7 research outputs found

    Sistem Pengaturan Pencahayaan Ruangan Berbasis Android pada Rumah Pintar

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    Smart Home generally pay attention to energy efficiency can be maximized by using natural lighting during the day, the layout of the lighting, the use of electrical equipment that are energy efficient and use energy-saving lamps. lighting control system should normally only uses the principle on / off and impractical to operate, This system still has the disadvantage of effectiveness.Besides all the convenience factor and needs in lighting the room became an important influence on the health of human eyesight. The purpose of this research is to build an efficient lighting control system, practical, according to the needs and equipped with the optimization of the lighting control based on efficiency and standard of room lightning SNI 03-6197-2000. This system was designed practically controlled remotely using a smartphone android device. This research is helpful to people occupying the residence so that they can feel comfortable, efficient and practical to operate the lighting control system in smart home. In its design of this system consists of hardware design and software design hardware design consist of the design of sensors, actuators, controllers and remote control. While for design of the software consists of intelligent programming algorithms and programming mobile systems. In the design of intelligent programming using arduino IDE application while the mobile programming using the application APP INVENTOR 2. Disadvantages of this system is the method of determining the value parameter, the parameter value ranges are narrow and the fast response changes in light intensity makes this system is not stable.Keywords: Smart Home, Lighting the Room, Android Abstrak - Rumah pintar pada umumnya memperhatikan efesiensi pemakaian energi yang dapat dimaksimalkan dengan memakai pencahayaan alami di siang hari, tata letak lampu penerangan yang tepat, pemakaian peralatan listrik yang hemat energi dan pemakaian lampu hemat energi. Sistem lampu pengaturan penerangan ruangan pada umunya hanya menggunakan prinsip on/off  dan tidak praktis untuk dioperasikan, Sistem ini masih memiliki kelemahan yaitu dalam hal efektifitas. Selain dari pada itu faktor kenyamanan dan kebutuhan dalam penerangan ruangan menjadi pengaruh penting untuk kesehatan penglihatan mata manusia. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu membangun sistem pengaturan pencahayaan yang efisien, praktis, sesuai kebutuhan dan dilengkapi dengan optimasi pengaturan pencahayan berdasarkan efesiensi dan standar penerangan ruangan SNI 03-6197-2000. Sistem ini pun dirancang praktis yang dikendalikan secara jarak jauh dengan menggunakan perangkat android smartphone. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi masyarakat penghuni rumah tinggal sehingga dapat merasa nyaman, efisien dan praktis untuk mengoperasikan sistem pengaturan pencahayaan pada rumah pintar. Pada perancangannya sistem ini terdiri atas perancangan perangkat keras dan perancangan perangkat lunak perancangan perangkat keras terdiri atas perancangan sensor, aktuator, pengendali dan pengendalian jarak jauh. Sedangkan untuk perancangan perangkat lunak terdiri atas algoritma pemograman cerdas sistem dan pemograman mobile. Pada perancangan pemograman cerdas menggunakan aplikasi Arduino IDE sedangkan pada pemograman mobile menggunakan aplikasi APP INVENTOR 2. Pada Aplikasi smartphone berbasis android menghasilkan pengendalian sistem pengaturan pencahayaan rungan yang dapat dikendalikan secara mode manual dan mode otomatis melalui media nirkabel bluetooth. Kekurangan dari sistem ini adalah dalam penentuan metode nilai parameter, dengan cakupan nilai parameter yang sempit dan respon perubahan intensitas cahaya yang cepat membuat sistem ini belum stabil.Kata Kunci : Rumah pintar, Pengaturan Pencahayaan Ruangan, Androi

    Robot Pintar Pengukur Kepuasan Konsumen pada Pusat Perbelanjaan

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    The shopping center generally uses the questionnaire instrument in measuring the level of customer satisfaction services. Processing and presentation of conventional questionnaire data tend to be long and less effective. The problem will be solved by using smart robots to measure consumer satisfaction at shopping centers. This robot has a digital questionnaire module located on the robot's chest and the facial module that is used as a robot expression when the consumer chooses to be satisfied or not with the shopping center service. The digital robot questionnaire module is able to accommodate, store and process customer satisfaction data in statistics. Robotic expression when receiving a choice of consumer satisfaction in the form of happy or disappointed facial expressions combined with a voice expression in the form of thanks to customers who have visited. Pusat perbelanjaan umumnya menggunakan Instrumen kuesioner dalam mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelayanan pada konsumen. Pengolahan dan penyajian data hasil kuesioner secara konvensional cenderung lama dan kurang efektif. Persoalan tersebut akan dapat diatasi dengan memanfaatkan robot pintar untuk mengukur kepuasan konsumen pada pusat perbelanjaan. Robot ini memiliki modul kuesioner digital yang terletak pada dada robot, dan modul wajah yang digunakan sebagai ekspresi robot ketika konsumen memilih puas atau tidak terhadap pelayanan pusat perbelanjaan. Modul kuesioner digital robot mampu menampung, menyimpan dan mengolah data kepuasan konsumen dalam statistik. Ekspresi robot saat menerima pilihan kepuasan konsumen berupa ekspresi wajah bahagia ataupun kecewa yang disertai dengan ekspresi suara berupa ucapan terima kasih pada konsumen yang telah berkunjung

    Intelligent Robot for Measuring Consumer Satisfaction at Shopping Center

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    The shopping center generally uses the questionnaire instrument in measuring the level of customer satisfaction services. Processing and presentation of conventional questionnaire data tend to be long and less effective. The problem will be solved by using smart robots to measure consumer satisfaction at shopping centers. This robot has a digital questionnaire module located on the robot's chest and the facial module that is used as a robot expression when the consumer chooses to be satisfied or not with the shopping center service. The digital robot questionnaire module is able to accommodate, store and process customer satisfaction data in statistics. Robotic expression when receiving a choice of consumer satisfaction in the form of happy or disappointed facial expressions combined with a voice expression in the form of thanks to customers who have visited


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    Improvement of solar panel efficiency is an ongoing research work recently. Maximizing the output power by integrating with the solar tracker system becomes a interest point of the research. This paper presents the concept in designing a solar tracker system applied to solar panel. The development of solar panel tracker system design that consist of system display prototype design, hardware design, and algorithm design. This concept is useful as the control system for solar tracker to improve the efficency of solar panel as the green energy system. For future work, the prototype of solar tracker construction will develop to implement the proposed system and design algorithm

    Sistem Pengaturan Pencahayaan Ruangan Berbasis Android pada Rumah Pintar

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    Rumah pintar pada umumnya memperhatikan efesiensi pemakaian energi yang dapat dimaksimalkan dengan memakai pencahayaan alami di siang hari, tata letak lampu penerangan yang tepat, pemakaian peralatan listrik yang hemat energi dan pemakaian lampu hemat energi. Sistem lampu pengaturan penerangan ruangan pada umunya hanya menggunakan prinsip on/off dan tidak praktis untuk dioperasikan, Sistem ini masih memiliki kelemahan yaitu dalam hal efektifitas. Selain dari pada itu faktor kenyamanan dan kebutuhan dalam penerangan ruangan menjadi pengaruh penting untuk kesehatan penglihatan mata manusia. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu membangun sistem pengaturan pencahayaan yang efisien, praktis, sesuai kebutuhan dan dilengkapi dengan optimasi pengaturan pencahayan berdasarkan efesiensi dan standar penerangan ruangan SNI 03-6197-2000. Sistem ini pun dirancang praktis yang dikendalikan secara jarak jauh dengan menggunakan perangkat android smartphone. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi masyarakat penghuni rumah tinggal sehingga dapat merasa nyaman, efisien dan praktis untuk mengoperasikan sistem pengaturan pencahayaan pada rumah pintar. Pada perancangannya sistem ini terdiri atas perancangan perangkat keras dan perancangan perangkat lunak perancangan perangkat keras terdiri atas perancangan sensor, aktuator, pengendali dan pengendalian jarak jauh. Sedangkan untuk perancangan perangkat lunak terdiri atas algoritma pemograman cerdas sistem dan pemograman mobile. Pada perancangan pemograman cerdas menggunakan aplikasi arduino IDE sedangkan pada pemograman mobile menggunakan aplikasi APP INVENTOR 2. Kekurangan dari sistem ini adalah dalam penentuan metode nilai parameter, dengan cakupan nilai parameter yang sempit dan respon perubahan intensitas cahaya yang cepat membuat sistem ini tidak stabi

    Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Fire Classification in Surveillance System

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    Fire is one of the worst disasters for human life. Fire can happen anywhere and the leading cause can be natural or man. Over the last century, scientists have invented sensor-based methods to minimize damage and provide early warning of fires. However, these applications are only applied in a limited space and distance. For the purpose of fire remote warning and deploying on low-computing devices, this paper proposes a vision-based method using a lightweight convolutional neural network architecture combined with the inception and attention mechanisms. This proposed network includes two main modules: a feature extractor and a classifier. The feature extractor exploits convolution layers, depthwise separable convolution layers, inception module, and attention mechanism to extract high-level feature maps. Next, the classifier applies the global average pooling layer to quickly reduce the feature map dimensions and uses the softmax function to calculate the probability of each class. The experiments performed the training and evaluation on six datasets with an accuracy of over 96%. The fire surveillance system was implemented with simulation videos on GPU, CPU, and Jetson Nano devices, with the highest speeds of 200.95 FPS, 31.08 FPS, and 14.27 FPS, respectively. A set of demonstration videos, source code, and proposed dataset are provided here: https://bit.ly/3Wlpycf


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    This research consists of a classification system to determine the adult and benign image. Adult image in this research was defined as image that is perceived as pornographic by Indonesian people. The method in this research combines face detection and HS skin color detection on the image. Face detection is done by using the Viola-Jones method. After getting the results of face detection, skin detection process is performed on the image. Hence, based on the results of face and skin detections, a set of features is extracted and inserted into the classifier. Finally, the classifier determine wether an image is benign or adult. The classification used in determining adult or benign image will be based on the percentage of face area in the image, the position of face in the image and the percentage of the skin color in the image. For each feature, the threshold value is defined in this research. The results of the classifier is wether an input image is benign or adult images. From 30 sample images, the classification process classifies 5 pieces of images as benign images and 25 images as adult images. False positive rate are 2 images and false negative rate is 1 image with the accuracy of 90%. Another result obtained is that the face detection and skin detection methods play a role in this research is elements in determining the classification for adult images and benign images