6 research outputs found

    Spatial and Temporal Patterns of the Macrobenthic Assemblages in Relation to Environmental Variables

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    This study focuses on the effect of fallowing of southern blue-fin tuna farms in southern Spencer Gulf, South Australia, on macrobenthic assemblage comparing spatial and temporal patterns of distribution and abundance at eight control sites and eight fallowed pontoon sites, during the period October 2002 to October 2003. Two stations at each site were sampled five times throughout the year with four replicates. Polychaetes were the most abundant organisms both at control sites (76.4%) and fallowed pontoon sites (80.5%). Five dominant taxa (Capitellidae, Cirratullidae, Lumbrineridae, Nephtyidae, and Spionidae), relatively tolerant to organic enrichment, were generally recorded in higher numbers at the fallowed sites than at control sites.Assessed using univariate and multivariate analyses, a significant difference in abundance between the control and fallowed pontoon sites was found, which also showed a significant effect of time. A slight decreased in diversity, number of taxa, and evenness at fallowed pontoon sites compared to those at control sites was observed. Seasonal fluctuations caused by natural variability, especially hydrodynamic conditions and sediment characteristics, are likely to be responsible for the observed changes of the assemblages

    Assessment of Water Quality Using Macrobenthos as Bioindicator and Its Application on Abundance-Biomass Comparison (ABC) Curves

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    -Activities of aquaculture and industry which is directly adjacent to an aquatic environment may potentially result in increasing organic matter and causes a decreasing quality of water in it. Macrobenthos can be used as an bioindicators to detect environmental disturbances occur in the aquatic environment. This study aims to determine the level of environmental disturbance in aquatic environments using macrobenthic assemblages and their application in the abundance and biomass curves and it was compared to the values of diversity and similarity indices. Locations of this study is polyculture ponds and coastal of PT. Kayu Lapis Indonesian located in Mororejo Village, Central Java. Based on the abundance of macrobenthos results shows that in coastal area of PT. Kayu Lapis Indonesia is dominated by Cirratulidae (60%) from Polychaeta while in polyculture ponds is dominated by Potamididae (58%). Based on the abundance and biomass comparison (ABC) curves, the polyculture ponds were categorized as undisturbed area, whereas the coastal area of PT. Kayu Lapis Indonesia was categorized as moderately polluted for the second sampling time. Whilst the values of diversity (H') and similarity (e) indices indicated low for all stations, the ABC curve of macrobetnhic assemblages is effective to demonstrate the level of environmental disturbance occurs in aquatic environments

    The Application of Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) Using Stratified Double Net Rounded Cage (SDFNC) for Aquaculture Sustainability

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    The increase of fishery production nationally and Internationally may impact on the potential emergence of a variety of environmental problems. The application of sustainable aquaculture is urgently needed by breeding fish for commercial purposes in a manner such that it has a minimum impact on the environment, contributing to the development of local communities and generating economic benefits. The design of the cage and farming practice in aquaculture activities are the important steps to ensure that farming activity is still observed in order to anticipate the risk of organic enrichment caused by the activities. The application of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) on the Stratified Double Floating Net Cage (SDFNC) integrated with biomonitoring are an appropriate solution to the ongoing productive farming practices. IMTA is an aquaculture practice using more than one species of biotas which have ecologically mutual relationship as a part of the food chain in the area at the same time. The application of IMTA allows farmers to get several aquaculture products in the same area without increasing the horizontal area of the farms. At first, the SDFNC has been applied for farming Cyprinus carpio and Tilapia niloticus as polyculture system in freshwater ecosystem of Rawapening Lake, Central Java. Its operation has been able to increase the production capacity of at least 75% of conventional cages. The application of SDFNC-IMTA using milkfish (Chanos Chanos), seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii), and white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) has been able to minimize the impact and maintain the water ecosystem in the Gulf Awerange, South Sulawesi

    Pengaruh Ozon yang Dibangkitkan Menggunakan Reaktor Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma (Dbdp) terhadap Konsentrasi Oksigen Terlarut, Kesadahan, dan Ph pada Air Murni

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    A research on the application of dielectric barrier discharge reactor configured as a cylindrical spiral using ozone-producing which using the air as source and in atmospheric conditions. In this study, the observed effect of ozonation to show the influence to dissolved oxygen, pH and Calcium carbonate. Active Electrode using copper wire spiral and has pyrex to be the dielectric. Plasma produce using AC voltages of 2 kV, 10 kV, 12.5 kV and frequencies between 880 Hz to 891 Hz. Air flow rate of 1.5 L / min. At the same time ozonation, using different voltage produce different ozone concentrations. If more voltage applied, the concentration of ozone is increasing. Similarly, the measurement of dissolved oxygen concentration and Calcium carbonate. But of water pH measurements obtained tends to be stable


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    Studi tentang penentuan kualitas perariran dan sedimen dcngan pendekatan studi in situ komuniuts inakrozoobenthos di sungai Banger Pekalongan telah dilakukan selama 4 bulan untuk mengetalmi perbednan karakteristik lingkungan dan struktur komunitas di lokasi tersebut. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 5 stasiun pencuplikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, struktur makroinveriebrata benfik di lokasi muara Sungai Donan terdiri dad I spesics Polychneta, 2 spesies Oligochaeta: Pheretima spl dan Pheretima sp2, 5 spesies Gastropoda: Ruhinott tavanni, Lytrrnoea pal tarns, Lymnaea Puhtginosu, Me/counties tubereulata dan rrrau Pus sp., dan I spesies Insecla yaitu Ceratopogonidac. Kualitas perairan dan sedimen di lokasi penelitian ditentukan berdasarkan kondisi lingkongan, jumlah jenis, kelimpahan jenis, dan indeks keanekaragarnan jenis (11'). Berdasarkan faktor-laktor tersebut, kondisi fisika-kimia perairan dan sediinen di stasiun I rclatif Ichth baik sebagai habitat makrozoobenthos dibandingkan stasiun II, III, IN dan VI. Dengan kata lain, ekosistem, di sekitar stasiun I lebih mendukung untuk kehidupan hewan tersebut dibandingkan kawasan stasiun lainnya. The study on determining of water quality and sediment using m situ study of benthic nacrointertebrate community was conducted for four months to know the differences of cmvironmental characieristics and community structure among research areax The observation ad been done at 5 stations which have several kind industry as source of polutan. Based on this study, there were 9 species of benthic macroinvertebrates at Pekalongan River areas that vere calegorized in 4 classes, i.e. 2 species of Oligochaeta: Pheretima sp/ dan Pheretima sp2, species of Gastropoda. Belamya javimica, tymnaea pahistris, Lymnuea ruhiginosa, /le/tinny/es tubercle/a/a dun Hyraullus sp., dan I species of Insecta yaitu Ceratopogonidae. urthermore, water quality had been represented by results of physical-chemical conditions, pecics richness, speces densities and diversity index (H'). Based on these factors, the Physical-chemical conditions at station were relatively better than the rest of stations. /Enviously, the ecosystem of I" station areas were more favourable for macrozoobenthos