25 research outputs found


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    Credit is the basis for the supply of funds, services or demands based on a loan-to-loan compromise between the bank and the customer. Simulation is the key for banks in carrying out various processes such as simulating various credit loans and deposit simulations. Credit and deposit simulations are very important because they can help banks in conducting various credit loan simulations and deposit simulations. Credit and deposit simulations at PT.BPR Kintamas Mitra Dana there are no credit and deposit simulations that can be accessed by prospective debtors before applying for a loan to the bank so that many loans are rejected. and there is no specific application for simulating credit and deposits that can be accessed by prospective debtors. So we need an application that can produce knowledge to deal with problems arising from credit and deposit simulations. So an android-based application was made with a forward chaining method to deal with problems in credit and deposit simulations. The design uses Android Studio with an Android version of Jelly Bean and above for easy use by smartphone users. The results of this research application can find out whether the credit and deposit simulation process is acceptable or not


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    Currently the ongoing sales process in Bengkel Top 1 Motor requires the buyer to come and meet in person to purchase the required spareparts. This thus affects the sales process where buyers who come to look for spareparts equipment only reach buyers who are around the workshop, and conventional purchases require in-depth knowledge of employees about prices. System design is the best solution for solving problems and with a computerized system an activity can be achieved that effectively and efficiently supports workshop activities (Abdurrahman & Maspirah, 2017). The Agile development method has the stages used, namely the process of making a design based on mutual agreement in the form of interviews and observation (planning), coding and design (implementation), testing (testing), documentation, disseminating information (deployment), maintenance (Handayani et al., 2023) Apart from being used as an Android communication tool, Android can also be used as a platform to be accessed and developed easily because it supports several devices in making applications, one of which is Android games (Agis et al, 2021).From the problems experienced by the Bengkel Top 1 Motor, it is considered necessary to design a sales application so that the sales process is faster and more efficient

    Analisis Penentuan Harga Kamar Hotel Dengan Fuzzy Logic Metode Sugeno Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Pelanggan Di Kota Batam

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    Determining the right hotel room pricing is a critical aspect of hotel management. In Batam City, a popular destination for both tourism and business, adjusting hotel room prices based on customer needs has become increasingly important. This research focuses on the utilization of Fuzzy Logic Sugeno Method to analyze and determine hotel room prices that can be tailored to the preferences and requirements of customers in Batam City. The Sugeno Method is a powerful technique in fuzzy logic that allows for qualitative modeling of customer preferences. This research integrates historical hotel room data, weather data, city event data, and customer preferences collected through surveys and sentiment analysis. Subsequently, this method is employed to generate membership functions that link input variables, such as weather, to the output variable, which is hotel room price. The research findings demonstrate that this approach can yield hotel room prices that are more aligned with customer preferences based on factors such as weather and city events. This aids hotels in Batam City in optimizing their revenue by offering competitive and enticing prices to potential customers. This research makes a significant contribution to the development of smarter pricing strategies in the hotel industry, with a focus on customer satisfaction and revenue enhancement


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      The study of prophets is useful for knowing the history of the prophet. The learning media used in the teaching and learning process about the prophet during the Covid-19 pandemic, only in the form of printed books and the delivery of material using the application (WhatsApp). So that the delivery of the material is not conveyed all because the learning time is only 10-15 minutes which before the pandemic is 4 learning hours in one week. Furthermore, the students' interest in learning decreased as evidenced by the fact that most students were often late in collecting assignments. The method used in designing educational games for the names of the prophets using Android-based construct 2 uses the SDLC method or Software Development Life Cycle and UML (Unified Modeling Language) and uses StarUml software, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Construct 2, and Web 2 Apk Builders. The results of this study are in the form of an educational game on the names of the prophets using Android-based construct 2. From the results of the research, it can be concluded that the educational game of the names of the prophets using Android-based construct 2 can be an interesting and easy-to-understand learning medium for SDN 003 Batu Aji students, can introduce fun learning tools to students in the form of educational games, and can help improve knowledge for the disciples about the prophet

    Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Android Pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Technology is increasingly developing in all aspects of life, even in the teaching and learning process. Children at Elementary School level are more interested in learning with interactive learning media that are more interesting than conventional learning from textbooks. Learning to use textbooks makes it difficult for elementary school age children to concentrate because of the large amount of material, books that are less interesting and lack of interaction so that when learning students must be guided especially for Social Sciences subjects. With the Android-based interactive learning media application, students can learn while playing. The media is designed to contain material in the form of images, audio and video so as to attract the attention and concentration of students in the learning process independently. This media design uses the RAD (Rapid Application Development) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) methods as a tool for modeling media, android studio for its design. Based on the results of trials conducted on elementary school students feel more interested and easier to remember material with interactive media than learning to use textbooks

    Fuzzy Logic Untuk Menentukan Lokasi Kios Terbaik Di Kepri Mall Dengan Menggunakan Metode Sugeno

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    Riau Islands Mall under the management of PT Citra Buana Initiative is one of the shopping centers in Batam. Riau Islands Mall covers a total area of 65,000 square meters of retail space, and consists of 4 floors, Riau Islands Mall also provides a shop around the area and a kiosk inside the free rent. Currently Kepri Mall also offers / kiosk that can be used for business products and services. However, Riau Islands Mall are still having difficulties in determining the location of the kiosk best for tenants due to the determination / selection kiosk location still rely on manual way so that they are less accurate, because the stall tenant who often move the location of the kiosk business premises due to feel the position of the location of the kiosk is not suitable / suited to the type of business. The problems that arise in this world sometimes often has no definite answer, fuzzy logic is one method to analyze the system is uncertain. This thesis discusses the application of fuzzy logic on solving the problem of determining the best location in kepri mall kiosk using Sugeno method. The problem is solved by determining the best kiosk location by using three variables as input data, ie: price = 180, position = 7.5, and the size = 14. And the results output from the manual count of 0.85 results in defuzzification obtain and use apps matlab obtained results of 0.86, the results do show the location of the best stall Exactly.Keyword : Determining the best kiosk location , Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Sugen


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    The web-based face recognition application will provide convenience for students to LDII organizations or Islamic boarding school, it is possible for the students themselves to give their best in carrying out their activities. Attendance is crucial to any organization. Where participation is one of the key factors that may encourage and support any action that will take place. Operating the attendance system manually at the moment, namely utilizing manual paper. This might lead to a number of errors.and unhygienic times during the pandemic, example is the inefficiency of utilizing paper, forgetting to fill in the absences, missing paper used and using pens alternately causing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. By using Face Recognition, students only show the face to be scanned using a webcam provided by the boarding school teacher. The strategy utilized in this study is rapid application development using modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The Django web framework's tools were then used to create this application, Postgresql and Python programming. This application was built with the aim of making it easier for boarding school teacher and students


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    Most people in Batam now if they feel sick they always go to the pharmacy or hospital, even though before going to the hospital or pharmacy, people can treat themselves with traditional medicine, this is felt to be helpful for the community before going to the pharmacy or hospital. Even though the demand for traditional medicine in the Batam area is still high, the existing traditional medicine shops are very difficult or limited, this is felt as a problem for Batam residents who want to treat their illness with traditional medicine. Based on this, many residents are also looking for traditional recipes on the internet because they find it difficult to find traditional drug stores, but sometimes the source from the internet is sometimes unknown from where even most on the internet there are many fake recipes circulating that can harm the community. The method used in this study uses the RAD model, this research produces an android application for traditional medicine recipes


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    Advances in information technology provides much convenience for human life, but even this progress simultaneously cause a variety of problems that are not easy to find a way out. One of the problems arising from the development of information technology, namely the birth of crimes that refers to activities undertaken in the virtual world using a computer or computer network technology, known as cybercrime (cybercrime). Crime cybercrime common daily life such Decency, Gambling, humiliation or defamation, extortion or threatening, Spreading false news, Abuse, Hacker, Cracker, falsification of data, due to internet users, or lack of awareness about the Law Number 11 Year 2008 Information and Electronic Transaction applicable. Therefore, this study aims to develop an expert system using programming language PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL database-based web using a forward chaining method to make it easier, knowing, and assist in taking an answer or conclusion of cases and sanctions crime cyberspace (cybercrime) based on Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions applicable