14 research outputs found
Peran Perempuan dalam Pembentukan SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) yang Berkualitas Menghadapi Mea (Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN)
Saat ini, Indonesia sedang dalam persiapan menghadapi MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN) yang salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk menciptakan aliran bebas untuk barang, investasi, dan jasa, serta tenaga kerja terlatih. Tenaga kerja terlatih adalah produk SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) yang dibentuk oleh sistem pendidikan tidak hanya pendidikan formal di sekolah namun juga pendidikan informal berkelanjutan selama berada di lingkungan rumah. Dalam konteks ini, perempuan dalam perannya sebagai Ibu memiliki kontribusi penting terhadap tumbuh-kembang anak untuk menciptakan dasar yang kuat sebagai penunjang lahirnya SDM yang berkualitas agar mampu bersaing dalam MEA. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan peran Ibu dalam proses pembentukan konsep diri posisitif pada anak yang dapat mengarah pada pengembangan intelektualitas dan karakter. Metode penellitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan in-depth interview kepada beberapa informan yang dipilih secara purposif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembentukan konsep diri positif memerlukan waktu yang tidak sebentar dimana di dalamnya terlihat peran Ibu sebagai pembimbing sehingga anak memiliki motivasi diri yang positif, dan mental kompetitif, cerdas, serta berkarakter. Kata Kunci : MEA, konsep diri, peran perempuan Currently Indonesia is preparing to enter AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) which one of its purpose is to allow a free flow of goods, investment, services, and skilled workers. Skilled workers are the product of human resources which is formed by not only formal education at school, but also continuous informal education at home. In this context, women as their role as a mother, plays a very important contribution to a child's growth to create a firm basis to support the birth of highly qualified human resources that can compete in AEC. This article intends to explain a mother's role on the process of forming positive self-concept which eventually leads to the development of intellectuality and character. Qualitative method is used in this research with in-depth interview to several informants which is selected purposively. The research result shows that forming positive self-concept requires time in which can be seen the role of a mother as a guide so that the child can obtain a positive self motivation, and competitive mentality, intellect, with character
Peran Media Online dalam Pembangunan Provinsi Banten
Perkembangan Provinsi Banten menjadi sorotan saat ini. Media online Republika Online (ROL) memberitakan bahwa Provinsi Banten mengalami krisis air, pencemaran air yang disebabkan limbah industri di empat sungai besar yang merupakan sumber kehidupan masyarakat dalam bidang pertanian, transportasi, dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Kinerja Gubernur Banten dan jajarannya dinilai telah gagal dalam menjaga lingkungan dan menangani masalah lingkungan tersebut. Tujuan dari penulisan ingin memaparkan peran media online sebagai medium dalam penanganan pencemaran air sebagai bagian dari pembangunan daerah Provinsi Banten. Dengan metode kualitatif analisis wacana menggunakan perspektif Foucault pada media online nasional yakni ROL dan Suara Pembaruan online menemukan bahwa informasi yang dikemas oleh media online tersebut membentuk realita yang terjadi di. Provinsi Banten, sebagai hasil temuannya adalah dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap persepsi dan penilaian negatif dari pembaca, sehingga dari wacana media online tersebut membentuk struktur diskurtif, di mana struktur ini membatasi pembaca untuk melihat aspek lainnya. Katakunci: media online, perspektif Foucault, analisis wacana, pencemaran air sungai.The development of Banten province is becoming the highlight recently. Online media, Republika Online (ROL), reported that Banten province is experiencing water crisis, and water pollution caused by industrial waste at 4 large river stream which acts as the source for daily life, farming, and transportation. The performance of Banten's governor and her staff is considered to be a failure in preserving the environment and mitigating those environmental issues. This research aims to explore the role of online media as a medium to mitigate water pollution as part of Banten's regional development. With qualitative discourse analysis method using Foucault perspective on national online media, namely ROL and Suara Pembaruan Online, it is found that the information packaged by those online media has shape the reality at Banten. Research's result also shows that online media can influence the perspective and negative appraisal of its readers. Therefore, it can be concluded that the discourse from online media is able to shape a discursive structure, whereas this structure limits the readers from seeing matters under different aspects
Representasi Feminisme Dalam Media Untuk Pria Talkmen.com
Manusia saat ini disebut sebagai manusia informasi, di mana manusia mendapatkan berbagai informasi dalam berbagai kemasan yang beraneka ragam. Informasi yang disajikan semakin berkembang, disesuaikan juga dengan kebutuhan dan segmentasi informasinya merupakan jawaban dari budaya dan gaya hidup masyarakat perkotaan yang bukan lagi menjadi kebutuhan tersier. Majalah online TalkMen.com menyajikan informasi yang diberikan adalah mengenai gaya hidup dan tren yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan budaya pria di Indonesia. Namun, majalah ini juga menyajikan rubrik The Talk dan The Lovely Ladies, dalam rubrik ini disajikan informasi bagaimana tokoh yang sedang tren dan digemari, yang mana informasinya dikemas dengan eksklusif. Tujuan penulisan ini ingin melihat bagaimana representasi mengenai maskulinitas dan feminitas dalam media untuk pria TalkMen.com melalui tanda-tanda yang ditampilkan dalam rubrik The Talk dan Lovely Ladies. Penulis menggunakan pandangan feminisme liberal untuk mengetahui bagaimana media TalkMen.com mengkonstruksi wanita dalam media online dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif analisis semiotika oleh Charles Sanders Pierce. Melalui rubrik The Talk dan Lovely Ladies, majalah TalkMen.com ingin menempatkan wanita dalam posisi yang sama dengan pria. Hal tersebut karena semua tokoh pria dan wanita yang ada dalam kedua rubrik ini merupakan tokoh yang dipilih karena memiliki pencapaian atau pengaruh yang besar terhadap masyarakat. Nowadays, humans are known as information mankind, where we obtain informations in many various package. Informations being conveyed more progressively, being made suitable to the needs and its segmentation is the answer to the culture and lifestyle of urban people which is no longer considered as a tertiary needs. Online magazine TalkMen.com provides information about trends and lifestyle of the current needs and culture of men in Indonesia. However, this magazine also provides columns, i.e: The Talk and Lovely Ladies. The coloumns present informations about trending public figures and its being packaged exclusively. This article aims to observe how TalkMen.com represents masculinity and feminism in their media through signs which is displayed in The Talk and Lovely ladies. The author uses liberal feminism point of view to know TalkMen.com constructs women ini their online media using semiotics analysis qualitative method of Charles Sanders Pierce. Through those coloumns, TalkMen.com wants to position women at the same hierarchy as men. It is due to the figures in these coloumns, both men and women, are selected because of their achievements and/or great influence to the society
Pembentukan Konsep Diri Anak Usia Dini di One Earth School Bali
We were not born with clear understandings of who we are and what our value is. Communication with others can help us to understand and know who we are. For children at their early age, they are not yet to comprehend who they are, therefore they need someone to help them know who they are through particular others. This paper describes the process of how self-concept is formed during golden age (0-8 yo) through interpersonal communication between teacher and kindergarten students. The method in this research is case study at One Earth School Bali with qualitative approach using in-depth interviewtowards several informants purposively. The results showed that the understanding of the age factor as a volatile mood and playful nature of children, then the method of playing while learning in education as well as interpersonal communication teachers and children to build good relationships were potentially form positive self-concept of children, so children have good self-esteem and self-image
Is Social Media Impactful for University's Brand Image?
This research aims to verify many opinions and previous studies that stated how powerful of social media in building the image of a brand, also applies for university's brand image enhancement. Using explanatory survey research, data were collected by giving out questionnaires to samples that were taken randomly from Facebook's friend list of a private university that located in South Jakarta. The results showed that the most powerful influence occurs on the role of 'community' towards the brand identity and the role of 'connectivity' towards the brand benefits. Another interesting finding of this research is, it turns out 'openness' and 'conversation' has no significant effect on all components that make up the brand image. Thus, it can be said that the positive image on the mind of consumer audience regarding the brand identity, personality, association, attitude or behavior and the benefit offered by a university's brand not necessarily be formed by the openness and willingness to dialogue or make conversations
Mind, Self, and Society in the Online Gay Community: Study on Grindr Apps
Self-identity is a unified thing with someone's self-concept. The experience that is owned by someone is personal knowledge from experiencing and having various moments and references. The advancement of information technology in the Industry 4.0 era is now facing 5.0, opening up the opportunity to youths especially generation Z (Gen Z) who much more cares about freedom, having high self-confidence, and capability to quickly adopt various applications across internet media outlets. Nevertheless, they lack eagerness to dig deeper into something. Those factors have influenced the development of their self-concept through internet media. Grindr has known as an online gay-dating application, where a homosexual male exposes himself to what he wants to be seen by other users. This article focused on the review and describe how the self-concept development process of gen Z in using the application. Analyze the research using Mead's symbolic interactionism theory, furthermore to find out what factors that influence self-concept development of the application active users in their daily life. This research using virtual ethnography to four homosexual men in the age of 16-23. The results indicated that through the online application, a homosexual male is capable to develop his self-concept that wants to be seen on that medium. Moreover, the close read of data also uncovered at least ten types of aforesaid application users based on the self-concept that they form To cite this article (7th APA style): Pranata, R. H. and Putri, D. M. (2020). Mind, Self, and Society in the Online Gay Community: Study on Grindr Apps. Journal Communication Spectrum: Capturing New Perspectives in Communication, 10(1), 68-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.36782/jcs.v10i1.200