7 research outputs found

    Optimization of organic-containing wastewater and sludge treatment systems

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    An enzymatic-cavitation method for the biological treatment of organic-containing wastewater and sludge treatment has been developed, according to which the air supply is carried out not by compressors, but rather ejectors. In addition, low-intensity cavitation is provided. The biological treatment of the wastewater has been performed at a temperature of 10–42°C. The energy consumption of the process is reduced by six times, while the time of sludge treatment is 8–10 h at a pressure of 0.30–0.35 MPa. The treated sludge has some adsorptive properties

    Capillary-sorption effects in soil after chieselling and introduction of non-traditional fertilizers (meliorants)

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    The movement of moisture in the soil is filtering, which is written in the form of Darcy's law. Water pressure in the soil is the amount of capillary-sorption, gravity and osmotic pressure, the latter is insignificant and can be ignored. The gravitational pressure is always present, its vector is directed downward, and the vector of capillary-sorption pressure can be directed up, down, or be absent altogether. At the direction of action of capillary-sorption pressure significantly affected by the initial moisture content of the soil, deep (chisel) and unconventional tillage fertilizer (meliorant) is sewage sludge, which has adsorption properties and amendments to the soil surface as a mulch layer. Chieselling of soil is accompanied by the formation of saltwater bottom of the furrow. Subsurface ridges deflect vector capillary-sorption pressure and contribute to dehydration of the soil untouched. After chieselling on waterlogged soils in wide rows of cultivated crops have on the ridges. Chieselling of soil and sediment entering are performed once in 2-3 years. The depth of plowing makes 50-60 cm, the width of row-spacing makes 70-80 cm, making sludge dose of 20-25 t/ha.Движение влаги в почве – это фильтрация, которая записывается в виде закона Дарси. Давление влаги в почве – это сумма капиллярно-сорбционного, гравитационного и осмотического давлений, последнее незначительно и его можно не учитывать. Гравитационное давление всегда присутствует, его вектор направлен вниз, а вектор капиллярно-сорбционного давления может быть направлен вверх, вниз или вовсе отсутствовать. На направление действия капиллярно-сорбционного давления существенное влияние оказывают исходная влажность почвы, глубокая (чизельная) обработка почвы и нетрадиционное удобрение-мелиорант – осадок сточных вод, обладающий адсорбционными свойствами и вносимый на поверхность почвы в виде мульчирующего слоя. Чизелевание почвы сопровождается формированием гребнистого дна борозды. Внутрипочвенные гребни отклоняют вектор капиллярно-сорбционного давления и способствуют обезвоживанию нетронутой почвы. После чизелевания на переувлажнённых почвах ряды широкорядных пропашных культур располагают над гребнями. Чизелевание почвы и внесение осадка выполняют один раз в 2-3 года. Глубина пахоты 50-60 см, ширина междуследия – 70-80 см, доза внесения осадка – 20-25 т/га

    Tribotechnical and Energy Assessment of Parts of Working Members of Cultivating Machines After Carburizing and Laser Hardening

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    Results of experimental studies of low-carbon steel 20 and high-carbon steels of types 70 and 65G after carburizing, heat treatment and laser hardening are presented. The variation of the microhardness of the surface layers of the steels and of their wear resistance due to different variants of hardening is determined. Optimum modes of treatment aimed at raising the strength and wear resistance are suggested for the steels used for working members of cultivating machines

    Energy efficiency of mechanisms and instruments for deep cultivation of soil

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    Blocked cutting takes place at the impact of soils on the subsurface level — without carrying of soil particles over the ground surface. Lumps of soil, condensed around the chisel of the tool due to air (elasticity modulus increases up to 40 MPa) and the impact supersonic waves, are formed and propagated at an angle of the natural slope (≈45°) and decompress the soil

    Optimization of organic-containing wastewater and sludge treatment systems

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    An enzymatic-cavitation method for the biological treatment of organic-containing wastewater and sludge treatment has been developed, according to which the air supply is carried out not by compressors, but rather ejectors. In addition, low-intensity cavitation is provided. The biological treatment of the wastewater has been performed at a temperature of 10–42°C. The energy consumption of the process is reduced by six times, while the time of sludge treatment is 8–10 h at a pressure of 0.30–0.35 MPa. The treated sludge has some adsorptive properties

    Dampers and shock absorbers based on multilayer elastic shells

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    Dampers and shock absorbers consisting of vertical concentric elastic shells are considered. The external and internal shells are made of hard rubber, while the middle shell is made of soft rubber. Independent action of the shells permits optimal loading and energy-efficient operation of the device