179 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Lks IPA Terpadu Berbasis Inkuiri Tema Darah Di SMP N 2 Tengaran

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKS IPA terpadu berbasis inkuiri tema darah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Hasil penilaian dari pakar terhadap produk yang telah dikembangkan memiliki persentase rata-rata 3,72 untuk pakar isi, 3,44 pakar penyajian, 3,79 pakar bahasa. Selain itu 100% siswa telah mencapai batas nilai KKM yang ditetapkan yaitu untuk ketuntasan individu ≥72 dan untuk keterampilan proses ilmiah siswa telah mencapai kategori baik. Produk yang telah dikembangkan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA di sekolah.This study aims to develop an integrated inquiry-based science worksheets blood theme. Research was conducted using the method of Research and Development (R & D). Results of the experts’ assessment who have developed products have an average percentage of 3.72 to content experts, presentation experts 3.44, 3.79 linguists. In addition 100% of students have reached the limit values specified passing grade is for completeness individuals ≥ 72 and for the scientific process skills students have achieved good category. The product that has been developed effectively used in science teaching in schools

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Kewirausahaan, Modal USAha Dan Peran Business Development Service Terhadap Pengembangan USAha (Studi Pada Sentra Industri Kerupuk Desa Kedungrejo Sidoarjo Jawa Timur)

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    This study aims to determine whether there is influence between the characteristics of entrepreneurship, venture capital and the role of Business Development Services to business development. Type of study is Exploratif Research. Data collection methods used are literature studies, questionnaires, interviews and observations. Of the 33 total of study population, retrieved a sample of 33 respondents to the census method. Analysis of data using the correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, regression analysis, and t test and f test to prove the hypothesis by using SPSS 16.0.The results of the study through the analysis of the coefficient of determination shows that the characteristics of entrepreneurship, business capital, and the role of Business Development Service has a positive and significant impact on business development partially (with the results of respectively 29.5%, 45.7%, and 38.7 %) and 48.7% simultans to the development effort

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Komite Audit, Fee Audit, Ukuran Kap, dan Internal Auditor terhadap Ketepatan Waktu (Timeliness) Pelaporan Keuagan (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan yang Listing di Bei Tahun 2013)

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of audit committee characteristics, audit Fees, Public Accountant's Size, and the existence of internal auditor toward timeliness. Characteristic of audit committee can be seen from size of audit committee, frequency of audit committee meeting, and financial expertise of audit committee. The population in this study is all firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange periode 2013. Sample of this research is 80 firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange periode 2013 that selected by using purposive sampling method. Data analysis using logistic regression at levels significance 5%. The result showed that the number of financial expertise on the audit committee, Public Accountnt's size, and the existence of internal auditor significantly affect timeliness of financial reporting of the firm, while variable the size of audit committee, frequency of audit committee meeting, Audit Fees not have an affect to timeliness of financial reporting of the firm listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2013

    Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (Ppi) Pasir Kabupaten Kebumen Ditinjau dari Sumberdaya Perikanan

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    Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Pasir Kebumen mempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi Pelabuhan Perikanan dilihat dari potensi sumberdaya perikanan yang besar. Dengan kondisi sumberdaya perikanan tersebut, untuk meningkatkan peran Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Pasir terhadap pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan yang ada saat ini, maka perlu adanya penelitian untuk mengkaji strategi pengembangan PPI Pasir.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi sumberdaya perikanan di PPI Pasir, menganalisa ketersediaan dan tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas di PPI Pasir, dan menganalisa strategi pengembangan PPI Pasir ditinjau dari sumberdaya perikanannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif serta menggunakan analisis data yaitu analisis tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi sumberdaya perikanan di PPI Pasir masih sangat tinggi. Sumberdaya perikanan di PPI Pasir diantaranya adalah potensi hasil tangkapan ikan, luas lahan PPI Pasir, jumlah alat tangkap, jumlah armada penangkap ikan, dan jumlah nelayan aktif. Fasilitas di PPI Pasir masih sangat kurang, karena belum terdapat fasilitas pokok seperti dermaga, breakwater dan alur pelayaran yang merupakan fasilitas utama untuk memperlancar kegiatan penangkapan ikan. Berdasarkan perhitungan tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas, gedung TPI mempunyai tingkat optimalisasi sebesar 66%, luas lahan parkir sebesar 37 %, dan kolam pelabuhan sebesar 6 %. Perhitungan analisis SWOT diperoleh hasil -0,14 ; 0,89 sehingga penerapannya menggunakan kuadran III atau strategi W-O (Weakness-Opportunity). Pasir Fish Landing Base Kebumen has a potential to be developed into fishing port seen by the huge potential of fisheries resources. By that condition of fishery resources, to increase the role of Pasir Fish Landing Base by fishery resources existing, it is necessary to research the development strategy to assessing Pasir Fish Landing Base.The purpose of this research is to determine the condition of fishery resources at Pasir Fish Landing Base, to analysis the availability and facility utilization rate, and to analysis development strategy seen from Pasir Fish Landing Base fishery resources. The method which used in this research is descriptive survey and analysis data such as the utilization rate analysis, and SWOT analysis. The result of research showed that the condition of fishery resources in Pasir Fish Landing Base is still very high. Fishery resources in Pasir Fish Landing Base include the potential fish catches, land area, the amount of fishing gear, fishing fleet, and the amount of active fisherman. The facility at Pasir Fish Landing Base still very lacking, because there hasn't been basic facilities such as a piers, breakwater, and navigation channel which is the main facility for fishing activities. Based on calculating of the level of utilization facility, TPI building has an optimization levels was 66%, extensive parking area was 37%, and port pool was 6%. The SWOT analysis calculation result obtained by -0,14 ; 0,89 so the implementation is using quadrant III or Weakness-Opportunity strategy

    Analisa Pendapatan dan Efisiensi Ekonomis Penggunaan Pakan pada USAhatani Penggemukan Sapi Bali (Studi Kasus di Desa Lebih, Kabupaten Gianyar)

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    Kemampuan petani untuk mengalokasikan faktor-faktor produksi secara efisien dan ekonomis sangat penting untuk memaksimumkan pendapatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendapatan peternak dan tingkat efisiensi ekonomis penggunaan pakan hijauan dan pakan konsentrat dalam USAhatani penggemukan sapi Bali. Wawancara terhadap 50 peternak yang ada di Desa Lebih telah dilakukan pada tahun 2009 untuk mengumpulkanan data. Tingkat pendapatan peternak dianalisis berdasarkan atas biaya tunai dan biaya total. Efisiensi ekonomis penggunaan pakan hijauan dan pakan konsentrat ditentukan dengan mencari indeks efisiensi pakan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa USAhatani penggemukan sapi Bali memberikan keuntungan pada peternak sebesar Rp. 1.292.485/ekor, dengan R/C ratio 1,2 jika hanya memperhitungkan biaya tunai (tanpa memperhitungkan biaya pakan hijauan, tenaga kerja, dan lahan). Namun jika semua biaya diperhitungkan secara finansial, USAhatani penggemukan sapi Bali menyebabkan kerugian sebesar Rp. 698.426,65/ekor, dengan R/C rasio 0,92. Jumlah pemberian pakan hijauan sudah mendekati kondisi yang efisien secara ekonomis (sedikit berlebihan) dengan nilai Indeks Efisiensi 0,93. Sedangkan jumlah pemberian pakan konsentrat tidak efisien dengan nilai Indeks Efisiensi 0,57, pemberian pakan hijauan dan konsentrat harus dikurangi sehingga masing-masing menjadi 29,27 kg/ekor/hari dan 2,35 kg/ekor/hari (setara dedak padi) untuk mencapai kondisi yang efisien secara ekonomis

    Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.) Terhadap Pemberian Pupuk N Dan P

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    Sehat Bahrin Padang : The Growth and Production Response of Some Maize VarietiesThrough by N and P Application. Supervised by Ir. Mbue Kata Bangun, MP andDr. Ir. Lollie Agustina P. Putri, M.Si. The use of Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD) wasto determine the response surface produce at maize not yet a lot of checked, for that a research hadbeen conducted in UPT BBI Tanjung Selamat, Regency of Deli Serdang, Province of NorthSumatra at ± 25 m above sea level, in May 2012 - August 2012 using randomized block design oftwo factors, the factors are varieties (Bisma and SHS-4) and NP fertilize (NP dose prescribed ofCCRD). Parameters measured were: plant height, the number of leaf, the number of leaf above cob,flowering age, harvesting age, cob lenght, cob diameter, wight 100 seeds, production of dry seeds.The results showed that the varieties significantly different in maize height, the number of leafs,flowering age, wight 100 seeds and dry seeds production. Fertilize sigificantly affects flowering ageand harvesting age. Interaction factor significantly affects flowering age and the number of leafabove cob

    Angka Kejadian Fraktur Mandibula Berdasarkan Lokasi Anatomis di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Periode Januari 2011 – Desember 2013

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    Face is the part of the body that is uncovered topographically and easy to get trauma as the result. The high incidence of traffic accident in developing countries is equal to the increasing of facial bone fracture incidence rate. Anatomy shape and the opened-position of mandibular lead to be easy to get trauma compared to other facial bones. This research was aimed to know the incidence rate of mandibular fracture based on anatomical location in Riau Province General Hospital during January 2011-December 2013 that consists of distribution of mandibular fracture in age, sex, total of fracture line, and trauma variant. The research was an observational study using descriptive retrospective design. This study used total sampling method. Samples of this study were all data of mandibular fracture patient that fulfilled inclusion criteria. The total samples were 206 cases. This study shows that the age group of 18-40 years old (59%) and male (80.1%) in sex group were the most commonly patient with mandibular fracture. Single trauma was the highest trauma that happened with 57.3% in percentage. The highest fracture line was single fracture (68.6%) with symphysis parasymphysis region (26.7%). Symphysis parasymphysis mandibular fracture was found in age group of 18-40 years old (53.12%), male in sex group (75%), single fracture line (63.38), and single trauma in trauma variant (57.81%.)

    The effect of health insurance and socioeconomic status on women’s choice in birth attendant and place of delivery across regions in Indonesia: a multinomial logit analysis

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    Background: Evidence suggests that women gave birth in diverse types of health facilities and were assisted by various types of health providers. This study examines how these choices are influenced by the Indonesia national health insurance programme (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN)), which aimed to provide equitable access to health services, including maternal health. Methods: Using multinomial logit regression models, we examined patterns and determinants of women’s choice for childbirth, focusing on health insurance coverage, geographical location and socioeconomic disparities. We used the 2018 nationally representative household survey dataset consisting of 41 460 women (15–49 years) with a recent live birth. Results: JKN coverage was associated with increased use of higher-level health providers and facilities and reduced the likelihood of deliveries at primary health facilities and attendance by midwives/nurses. Women with JKN coverage were 13.1% and 17.0% (p<0.05) more likely to be attended by OBGYN/general practitioner (GP) and to deliver at hospitals, respectively, compared with uninsured women. We found notable synergistic effects of insurance status, place of residence and economic status on women’s choice of type of birth attendant and place of delivery. Insured women living in Java–Bali and in the richest wealth quintile were 6.4 times more likely to be attended by OBGYN/GP and 4.2 times more likely to deliver at a hospital compared with those without health insurance, living in Eastern Indonesia, and in the poorest income quantile. Conclusion: There are large variations in the choice of birth attendant and place of delivery by population groups in Indonesia. Evaluation of health systems reform initiatives, including the JKN programme and the primary healthcare strengthening, is essential to determine their impact on disparities in maternal health services

    Dampak Kebijakan Tarif Impor Terhadap Pasar Jagung Di Indonesia

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    Maize is the second largest contributor to GDP after rice in the food crops subsector in Indonesia. The domestic maize production is unable to meet the high demand. Therefore, there is a gap or imbalance between supply and demand and maize import cannot be avoided. The implementation of ASEAN Free Trade Area has reduced and eliminated tariff barriers. The objectives of the study are to: (1) identify factors that affect the supply and demand for maize, and (2) analyze the impact of changes in maize import tariff on the supply, demand, and welfare of producers and consumers of maize in Indonesia. The study used time series data from 1986-2010. Indonesian Maize Trade model is constructed as a system of simultaneous equations and estimated method using Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS).The elimination of Indonesian maize import tariff from AFTA or non AFTA countries is leading to decreased producer surplus. Therefore, the combination of eliminating Indonesian maize import tariff from AFTA and non AFTA countries, decreasing the retail price of urea fertilizer, and increasing maize prices at the farm level can compensate the decrease of producer surplus so that the welfare can be increased(net surplus)
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