12 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Abu Serbuk Gergaji Dan Pupuk Guano Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum Annum L.)di Lahan Gambut

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    This study aims to look at the effect of sawdustash and guano fertilizer on the growth and production of pepper plants in peatland as well as to get appropriate dose of sawdust ash and manure guano. This research was conducted at the experimental peat garden, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau, RimboPanjang, Kampar. The research lasted for five months, from December 2013 until May 2014. The experiments was conducted using factorial randomized block design consisting of two factors and three repetition. The first factor is the sawdustash 10 ton / ha (4 kg/plot), 20 tons / ha (8 kg/plot), 30 t / ha (12 kg/plot) and the second factor is the guano fertilizer, 100 kg / ha (40 gram/plot), 200 kg / ha (80 gram/plot), 300 kg / ha (120 gram/plot). Parameters measured were plant height, days to flowering, fruit length, fruit diameter, harvesting age, fresh fruit weight and fruit weight per plot. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance followed by Duncan\u27s multiple range test at 5%. The result show that the best dose for enhancing Chili growth and production is 20 ton/ha (8 kg/plot) sawdust ash and 300 kg/ha (120 gram/plot) guano fertilizer. The best treatment parameters: flowering age, harvesting age, fruit length, fruit diameter, and fresh fruit weight, fruit weight per plot

    Application of Cow Manure Waste and Calcium Oxide Lime (CaO) on Growth and Yield of Cowpea Plant (Vigna Sinensis L.)

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    Introduction: The research was aimed to obtain an appropriate dose of cow manure waste, calcium oxide lime, and interactions in increasing the growth and yield of cowpea. Material and Methods: The research was conducted in Secanggang Village, Secanggang Subdistrict, Langkat District in June until September 2017. The research was conducted using the Randomized Block Design Factorial, the first factor (cow manure waste) dose of L0 = 0 ton.ha-1; L1 = 10 ton.ha-1; L2 = 20 ton.ha-1. The second factor (calcium oxide lime) dose of K0 = 0 ton.ha-1; K1 = 3 ton.ha-1; K2 = 6 ton.ha-1; and K3 = 9 ton.ha-1. Data were analyzed using the F and followed by DMRT at level 5% using IBM SPSS Statistics v.20 software. Results: The cow manure waste dosages of 10 until 20 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the plant height at 4 Weeks After Planting (WAP) and yield.plot-1 of cowpea ranged from 2.14 to 2.50% and 13.00 to 15.98%, respectively and the dose of 20 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the yield.sample-1 of 17.44% compared to untreated. The application of calcium oxide lime at the dose of 9 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the plant height of cowpea at 4 WAP of 2.46%, and the dose of 6 until 9 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the yield.sample-1 and yield.plot-1, however the highest was found in the dosage 6 ton.ha-1 of 13.51% and 20.16% compared to untreated. The interaction of cow manure waste with calcium oxide lime were not significant effect on growth and yield of cowpea

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan pada Masyarakat di Kelurahan Dandangan

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    Pertolongan pertama adalah upaya pertolongan dan perawatan sementara terhadap korban kecelakaan sebelum mendapat pertolongan yang lebih sempurna dari dokter atau petugas kesehatan. Pertolongan tersebut bukan sebagai pengobatan atau penanganan yang sempurna, tetapi hanya berupa pertolongan sementara yang dilakukan oleh petugas First Aid (petugas medik atau orang awam) yang pertama melihat korban. Tujuan pertolongan pertama adalah mencegah kematian, mencegah cacat yang lebih berat, mencegah infeksi, mengurangi rasa sakit dan rasa takut. Tindakan pertolongan pertama yang dilakukan dengan benar akan mengurangi cacat atau penderitaan hingga menyelamatkan korban dari kematian, tetapi bila tindakan dilakukan tidak baik dan benar akan memperburuk kondisi akibat kecelakaan hingga membunuh korban. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sering terjadi kecelakaan yang menimpa seseorang atau sekelompok orang. Kecelakaan bisa terjadi dimana saja, di rumah, jalan, tempat kerja atau ditempat lainnya. Untuk mengantisipasi masalah itu maka masyarakat perlu mengetahui prosedur dasar pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan. Tujuan pengabdian ini yaitu untuk melatih masyarakat menjadi penolong pertama agar mampu melakukan tindakan pertolongan pertama apabila diperlukan

    Increment of material usage in construction of four storey reinforced concrete building due to seismic design

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    Malaysia is fortunate because it is located outside the Pacific Ring-Fire region which is seismically active. However, it still exposes to earthquake hazard from Far-Field earthquake from neighbouring countries. In Peninsular, it is exposes to Sumatra-Andaman earthquake from Indonesia. In East Malaysia, to states namely as Sabah and Sarawak are expose to Philippines earthquake. Besides, Malaysia also experienced earthquakes from local faults such as Bukit Tinggi in 2007. On 5th June 2015, a moderate earthquake with Mw6.1 occurred in Ranau, Sabah which caused 18 fatalities. The same event also caused damage to 61 buildings around Ranau and Kundasang. For the sake of safety, construction of new buildings in Malaysia has to consider seismic design. This paper presents a study to evaluate the increment of construction materials used due to consideration of seismic design. A typical four-storey generic reinforced concrete school building had been used as model. This study adjusted the value of reference peak ground acceleration, αgR in modelling, analysis, and design process. The concrete grade was fixed as C30. Four soil types had been considered for all models with seismic design consideration. Findings from this study demonstrate that the consideration of seismic design caused the increment of steel reinforcement around 16% to 32% for beam and 1% to 14% for column. In term of cost of structural work, consideration of seismic design increases the cost in range of 2% to 5% compared to the nonseismic design. Therefore, it is worth for Malaysia to fully implement the seismic design in new development

    The Effectiveness of Using Animated Films on Improving Students' Writing Skill of Narrative Text of the Eighth Grade of Mts Al-Hadi Girikusumo

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    This final project was based on research which attempted to examine the Effectiveness of Using Animated Films in Improving Students' Writing Skill of Narrative Text. The main objectives of this research was to find out whether the use of animated film can be effective in teaching writing narrative text to the students of Mts Al-Hadi Girikusumo Mranggen. This research was a quasi-experimental research. The population of the final project was limited of the eighth grade students of MTs Al-Hadi Girikusumo Mranggen in the Academic year 2014/2015 in the second semester. There were 40 students as the sample. They were divided into two groups and they did three types of activities; pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The data were collected through a writing test. The analytical score based on the elements of writing processed the data analysis. The result of t-test in post-test shows a significant difference in the achievement between two groups. From the calculation enclosed the mean of post-test of the experimental group was higher than the control group that was 60.5>39.6, it means that the achievement of the experimental group was higher than the control group. Based on the data analysis, the researcher concludes that the strategy of using animated films in teaching narrative text writing seemed to be applicable for the eighth grade students of MTs AL-Hadi Girikusumo Mranggen in academic year 2014/2015, since the strategies also help students to solve their problems in writing a text. The researcher suggests that English teacher use this method as an additional method to anticipate students' boredom during writing class. In additional, this method improved students' fluency in writing English because it was used to write the history

    Pemberian Pupuk NPK dan Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit pada Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) di Pembibitan Awal

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas pupuk NPK dan kompos tankos kelapa sawit dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) di pembibitan awal. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial dengan dua taraf yaitu faktor pertama: pupuk NPK Mutiara 16-16-16 dengan 3 taraf yaitu P0= tanpa pupuk NPK, P1= NPK Mutiara 2 g/polybag P2= NPK Mutiara 4 g/polybag, Faktor kedua: kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dengan 4 taraf yaitu S0= subsoil, S1= subsoil + kompos TKKS 1:1, S2= subsoil + kompos TKKS 1:2, S3= subsoil + kompos TKKS 1:3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemberian pupuk NPK Mutiara 16-16-16 dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman bibit tanaman kelapa sawit di pembibitan awal. Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) belum dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan  tinggi tanaman, luas daun, berat basah tanaman dan berat kering bibit tanaman kelapa sawit di pembibitan awal. Interaksi antara pemberian Pupuk NPK dan pemberian kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit belum dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, luas daun, berat basah tanaman dan berat kering bibit kelapa sawit di pembibitan awal

    The Application of Sugarcane Bagasse Compost and Effectiveness of N-Fertilizer on Vegetative Growth for Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.)

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    Introduction: This research was determined the growth response of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) in N-fertilizer and sugarcane bagasse compost. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted at agricultural area of ​​Sejati Street, Sari Rejo Village, Medan Polonia Sub-District, Medan. This research was conducted from August until December 2015. This research used therandomized block design in factorial. The first factor was N-fertilizer with 4 rates, 0 g.polybag-1 (P0), 2 g.polybag-1 (P1), 4 g.polybag-1 (P2),and 6 g.polybag-1 (P3). The second factor was the provision of sugarcane bagasse compost with 4 rates, 0 g.polybag-1 (K0), 2 g.polybag-1 (K1), 4 g.polybag-1 (K2) and 6 g.polybag-1 (K3). The observed data were analyzed by the F-test, and continued with the DMRT at level of 5%. Results: Composting bagase significantly affected the leaf area of cocoa seedling at 2 and 4 weeks after planting. The application of N-fertilizer had significant affected the number of leaves for cocoa seedling. The interaction of P2K2 (6 g.polybag-1 N and 4 g.polybag-1 of bagasse compost) showed the highest fresh- and dry-weight of cocoa seedling compared to other interactions, although the effect was not significant

    Thermal analysis and x-ray diffraction of rice husk ash blended cement under sodium sulfate with wetting and drying cycles

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    Sulfate attack is one of the most aggressive environmental deterioration affecting the durability of concrete structures. Thus, this study is to evaluate the effect of sodium sulfate (5% Na2SO4) solution on the performance of rice husk ash (RHA) blended cement under drying and wetting cycle, which is thought to simulate an aggressive environment in concrete. The RHA replacement level used was 10%. The performance of the specimen was evaluated by the differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed that the replacement of ordinary Portland cement by 10% rice husk ash effectively improved the resistance of concrete due to sulfate attack. The result also indicate that the quantity of expansive gypsum formed by the reaction of calcium hydroxide will be less in RHA blended cement than in OPC specimen. In addition, RHA blended cement possibly reduced the potential of ettringite and gypsum formation due to the reduction in the quantity of calcium hydroxide, thus, improved the resistance of concrete to sulfate attack


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    Setiap entitas organisasi selalu dihadapkan pada ketidakpastian yang bisa berbentuk peluang dan ancaman dalam usaha mencapai tujuan dan sasaran yang ditetapkan. Sumber ketidakpastian ini bisa berasal dari lingkungan internal ataupun eksternal organisasi. Ancaman dan peluang yang merupakan manifestasi dari bentuk ketidakpastian ini bisa disebut dengan risiko yang jika tidak dikelola dengan baik dapat menjadi gangguan dalam usaha mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi. Manusia selalu dihadapkan dengan resiko sehingga resiko menjadi bagian dari kehidupan manusia, sebagaimana manusia, perusahaan pun demikian, perusahaan akan selalu berhadapan dengan risiko. Ketidakmampuan perusahaan dalam menangani berbagai risiko yang dihadapi dapat berakibat fatal. Beberapa perusahaan terpaksa harus gulung tikar karena tidak sanggup menangani risiko yang tidak terduga. Perlu diketahui dan disadari bahwa usaha pengelolaan risiko merupakan suatu yang penting bagi organisasi. Manajemen harus jeli serta mampu mengetahui faktor apa saja yang menjadi penyebab kegagalan dalam mencapai tujuan atau sasaran, sekaligus bisa mengetahui berbagai peluang yang dapat mempercepat usaha pencapaian sasaran tersebut. Dalam buku ini membahas mengenai konsep dasar sumber dan jenis risiko, penjelasan manajemen resiko dan identifikasi risiko serta daftar kerugian potensial yang dilanjutkan dengan prinsip-prinsip pengukuran risiko, pengendalian risiko, asuransi, dampak asuransi terhadap kehidupan sosial ekonomi, hukum asuransi di indonesia, mengelola bisnis asuransi dan prinsip dasar dalam asuransi dan polis asuransi serta premi asuransi, asuransi kerugian langsung dan asuransi terhadap kerugian tidak langsung