71 research outputs found

    The role of the type of workshop "social skills or creativity and reading"

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    People with Down syndrome show a similar development of language and emotional intelligence (EI) than people who do not. However, this development can occur more slowly and sometimes not spontaneously. That is why dissimilar associations have workshops focused on improving social skills and reading and creativity in order to facilitate the acquisition of them. The aim of the present study is to analyze the role of the type of workshop "social skills or reading and creativity" in the relationship between emotional intelligence and anxiety at the level of lexicon in people with Down syndrome. To do this, a sample of 15 people was analyzed, of which 9 attended the social skills workshop and 6 attended the reading and creativity workshop. The results showed that the most appropriate activity to develop lexicon when the levels of emotional intelligence are high is the social skills workshop. They also seem to indicate that the reading and creativity workshop is more suitable for the level of lexicon when anxiety levels are high and, it has a direct effect on lexicon

    Bioequivalence studies with anti-TNF biosimilars

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    Introduction: Biosimilars, as defined by the European Medicines Agency, have been used in Europe since 2006. The landscape was considerably expanded when the first biosimilar of a monoclonal was approved and introduced in the European market. CT-P13 was developed by Celltrion as an infliximab biosimilar in 2013, not without controversy. As these complex molecules cannot be completely identical, some experts, clinicians, and even patients were skeptical regarding the real bioequivalence of the drugs. Currently, several new infliximab and adalimumab biosimilars are available or will reach the market in a few months. Areas covered: Our goal is to review, mainly from a clinical perspective, the available evidence for bioequivalence of anti-TNF biosimilars. We aim to take into account not only preclinical studies, mostly done for regulatory issues, but also data from clinical studies. Expert opinion: We can conclude that bioequivalence with originator is well demonstrated in those drugs which have followed European Medicines Agency regulatory pathways. Switching from originator to biosimilar appears safe for all indications. However, there are few data available for switching from one biosimilar to another, or for complete interchangeability. Prospective studies and strict pharmacovigilance are recommended

    Semantics, pragmatics, and formal thought disorders in people with schizophrenia

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    Background:The aim of this study was to analyze how formal thought disorders (FTD) affect semantics and pragmatics in patients with schizophrenia. Methods:The sample comprised subjects with schizophrenia (n = 102) who met the criteria for the disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition Text Revision. In the research process, the following scales were used: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) for psychopathology measurements; the Scale for the Assessment of Thought, Language, and Communication (TLC) for FTD, Word Accentuation Test (WAT), System for the Behavioral Evaluation of Social Skills (SECHS), the pragmatics section of the Objective Criteria Language Battery (BLOC-SR) and the verbal sections of the Wechsler Adults Intelligence Scale (WAIS) III, for assessment of semantics and pragmatics. Results: The results in the semantics and pragmatics sections were inferior to the average values obtained in the general population. Our data demonstrated that the more serious the FTD, the worse the performances in the Verbal-WAIS tests (particularly in its vocabulary, similarities, and comprehension sections), SECHS, and BLOC-SR, indicating that FTD affects semantics and pragmatics, although the results of the WAT indicated good premorbid language skills. Conclusion: The principal conclusion we can draw from this study is the evidence that in schizophrenia the superior level of language structure seems to be compromised, and that this level is related to semantics and pragmatics; when there is an alteration in this level, symptoms of FTD appear, with a wide-ranging relationship between both language and FTD. The second conclusion is that the subject's language is affected by the disorder and rules out the possibility of a previous verbal impairment

    Análisis del desarrollo lingüístico y comunicativo de un niño con síndrome de Asperger: Un estudio de caso

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    La exclusión de retraso de lenguaje que se establece en los manuales de diagnóstico para niños con síndrome de Asperger ha sido objeto de numerosas críticas, pues diversos estudios demuestran la presencia de alteraciones en la dimensión pragmática y un patrón específico de desarrollo en el resto de dimensiones lingüísticas más formales. Además, las revisiones que se han llevado a cabo en los últimos años acerca de los deterioros pragmáticos de niños con Asperger se presentan más como un conjunto de tendencias generales que como una descripción de hechos concretos y bien conocidos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el perfil pragmático y su repercusión en el campo morfosintáctico y semántico de un niño con Asperger para concluir la existencia o no de un retraso del lenguaje, y contribuir así al fortalecimiento de algunas teorías insertas en el marco teórico de la investigación. Para ello se adopta el método de estudio de caso con un enfoque interpretativo que permita una comprensión profunda del caso. Los resultados obtenidos ilustran la importancia de desarrollar evaluaciones minuciosas del desempeño pragmático de estos niños para detectar posibles disfunciones en cualquiera de las dimensiones del sistema lingüístico. En el caso escogido para la elaboración de este estudio se establece con toda certeza la existencia de un retraso del lenguaje acentuado en el ámbito pragmático y con ciertas disfunciones en el resto de dimensiones más estructurales del lenguaje. The exclusion of language delay that is set in the diagnostic manuals for children with Asperger syndrome has been widely criticized, because different studies show the presence of dysfunctions in the pragmatic dimension and a specific pattern of development in the other more formal language dimensions. In addition, research that has been conducted in recent years about pragmatic impairments of Asperger''s children, it is presented as a set of general trends more than a description of well-known facts. The aim of this study is to analyze the pragmatic profile and its impact on the morphosyntactic and semantic field of a child with Asperger to conclude the presence or absence of a language delay, thus contributing to strengthening some theories insert in the framework of the investigation. For that it is taken the qualitative case study method with an interpretive approach that enables a deeper understanding of the case. The results illustrate the importance of developing careful assessments of pragmatic performance of these children in order to identify possible malfunctions in any of the dimensions of the language system. In the case we have chosen for the preparation of this study, it is established with certainty the existence of a significant delay in the pragmatic dimension and with certain dysfunctions in the other structural dimensions of language

    Validation of a CFD model by using 3D sonic anemometers to analyse the air velocity generated by an air-assisted sprayer equipped with two axial fans

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    A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the air flow generated by an air-assisted sprayer equipped with two axial fans was developed and validated by practical experiments in the laboratory. The CFD model was developed by considering the total air flow supplied by the sprayer fan to be the main parameter, rather than the outlet air velocity. The model was developed for three air flows corresponding to three fan blade settings and assuming that the sprayer is stationary. Actual measurements of the air velocity near the sprayer were taken using 3D sonic anemometers. The workspace sprayer was divided into three sections, and the air velocity was measured in each section on both sides of the machine at a horizontal distance of 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 m from the machine, and at heights of 1, 2, 3, and 4 m above the ground The coefficient of determination (R2) between the simulated and measured values was 0.859, which demonstrates a good correlation between the simulated and measured data. Considering the overall data, the air velocity values produced by the CFD model were not significantly different from the measured values

    Influence of the collision energy on the O(1D) + RH --> OH(X2Pi) + R (RH=CH4, C2H6, C3H8) Reaction Dynamics. A laser Induced Fluorescence and Quasiclassical Trajectory Study

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    The influence of the collision energy (ET) on the O(1D) + RH OH(X2H) + R (RH = CH4, C2H6, and C3H8) reaction dynamics has been studied, using the N2O photodissociation at 193 nm as O(1D) precursor (ET = 0.403 eV) and probing the OH v = 0 and 1 levels by LIF. A triatomic QCT study of the reaction with CH4 on a fully ab initio based analytical PES has also been performed, and a quite good agreement with the experimental OH rovibrational distributions has been obtained. Our experimental results are similar to those obtained when the O3 photodissociation is used to produce O(1D) (ET = 0.212 eV), as expected on the basis of the available energy in products and also from the QCT calculations. The P(v=0)/P(v= 1) populations ratio values reported for C2H6 and C3H8 in a very recent work (Wada and Obi, J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102, 3481), where the N2O was also used to generate O(1D), are probably largely underestimated. The rotational distributions obtained are similar to those obtained in other experiments, and a quite good agreement has been obtained for the spin-orbit and A-doublet populations. The reaction takes place near exclusively through the insertion of the O(1D) atom into a C-H bond below 0.6 eV, and the mechanism may be direct or nondirect (mainly through short-lived (CH3)OH collision complexes) with about the same probability. The OH vibrational distribution arising from the direct mechanism is inverted, while the nondirect one leads to a noninverted distribution. At higher ET, the abstraction mechanism also contributes appreciably to reactivity. © 2000 American Chemical Society

    Rehabilitación oral en el paciente mayor de 65 años. A propósito de dos casos.

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    En el presente trabajo se detalla la rehabilitación integral de dos pacientes que acuden al programa de prácticas clínicas de odontología de la Universidad de Zaragoza, a los cuales, se atiende con el fin de restaurar y recuperar su salud bucodental y función oclusal desde un enfoque multidisciplinario para obtener todas las perspectivas necesarias y así realizar una correcta resolución del tratamiento. Para ésto se pondrá especial interés en la realización de un correcto diagnóstico y ejecución de un plan de tratamiento los cuales serán contrastados y complementados bibliográficamente para poder alcanzar todos los objetivos particulares en cada caso

    Assessment of the Production of Value-Added Chemical Compounds from Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis Liquids

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    A procedure to analyze sewage sludge (SS) pyrolysis liquids based on solvent fractionation has been developed. Pyrolysis liquids are separated into three different fractions: heptane soluble (Hep-sol), dichloromethane soluble (DCM-sol), and hydrochloric acid soluble (HCl-sol). Diverse techniques (GC-MS, UPLC-TOF-MS) were employed to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze liquid fractions to assess the potential production of value-added chemicals. Aliphatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic nitriles, and steroids were mostly separated in the Hep-sol fraction, phenols and fatty acids in the DCM-sol fraction, and carboxylic acids and amides in the HCl-sol fraction. The largest production was obtained for ammonia (10–14 kg per tonne of SS) and a-olefins (8–9 kg per tonne of SS). The potential production of some of these value-added chemicals from SS pyrolysis liquid was compared with their current European production. In the case of a-olefins, 16 % of their European production could be achieved by SS pyrolysis

    Ideales igualitarios y planes tradicionales: análisis de parejas primerizas en España

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    Esta investigación analiza los planes de cuidado del primer hijo en parejas, indagando en cómo influyen los ideales de maternidad/ paternidad, las actitudes de género y las limitaciones institucionales en el proyecto de cuidado del bebé. El estudio se basa en una muestra de 68 parejas de doble ingreso que esperaban su primer hijo en el año 2011. El análisis revela que gran parte de las parejas aspira a que ambos cónyuges continúen trabajando después del parto. Sin embargo, en el caso de prever dificultades de conciliación, siguen siendo las mujeres quienes manifiestan una mayor predisposición a adaptar su vida laboral a las necesidades del menor, desarrollando en gran medida preferencias adaptativas
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