633 research outputs found

    Ergonomic Redesign of Computer Laboratory to Improve Electric Power Performance and Working Efficiency

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    The current problems in the Computer Laboratory of Udayana UniversityTechnical Engineering Faculty include non-standard room temperature of 28 0 C, nonstandardlight intensity average in the room of 110 lux, seat height of 43 cm and tableheight of 74,50 cm being not adapted to the workers' anthropometric measurements, anddazzling white-colored curtains. Baseline data on six students after 3-hour workingrevealed the following findings: eye fatigue 81%' and general fatigue 88%;musculoskeletal complaints 51%; average learning achievement 59.5%, performance16.25%, and efficiency 10.09%. In an effort to improve the working conditions, a totalexperimental ergonomic intervention in the form of redesigning the Computer Laboratorywas introduced.In this study 30 subjects were recruited. The data collected were analyzed by usingdesriptive statistics, normality test, comparability test, and paired-simple t-test with asignificant level of 5%.Total ergonomic intervention has resulted in a decrease of room temperature from280 C to 25.830 C (p<0.05), increase in light intensity from 110 lux to 136.67 lux, decreasein eye fatigue from 81% to 23% (p<0.05), decrease in general fatique 88% to 41%,decrease in musculoskeletal complaints from 51% to 11% (p<0.05), increase in learningachievement score from 59.5% to 89.5% (p<0.05), increase in performance from 16.25%to 41.25%, and increase in efficiency from 10.09% to 75.09% (p<.05).The results of this study revealed that appropriate total ergonomic intervention in acomputer laboratory had succeeded in improving the quality of working and performanceof the workers

    Pengaruh Brand Image, Celebrity Endorser, Kualitas Produk, dan Kewajaran Harga terhadap Niat Membeli Sepeda Motor Matic Merek Honda di Kota Denpasar

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    Industri sepeda motor semakin bersaing sehingga manajemen diharapkan dapat membuat strategi baik untuk pembangunan bagi sebuah citra, pengembangan kualitas produk, dan pertimbangan harga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh brand image, celebrity endorser, kualitas produk, dan kewajaran harga terhadap niat membeli sepeda motor matic merek Honda di Kota Denpasar. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa secara serempak brand image, celebrity endorser, kualitas produk, dan kewajaran harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap niat membeli sepeda motor matic honda di Kota Denpasar Diketahui juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara parsial antara brand image, celebrity endorser, kualitas produk, dan kewajaran harga terhadap niat membeli sepeda motor matic di Kota Denpasar

    Pengaruh Ketidakpuasan dan Sikap Mengeluh terhadap Perilaku Mengeluh Pengguan Mobil Suzuki di Kota Denpasar

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of dissatisfaction and complaining attitude toward complaining user behavior Suzuki car in Denpasar. This study used a qualitative research using surveys and questionnaires to 105 respondents. It was found that dissatisfaction is a positive and significant effect on the behavior of users complaining Suzuki car in Denpasar and complaining attitude positive and significant effect on the behavior of users complaining Suzuki car in Denpasar. Attitude complained become dominant variables that affect the behavior of users complaining Suzuki car in Denpasar

    Pengaruh Motivasi Serta Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Serta Dampaknya terhadap Produktivitas Perajin Perak

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    Setiap unit bisnis menginginkan produktivitas yang tinggi. Produktivitas dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya kepuasan kerja, motivasi serta lingkungan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung motivasi, lingkungan kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja, pengaruh langsung motivasi, lingkungan kerja dan kepuasan kerja terhadap produktivitas serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh tidak langsung motivasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap produktivitas melalui kepuasan kerja perajin perak. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Celuk dan Desa Singapadu, Kabupaten Gianyar. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 93 orang perajin, dengan metode non probability sampling, khususnya kuota sampling. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, kuesioner dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur (path). Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa motivasi dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja dan produktivitas, serta kepuasan kerja memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap produktivitas. Selain itu, juga ditemukan bahwa motivasi dan lingkungan kerja juga ditemukan memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap produktivitas melalui kepuasan kerja

    Pengaruh Kondisi Ekonomi dan Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Return Saham Perusahaan Food And Beverages di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the inflation rate, gross domestic product (GDP), debt to equity ratio (DER), return on assets (ROA), market to book value (MBV) towards the stock returns on the food and beverages company in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) 2010-2013. Data collection methods used in this study is a nonparticipant observation method. The population used is the company that is categorized into food and beverages sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010 - 2013, the sampling method used in this study is purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used is the Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed that the market to book value is partially positive and significant effect on stock returns, while the rate of inflation, gross domestic product, the debt to equity ratio, return on assets insignificant effect on stock returns food and beverages company in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010 -2013

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Lingkungan Kerja Fisik terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT Bpr Pedungan

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    The purpose of research to determine the effect of transformational leadership style and environment physical work simultaneously and partially on the performance of employees, and test variables dominant influence on employee performance. This research was conducted at PT. RB Pedungan with multiple linear regression analysis technique. Population is the whole subject of research as many as 90 employees number of samples obtained by using census method as much as 90 respondents. Based on the analysis concluded that the transformational leadership style and environment physical work it has positive and significant effect simultaneously and partially on the performance of employees. Transformational leadership style is the variable that most affects the performance of employees of PT. RB Pedungan

    Proses Penyusunan Anggaran pada Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Sleman YOGYAKARTA

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the stages of the process of drafting the Regional Working Unit Budget Work Plan or in Indonesia called the Working Plan of Regional Working Unit Budget (RKA-SKPD) and what strategy is used by the regional apparatus unit or in Indonesia called the Regional Device Work Unit (SKPD) in budgeting. The research method is quantitative descriptive with data type is primary data and secondary data with data collection technique of interview and observation. The results of the study that (a). budget drafting process In Sleman District Youth and Sports Education Office has been in accordance with the Government Regulation of Finance Minister Regulation No 92 PMK.05, (b). Weak process of evaluation and monitoring of the program resulting in constraints on the process of delay in the disbursement of funds Keywords: Preparation of Regional Budget Work Plan(RKA-SKPD
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