10 research outputs found

    Cost Minimization Model of Gas Transmission Line for Indonesian SIJ Pipeline Network

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    Optimization of Indonesian SIJ gas pipeline network is being discussed here. Optimum pipe diameters together with the corresponding pressure distribution are obtained from minimization of total cost function consisting of investment and operating costs and subjects to some physical (Panhandle A and Panhandle B equations) constraints. Iteration technique based on Generalized Steepest-Descent and fourth order Runge-Kutta method are used here. The resulting diameters from this continuous optimization are then rounded to the closest available discrete sizes. We have also calculated toll fee along each segment and safety factor of the network by determining the pipe wall thickness, using ANSI B31.8 standard. Sensitivity analysis of toll fee for variation of flow rates is shown here. The result will gives the diameter and compressor size and compressor location that feasible to use for the SIJ pipeline project. The Result also indicates that the east route cost relatively less expensive than the west cost

    Cost Minimization Model of Gas Transmission Line for Indonesian SIJ Pipeline Network

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    Optimization of Indonesian SIJ gas pipeline network is being discussed here. Optimum pipe diameters together with the corresponding pressure distribution are obtained from minimization of total cost function consisting of investment and operating costs and subjects to some physical (Panhandle A and Panhandle B equations) constraints. Iteration technique based on Generalized Steepest-Descent and fourth order Runge-Kutta method are used here. The resulting diameters from this continuous optimization are then rounded to the closest available discrete sizes. We have also calculated toll fee along each segment and safety factor of the network by determining the pipe wall thickness, using ANSI B31.8 standard. Sensitivity analysis of toll fee for variation of flow rates is shown here. The result will gives the diameter and compressor size and compressor location that feasible to use for the SIJ pipeline project. The Result also indicates that the east route cost relatively less expensive than the west cost

    Pengaruh Kapasitas Pengeringan terhadap Karakteristik Gabah Menggunakan Swirling Fluidized Bed Dryer (SFBD)

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    Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan eksperimen pengeringan gabah menggunakan swirling fluidized bed dengan variasi beban pengeringan untuk melihat karakteristik gabah yang dihasilkan. Gabah dengan berat 200 gr, 250 gr dan 300 gr masing-masing dikeringkan dengan dihamparkan pada ruang pengeringan. Udara dari blower yang melewati pemanas dihembuskan menuju ruang pengering melalui annular blade distributor dengan sudut 45o. Gabah terangkat dan terbang mengelilingi centre body pada ruang pengering. Pengeringan dilakukan selama 60 menit dengan pengambilan sampel sebanyak 9 kali dengan masing-masing sebanyak 10 gr. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada menit ke-0, 5, 10, 17, 24, 32, 40, 48 dan menit ke- 60 pada setiap proses pengeringan dengan kapasitas yang berbeda. Setiap pengambilan sampel dicatat data temperatur dan kelembaban relatif lingkungan pada plenum dan ruang pengering. Penurunan kadar air gabah relatif seragam dan terjadi penurunan kadar air yang signifikan pada 5 menit pertama pengeringan dimana kadar air bebas pada permukaan gabah masih banyak. Selama proses pengeringan kadar air gabah turun dari 29.25% menjadi 14.03%, 28.58% menjadi 14.21% dan 26.8% menjadi 13.78%. Kelembaban relatif ruang pengering menurun akibat kenaikan temperatur pengeringan. Massa air yang diuapkan dari gabah sebesar 31.17 gr, 38.26 gr dan 41.82 gr untuk masing-masing kapasitas. Humidity ratio antara plenum dengan ruang pengering berbanding terbalik, dimana pada ruang pengering humidity ratio akan naik dan pada plenum humidity ratio akan turun hal ini disebabkan olah naiknya temperatur dan dengan dihembuskannya udara panas. Selisih humidity ratio antara ruang pengering dengan plenum pada menit akhir pengeringan berkisar antara 5-7g/kg.Kata Kunci : Pengeringan, fluidisasi, Swirling fluidized bed In this research, rough rice experiments have been done using swirling fluidized beds with variations in drying load to see the characteristics of the rough rice produced. Rough rice with a weight of 200 gr, 250 gr and 300 gr each dried by being spread on the drying chamber. The air from the blower passing through the heater is blowing into the drying chamber through the annular blade distributor at 45o of angle. Rough rice is lifted and flies around the center body of the drying chamber. Drying is carried out for 60 minutes with sampling nine times with 10 gr each. Sampling was carried out at 0, 5, 10, 17, 24, 32, 40, 48 and 60 minutes at each drying process with different capacities. Each sample recorded temperature and relative humidity data in the plenum and drying chamber. The decrease in rough rice moisture content was relatively uniform, and there was a significant decrease in moisture content in the first 5 minutes of drying where there was still a lot of free moisture content on the rough rice surface. During the drying process, the rough rice water content dropped from 29.25% to 14.03%, 28.58% to 14.21% and 26.8% to 13.78%. The relative humidity of the drying chamber decreases due to the increase in drying temperature. The evaporated water mass of the rough rice are 31.17 gr, 38.26 gr and 41.82 gr for each capacity. Humidity ratio between the plenum and the drying chamber is inversely proportional, wherein the drying chamber the humidity ratio will increase, and the plenum humidity ratio will decrease this is due to the increase in temperature and the exhaling of hot air. The humidity ratio difference between the drying chamber and the plenum in the final minutes of drying ranged from 5-7g / kg

    Cost Minimization Model of Gas Transmission Line for Indonesian SIJ Pipeline Network

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    Optimization of Indonesian SIJ gas pipeline network is being discussed here. Optimum pipe diameters together with the corresponding pressure distribution are obtained from minimization of total cost function consisting of investment and operating costs and subjects to some physical (Panhandle A and Panhandle B equations) constraints. Iteration technique based on Generalized Steepest-Descent and fourth order Runge-Kutta method are used here. The resulting diameters from this continuous optimization are then rounded to the closest available discrete sizes. We have also calculated toll fee along each segment and safety factor of the network by determining the pipe wall thickness, using ANSI B31.8 standard. Sensitivity analysis of toll fee for variation of flow rates is shown here. The result will gives the diameter and compressor size and compressor location that feasible to use for the SIJ pipeline project. The Result also indicates that the east route cost relatively less expensive than the west cost

    Cost Minimization Model of Gas Transmission Line for Indonesian SIJ Pipeline Network

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    Optimization of Indonesian SIJ gas pipeline network is being discussed here. Optimum pipe diameters together with the corresponding pressure distribution are obtained from minimization of total cost function consisting of investment and operating costs and subjects to some physical (Panhandle A and Panhandle B equations) constraints. Iteration technique based on Generalized Steepest-Descent and fourth order Runge-Kutta method are used here. The resulting diameters from this continuous optimization are then rounded to the closest available discrete sizes. We have also calculated toll fee along each segment and safety factor of the network by determining the pipe wall thickness, using ANSI B31.8 standard. Sensitivity analysis of toll fee for variation of flow rates is shown here. The result will gives the diameter and compressor size and compressor location that feasible to use for the SIJ pipeline project. The Result also indicates that the east route cost relatively less expensive than the west cost

    Pemanfaatan Air Reject Reverse Osmosis PT Cirebon Electric Power Untuk Elektrolit Lampu Air Garam Nelayan

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    Lampu air garam selama ini banyak dimanfaatkan oleh nelayan ketika melaut baiksebagai sumber penerangan maupun untuk menarik perhatian ikan. Lampu air garam inimenggunakan elektrolit seperti larutan garam dapur dan air laut. Pada penelitian ini, dilaporkanpenggunaan air reject Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) PT Cirebon Electric Power (PT CEP)sebagai elektrolit lampu air garam yang gratis dan terjaga kualitasnya seperti salinitas dan turbiditas.Studi ini merupakan bagian dari upaya PT CEP dalam kegiatan pengabdian dan pemberdayaanmasyarakat nelayan di sekitar pabrik berbasis ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Untuk membuktikansecara ilmiah, uji sel galvani dengan anoda magnesium dan katoda karbon serta elektrolit berupaberbagai larutan air garam dilakukan. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa air reject SWRO mampumenghasilkan voltase optimal hingga 1,4 Volt (sel tunggal) dibanding penggunaan air laut sebagaielektrolit yang hanya 1,2 Volt. Dari evaluasi biaya dan manfaat, penggunaan air reject SWROsebagai elektrolit lampu air garam mampu menghemat biaya nelayan dan bahkan jauh lebihekonomis jika dibandingkankan dengan penerangan konvensional menggunakan petromaks. Selainmanfaat secara ekonomi, sistem yang ditawarkan aman dan tidak menghasilkan limbah berbahaya.Studi yang dilengkapi pembuktian ilmiah ini harapannya membuka peluang pemanfaatan air rejectSWRO yang lebih luas di mana saat ini tidak banyak dimanfaatkan

    The analysis of wear on artificial hip joint with dimple on femoral surface

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    This paper proposes the replacement of artificial hip joints which is one of the successful methods used to restore the movement of damaged hip bones. The main contribution of this work is to reduce wear caused by contact pressure between the femoral head and acetabular cup surfaces, where the average wear rate is very high. This can be achieved through the use of dimple on the femoral head surface from the artificial hip joint and subsequently computed by using the Archard equation. To validate the contact pressure accuracy of the proposed model, mesh sensitivity that used with 3 levels of mesh size are 1.2, 1.1 and 1.0. In this study for more accurate result, the mesh sensitivity used is with the mesh size of 1.0. The performance calculation results from wear are shown that in a hip joint using dimple the maximum contact pressure and the wear depth are decreased compared to the hip joint without dimple which are 67.25 MPa and 1.064 x10-10 mm from the previous value of 77.44 MPa and 1.185 x10-10 mm. Therefore, based on differences in the distribution of contact pressure that occurs shows volumetric wear on the hip joints using a dimple lower than without a dimple