized anti-immigration political rhetoric during the past decade. This report defines politicization as a practice of competitive claims-making in in the public sphere. Politicization is analyzed within two distinct corpora: a mainstream news corpus of 127 articles in Finland’s largest daily newspaper, and a parliamentary debates corpus consisting of 26 addresses by Finnish MPs to the floor during 10 plenary sessions. On the basis of quantitative and qualitative analysis, we conclude that while both arenas exerted strong influence on public opinion and heavily politicized the issue of refugee relocation, there are important differences in how the question of responsibility was framed within the two contexts. The articles published during the first episode of contention (March – November 2015) focus on the strife between Visegrád countries and other member states. The articles underline EU’s shortcomings in mediating the conflicted interests among member states, presenting Finland’s decision to abstain as tacit support to the bloc opposing common relocation mechanisms, and decrying the ensuing impact to Finland’s previously conciliatory reputation within the EU. On the other hand, the parliamentary debates taking place in the turn of the year are largely dominated by Finns party MPs. The debates emphasize Finland’s sovereign responsibility to prevent crime and protect the autochthonous population’s welfare from irregular migration, often framed in terms of “illegal refugees.” While refugees plight is repeatedly presented as the responsibility of the sending countries, the MPs commonly assert that the EU is responsible for letting in “the wave of refugees”
