26 research outputs found

    Pourquoi enseigner l’interprétation simultanée avec texte en anglais – cas d’étude entre le français et le coréen

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    De plus en plus d’orateurs utilisent comme support des documents en anglais tout en présentant leurs discours dans leur langue natale lors de conférences internationales. Cette situation mène les interprètes coréens-français à effectuer des interprétations simultanées avec texte à partir des supports visuels anglais. Deux canaux, l’un auditif et l’autre visuel, interviennent entre trois langues, coréen, français et anglais, pour accroître la charge mentale de l’interprète qui n’a pas l’anglais dans sa combinaison linguistique. Toutefois, souvent pratiquée dans le contexte coréen, l’interprétation simultanée faisant intervenir un support visuel anglais est négligée dans la formation de l’interprétation. Cet article a pour but d’analyser les erreurs commises par les étudiants en cours de formation afin de mettre en lumière la nécessité d’un enseignement de l’interprétation simultanée avec texte en anglais.In conference settings that have Korean and French as official languages, more and more speakers prepare documents in English, while still speaking in either Korean or French. For Korean interpreters working at such conferences, the result is that they must perform simultaneous interpretation between Korean and French while referring to texts that are written in English. Two information streams – one oral and one visual – interact in three languages – Korean, French and English – to constitute quite extreme conditions of simultaneity and thus increases the interpreter’s mental processing load. Furthermore, when an interpreter refers to an English text while listening to Korean discourse, s/he may be tempted to lean on the written text because of the syntactic similarities between English and French. This increases the risk of language interference between French – the interpreter’s B language – and English, which is often not even the interpreter’s C language. Though this is a problem that frequently arises in professional settings, simultaneous interpretation with English text is not dealt with in interpreter training programs. This paper utilizes an experiment with students in an interpreter training course to examine the needs associated with teaching this type of interpretation.점차 많은 국제회의에서 한국측 혹은 프랑스측 연사들은 영어로 된 자료를 바탕으로 자신의 모국어로 발화하면서 한불통역사들은 영어자료를 바탕으로 한불간 텍스트 동시를 수행하게 된다. 결국 통역사는 귀로는 연사의 한국어 혹은 불어 연설을 들으면서 눈으로는 영어 자료를 읽는 동시에 한국어 혹은 불어로 통역해야 하는 삼중 과정을 처리해야 한다. 통역현장에서 이와 같은 상황이 빈번하게 발생함에도 불구하고 교육현장에서는 텍스트 동시에 관한 수업조차 개설되어 있지 못한 형편이다. 본고에서는 학생들을 대상으로 한 실험을 중심으로 영어 자료를 기본으로 하는 텍스트동시 교육의 필요성에 대해 살펴보고자 한다

    The Receptive Field Properties of a Depth-Selective Neural Population

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    The objective of this thesis is to examine depth integration beyond retinal topography in human vision. It is still unknown how extraretinal dimensions of a depth frame develop from low-level feature maps and whether depth-relevant afferents change visual representations in both of the early visual area and category-selective regions. Three experiments were conducted to explain what actually constitutes extraretinal axes in a depth-viewing condition, whether depth representation can be achieved in the primary visual cortex, and whether the TN and DV dimensions of receptive-field location make different contributions to depth representation and are dissociable in human cerebral cortex. In the present study, the axial development in the depth condition showed distinct developmental locales for the TN and DV retinal polarities, suggesting axial dissociation in human cerebral cortex. The findings on ipsilateral clusters provided evidence for the principle of translation-invariance on depth representation. In contrast, the findings on the DV dimension provided evidence for the principle of neural inverse projection primarily in the dorsal stream and category-selective visual regions

    Effect of Ultrasonic Surface Impact on the Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Subject to Simulated Body Fluid

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    The effect of ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification (UNSM) on the fatigue behavior of Ti6Al4V (TC4) in simulated body fluid (SBF) was investigated. UNSM with the condition of a static load of 25 N, vibration amplitude of 30 μm and 36,000 strikes per unit produced about 35 μm surface severe plastic deformation (SPD) layers on the TC4 specimens. One group was treated with a hybrid surface treatment (UNSM + TiN film). UNSM technique improves the micro hardness and the compressive residual stress. The surface roughness is increased slightly, but it can be remarkably improved by the TiN film. The fatigue strength of TC4 is improved by about 7.9% after UNSM. Though the current density of corrosion is increased and the pitting corrosion is accelerated, UNSM still improved the fatigue strength of TC4 after pre-soaking in SBF by 10.8%. Interior cracks initiate at the deformed carbide and oxide inclusions due to the ultrasonic impacts of UNSM. Corrosion products are always observed at the edge of fracture surface to both interior cracks and surface cracks. Coating a TiN film on the UNSMed surface helps to improve the whole properties of TC4 further

    Two-category place representations persist over body rotations

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    We explored a system that constructs environment-centered frames of reference and coordinates memory for the azimuth of an object in an enclosed space. For one group, we provided two environmental cues (doors): one in the front, and one in the rear. For a second group, we provided two object cues: a front and a rear cue. For a third group, we provided no external cues; we assumed that for this group, their reference frames would be determined by the orthogonal geometry of the floor-and-wall junction that divides a space in half or into multiple territories along the horizontal continuum. Using Huttenlocher, Hedges, and Duncan\u27s (Psychological Review 98: 352-376, 1991) category-adjustment model (cue-based fuzzy boundary version) to fit the data, we observed different reference frames than have been seen in prior studies involving two-dimensional domains. The geometry of the environment affected all three conditions and biased the remembered object locations within a two-category (left vs. right) environmental frame. The influence of the environmental geometry remained observable even after the participants\u27 heading within the environment changed due to a body rotation, attenuating the effect of the front but not of the rear cue. The door and object cues both appeared to define boundaries of spatial categories when they were used for reorientation. This supports the idea that both types of cues can assist in environment-centered memory formation