11 research outputs found

    Comparasi Edge Detection Roberts dan Morfologi pada Deteksi Plat Nomor Kendaraan Roda Dua

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    Refers to the difficulty factor on the detection plate on this research will focus on the detection of two-wheeled vehicle number plate, where the data will be taken from the farm garage. The resolution of this problem will be attempted using techniques of digital image processing method of detection of edge (edge detection) and morphology. Study on the evaluation and the research results will be calculated using the technique of confussion matrix, this technique will measure on the success rate of approach will be obtained from the proposed method. of the proposed method is sufficiently high, namely 53% success rate, while the value of positive predictive value by which this value to know the success rate of the method to detect the entire image test is still extremely less just reached 40% success, while the value of negative value which is the value of preditive to know separation detection noise his success pretty well with a value of 56% success rat

    Speech Recognation pada Pola Warna Dasar Merah Kuning Hijau dengan Implementasi Sdk 5.1

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    Sound can not propagate in space vacuum . These sound waves have valleys and hills , valleys and hills of the fruit will result in one cycle or period . This cycle takes place repeatedly , leading to the concept of frequency . Clearly , the frequency is the number of cycles that occur in one second . The unit of frequency is Hertz , abbreviated Hz . Color can provide powerful information for object recognition . A simple real scheme and identification of matching the image based on the color histogram as proposed by Swain and Ballard . From this study, the authors onclude that the Speech SDK 5.1 is less able to recognize intonation delivered with a level of accuracy that is obtained is average success of 75 % + 65 % + 90 % = 230 % , 230 % / 3 = 76.67 %

    Kajian Pencahayaan Alami pada Bangunan Villa Isola Bandung

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    Villa Isola is one of the relics of the colonial era buildings that function has changed from a resting into an office building Rektorat UPI Bandung. By changing the function of the office of Rector, the quality of natural lighting in the Villa Isola required to meet the activity going on inside the building. Studies of natural lighting in buildings Villa Isola aims to determine how much influence the openings on the quality of natural lighting. The selection is based on the object of study for the design of Villa Isola has a lot of openings in the facade so interesting to study the extent to which the building utilizes natural light into the room. Natural lighting is influenced by several variables: the design window openings, the shape and depth of space, visual comfort, and external factors. The method used in this study is the descriptive research method both qualitatively and quantitatively. From the analysis, the conclusion is obtained form the design and orientation of the window openings in the Villa Isola does not meet the quality standards of natural lighting

    Pengenalan Gerak Manusia Menggunakan Algoritma Relevance Vector Machine pada MSRC-12 Dataset

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    Relevance vector machine is a popular machine learning technique that is motivated by statistical learning theory. RVM can be used for gesture recognition which is one of the communication tools used by humans. This study proposes an experiment using the Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) algorithm on gesture data from Microsoft Research Cambridge-12 (MSRC-12) as a proposed solution to overcome unbalanced problems in data processing. The results of the study are the accuracy for 1-person motion model reaches 100% and the lowest accuracy with 5 people the motion model reaches 96%. Graphically, the more people or models, the lower the algorithm's accuracy

    Prediksi Kelulusan Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Informatika Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes

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    Kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu merupakan salah satu point penilaian dalam proses akreditasi perguruan tinggi. Namun kelulusan mahasiswa tidak selalu dapat dideteksi secara cepat sehingga dapat mengurangi penilaian suatu perguruan tinggi dalam proses akreditasi. Permasalah inilah yang muncul untuk mengetahui mahasiswa nantinya bisa lulus tepat waktu atau tidak. Dalam penelitian inilah digunakan metode klasifikasi untuk prediksi lulusan mahasiswa menggunakan algoritma Naïve Bayes. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu atau tidak, yang diharapkan hasilnya dapat memberikan informasi dan masukan bagi pihak perguruan tinggi dalam membuat kebijakan kedepannya. Dari hasil pengujian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa dengan menerapkan algoritma Naïve Bayes sistem dapat memprediksi kelulusan mahasiswa dengan tepat waktu, tingkat keberhasilan prediksi algoritma naïve bayes ditentukan oleh nilai IPK mahasiswa dan lama Studi mahasiswa yang bersangkutan dengan nilai precision sebesar 90 %, recall 100 % dan akurasi sebesar 90 %

    Survey Paper: Perbandingan Agile Process Development Method (SCRUM Dan RUP)

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    Dalam pengembangan sebuah sistem diperlukan sebuah siklus agar pengembangan sistem dapat terfokus pada kebutuhan dan efisiensi waktu. Secara umum dikenal sebuah siklus pengembangan sistem yang disebut SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle, Siklus Hidup Pengembangan Sistem) atau Systems Life Cycle (Siklus Hidup Sistem) dimana siklus ini memiliki 6 tahapan yaitu rencana (planning), analisis (analysis), desain (design), implementasi (implementation), uji coba (testing) dan pengelolaan (maintenance). Permasalahan waktu tersebut memunculkan Agile Process Development Method yang menciptakan siklus pengembangan perangkat lunak yang lebih singkat dalam prosesnya karena memiliki kemampuan untuk menanggapi beberapa kondisi yang tidak pasti sehingga dapat meminimalisir waktu. Hasil yang dicapai berdasarkan penelitian dan perbandingan yang telah dilakukan, diketahui karakteristik dari kedua siklus pengembangan sistem Scrum dan RUP, siklus Scrum memiliki 3 tahapan yang merangkum siklus dasar yang berjumlah 7 tahapan dengan 6 tahapan yang berulang, digunakan untuk sistem yang diciptakan berdasarkan permintaan dan kebutuhan (bahkan situasi atau kondisi) tertentu pada suatu kasus dengan tahapan pengujian pada proses terakhir, siklus RUP memiliki 4 tahapan yang merangkum siklus dasar yang berjumlah 7 tahapan dengan 1 tahapan yang dilakukan berulan