24 research outputs found


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    Implementation of air traffic safety is shown from good operation and free from activity which against the law. This statement has declared on Government Regulation about Air Traffic Safety in Indonesia. Analysis of Pavement Classification Number (PCN) value is the one of air traffic safety requirement. Due to that statement, this research try to evaluation and analysis about performance of runway based on analytical method and theoritical method using data from HWD (Heavy Weight Deflectometer) test. The result of performance runway will shown on PCN value.HWD tests are routinely conducted at the FAA to evaluate performance of pavemnet. HWD tests are conducted in two phases.In the first phase, HWD geophone sensors record vertical deflections at seven points on thepavement surface. The collected data are used for pavement evaluation and environment related thickness response analysis. In the second phase, the insitu pavement sensors record the pavement response while the HWD geophones record the defections on the pavement surface. These tests are conducted by placing the HWD load plate directly over the in situ deflection and strain sensors. One of the objectives of the HWD tests is to develop relationships between the applied load and measured deflections.The result of this research has shown that PCN value from analytical method is 9/F/A/X/T and theoritical method is 38/F/D/X/T. Code letter A or D on PCN value is describe about class of bearing capacity of subgrade. That difference of code letter bearing capacity due to HWD test directly collecting data of subgrade reaction under the pavement but the other method has taken data of subgrade from sample outside of runway . Increasing of bearing capacity of subgrade cause process of compaction on subgrade under the pavement has perfectly done

    Pengaruh Penambahan Semen pada Tanah Lempung terhadap Parameter Konsolidasi dan Kecepatan Penurunan

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    Soil is a subgrade for basic building construction. While receiving the load, soil will settle, which take long time to complete for soft clays because of its low permeability. The problem that is caused by settlement as seen in Palembapang, Umbul Ligoh, South Lampung has low bearing capacity, this leads to cracks in the house walls, bumpy roads, and the settlement of the road constructions. One of the soil stabilization effort is addingcement as an additive material because it has very fine particles so that it can fill the soil pores and bond to the contact area between the soil grains and has a function as a strong binder. This work aimed to study the parameters of the compression index (Cc), coefficient of consolidation (Cv), consolidation settlement (Sc) and time of consolidation (t) due to soft clay mixing with cement as a soil stabilization material with percentage of 4%, 8% and 12%. Due to cement addition into soft clay, compaction with the standard proctor experienced a decrease the optimum moisture content (OMC) and an increase in the weight of maximum dry volume. In addition, in the consolidation test, the compression index (Cc) and consolidation settlement (Sc) decreased 7,95% and 5,44%, moreover the coefficient consolidation (Cv) increase 2,74% and the time of consolidation (t) were faster. The most change on consolidation parameter was recorded by the sample mixed with 12% of cement

    Pengaruh Waktu Pengerasan pada Kekuatan Paving Block yang Menggunakan Clay, Semen, dan Pasir.

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    Soil samples were tested in this study are derived from Karang Anyar, South Lampung. Variationsin content of the mixture used were 6%, 8%, and 10% cement and 5% sand on every variation ofcement from 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days curing time as well as the burning treatment and no-burn combustion paving block samples. Based on the results of physical testing native soil, USCSsoil samples classify as fine-grained soil and included in the CL group.The results of this study is paving block that using clay, cement, and sand does not meet ISOpaving block. However, the addition of additives and curing can increase the physical and me-chanical properties of the soil. This is proved by the increasing value of the optimum moisturecontent and density of the mixture. For the compressive strength of paving blocks without and withburning process are best shown in the addition of a mixture of 10% with 28 days curing tim

    Analisis Indeks Risiko dan Potensi Kebencanaan (Studi untuk Wilayah Kabupaten Lampung Tengah)

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    AbstrakKabupaten Lampung tengah merupakan salah satu daerah yang rawan terhadap bencana alam. Hal ini sesuai pada data Indeks Rawan Bencana Indonesia (IRBI) yang dikeluarkan BNPB tahun 2018 sebesar 131,20. Sehingga menuntut suatu alternatif penanganan yang dapat mengurangi kerugian di masa yang akan datang, maka dilakukan pemetaan daerah risiko bencana untuk memberikan informasi lokasi-lokasi yang memiliki risiko terjadi bencana.Penentuan parameter, klasifikasi dan pembobotan indeks ancaman, kerentanan dan kapasitas mengacu pada Peraturan Kepala BNPB No. 2 Tahun 2012 tentang pedoman umum pengkajian risiko bencana yang dimodifikasi sesuai situasi dan kondisi wilayah penelitian.Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan risiko bencana diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 (tiga) kelas, yaitu: tinggi, sedang dan rendah. Kecamatan yang memiliki tingkat risiko tinggi terhadap bencana gempa bumi, kekeringan dan banjir yaitu kecamatan Terbanggi Besar, Gunung Sugih, Bandar Mataram, Kota Gajah, Trimurjo, Selagai Lingga, Kalirejo, Seputih Mataram, Bumi Nabung, dan Seputih Surabaya. Berdasarkan hasil kajian tersebut diketahui bahwa daerah dengan tingkat risiko tinggi terhadap bencana gempa bumi, kekeringan, dan banjir perlu diatur di dalam rencana pola tata ruang Kabupaten Lampung Tengah untuk menghasilkan penggunaan ruang yang efisien dan meminimalkan risiko bencana.Ini adalah bagian Kata kunci : Ancaman, Kerentanan, Kapasitas, Risiko

    Hubungan Pengujian Cbr Metode Tumbukan Dengan Alat Uji Cbr Metode Tekanan Berdasarkan Uji Pemadatan Standard

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    The importance of soil as construction material needs to be considered carefully. With various soil conditions, a physical test is required to discover the characteristics of the soil and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test in a laboratory to determine the bearing capacity of the basic land (subgrade). This research was conducted to assess the suitability of the CBR test value with two different compaction tools.The results of the CBR test with the collision method without immersion resulted in the design CBR value of 7.7% and the CBR value of the immersion sample of 3.6%. Meanwhile, the CBR test using a pressure modification device, the CBR values obtained in the samples not immersed at a pressure of 3 MPa, 6 MPa, 9 MPa, and 12 MPa, were 4.2%, 6.8%, 9.8%, and 11.4%. The CBR valuesfor the immersion samples were 2.95%, 4.2%, 4.45%, and 4.56%. The results obtained from the design CBR value of the pressure method with a pressure of 6MPa which is closest to the collision CBR value with a difference of 0.9% for no immersion and 0.6% for immersion. The assumption that the difference between the two methods is due to the compaction energy of 6 MPa strength is not the same as the energy produced from the use of hammer energy according to ASTM D 698, Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics

    Kinerja Fly Ash terhadap Stabilisasi Tanah Lunak sebagai Material Perbaikan Tanah Dasar (Subgrade)

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    Subgrade has an important role in road construction work planning. However, a problem may appear because the soil which is used as the subgrade material has low quality, such as soft soil. One of the parameters to know the quality of the soil is by CBR testing and Atterberg Limit to know the index properties of soil that affect the quality. It is necessary to improve the subgrade soil through stabilization to produce construction materials based on standards by using additives in the form of fly ash. In this study, some variations of fly ash as a stabilization material are 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% with curing time of 0 days, 7 days, and 14 days at room temperature. The results showed CBR value increased along with the increase in fly ash percentage as well as the length of curing time. The optimum CBR is 23.89% which is occurred in the addition of 15% fly ash with a 14-day curing time of at room temperature. The addition of fly ash percentage also affects the plasticity index of soils that have decreased from native soil by 28.19% to 9.02% in the addition of 15% fly ash.  Key words : fly ash, soil stabilization, soft soil, CB

    Hubungan Nilai CBR Laboratorium dengan Pemadatan Modified dan Nilai Dynamic Cone Pentrometer (DCP) di Lapangan

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    Tanah merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam pekerjaan konstruksi teknik sipil. Kekuatan tanah dasar sangat penting guna menopang beban konstruksi. Beberapa cara untuk mengestimasi nilai CBR adalah dengan soil grading dan data plastisitas tanah. Namun pada kenyataannya di lapangan, banyak kendala yang dihadapi maka seringkali dilakukan uji DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui persamaan hubungan antara CBR laboratorium dan DCP serta perbandingannya dengan persamaan SNI. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menguji tanah di Teluk Ratai Kabupaten Pesawaran pada tiga titik dengan pengujian CBR laboratorium (Unsoaked), DCP mould, dan DCP lapangan. Sampel tanah dipadatkan dengan variasi pemadatan 10, 25, dan 56 tumbukan dan kadar air optimum sebesar 22,95% yang didapat dari uji pemadatan dengan proctor modified. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persamaan korelasi CBR Laboratorium dengan gd adalah y = 30,878x – 26,98 dengan korelasi persamaan CBR dan DCP didapat Log (CBR) = 2,26557 – 0,807 Log (DCP). Bila dibandingkan dengan nilai CBR hasil persamaan CBR SNI, nilai CBR dari persamaan CBR dan DCP memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi. Kata kunci : tanah, daya dukung, CBR laboratorium, DCP lapangan