49 research outputs found

    Everyday geographies in the changing city: subjective photo-routes in Mandalay, Myanmar

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    Youth geographies of everyday life. Methodological notes from a project of photographic storytelling in Fez

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    The paper presents some methodological notes on a fieldwork in Fez, Morocco. The research involved a group of pupils from two schools belonging to different districts and culminated in the realization of two workshops of “photographic storytelling”. The aim was to verify if and how the everyday lives of the “pupil-inhabitants” had been affected by the urban projects underway in the neighbourhoods. The images and tales by the young students bring to light hidden and invisible geographies which go beyond the simple documentation of the uses, representations or emotions that link young people and space, and reveal a much more significant upshot on the political nature of socio-spatial organization and of urban transformations

    Geografia e performance. Riflessioni a partire da una cena con delitto

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    Rielaborando l’esperienza autoriale e attoriale nell’ambito di una cena con delitto in- scenata presso la Società Geografica Italiana in occasione della Notte Europea della Geo- grafia del 2023, il testo riflette sul ruolo delle performance come occasione per esplorare ed espandere la definizione di geografia pubblica, intesa come espressione e manifestazione di ciò che geografe e geografi ‘possono fare’.Reworking the authorial and theatrical experience within the context of a murder mystery game staged at the Società Geografica Italiana during the 2023 European GeoNight, the text reflects on the role of performance as an opportunity to explore and expand the definition of public geography, the latter being understood as the expression and manifestation of what geographers ‘can do’

    Territorializzazione, sovranità, economie.

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