5 research outputs found

    Depression, Anxiety, and Stress due to Changes in Employment Status during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study in Badung Districts, Bali, Indonesia

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    Objective:  To determine the relationship between depression, anxiety, and stress with the employment status of people in Bali during Covid-19 pandemic.Methods: This study was a cross-sectional analytical study conducted in Bali, Indonesia, in 2021. The instrument used was DASS-21 questionnaire, which was distributed to a total sample size of 96 people. The relationship between variables were analyzed with a p-value of <0.05 as the cut-off for a significant relationship.Results: Depression symptoms had a significant relationship with gender (p=0.024) while anxiety symptoms had a significant association with the employment status during the pandemic (p=0.027). Similarly, stress symptoms also had a significant relationship with gender (p=0.007) and employment status during COVID-19 pandemic (p=0.007).Conclusion: There is a relationship between depression, anxiety, and stress due to changes in employment status during the COVID-19 pandemic in Badung Districts, Bali

    Nutrigenomic and Biomolecular Aspect of Moringa oleifera Leaf Powder as Supplementation for Stunting Children

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    Stunting is a global health problem. Based on WHO data, there are 161 million children who experience stunting. Breastmilk supplementation in the form of Moringa oleifera leaves powder is known to be beneficial in suppressing the stunting incidence. Moringa oleifera leaves powder contains protein, micronutrients, and minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium, vitamins C and E, beta carotene, and antioxidants (flavonoid acids, phenolic acids, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, and saponins). The use of Moringa oleifera leaves powder in stunting cases has been carried out, but further studies in the aspects of nutrigenomics and molecular biology have not been conducted. This study is a literature review of relevant articles from www.pubmed.com, www.sciencedirect.com, and scholar.google.com. The author used keywords "stunting", "nutrigenomics", "biomolecular", and "Moringa oleifera". Pathogenic microbe such as Shigella and pathogenic E. coli ingestion can cause changes in DNA sequences in the stunting pathogenesis. Moringa oleifera leave powder can pass through nutrigenomic and biomolecular mechanisms. Some macro and micromolecules of Moringa oleifera leaves powder such as folate plays a role in DNA methylation; vegetable protein and fatty acids act as promoters in DNA sequences; vitamins act as cofactors for enzymes, antioxidant, and antiinflammation. Seeing various potential mechanisms in the aspects of nutrigenomic and molecular biology, Moringa oleifera leaves powder can be used in overcoming stunting. Further research is needed to give more review about cytokines and molecules included in this literature review

    Immunonutrition and Hepatoprotectant Aspects of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Nanoemulsion Syrup as an Antituberculosis Adjuvant for Children with Tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis in children is a global health problem that decreases the quality of life of children. Based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2016, nearly 69.000 children had tuberculosis and the case keeps increasing every year. Moringa oleifera leaf nanoemulsion syrup has immunonutrition and hepatoprotectant effects in children with tuberculosis. Moringa oleifera leaf nanoemulsion syrup contains proteins, micronutrients, and minerals which have a biological role as an immunity agent and prevent toxic effects of tuberculosis drugs. Until now, the use of Moringa oleifera leaf nanoemulsion syrup has been carried out for the immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective aspects. Immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective aspects will be discussed further in this literature review. The sources of articles in this literature review are pubmed.com, ncbi.com, plosone.com, sciencedirect.com, and googleschoolar.com from 2010-2020, except when there is no new research against the article. The authors searched for the keywords: "immunonutrition", "tuberculosis in children", "hepatoprotectant", and "Moringa oleifera". As an immunomodulator, Moringa oleifera leaf nanoemulsion syrup stimulate activation of polimorphonuclear (PMN) cells. As a hepatoprotectant, Moringa oleifera leaf nanoemulsion syrup work by reducing the side effects of conventional tuberculosis drugs such as rifampicin by suppressing the action of cytochrome p450 (CYP1A2 and CYP2B), thus decreases the production of toxic hydrazine which causes liver toxicity in tuberculosis patient. Seeing the various interests in the immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective aspects, Moringa oleifera leaf nanoemulsion syrup can be used as an adjuvant therapy in overcoming tuberculosis in children by stimulating the activation of immunity cell such as PMN, increasing nutrient absorption, and suppressing the action of cytochrome p450 (CYP1A2 and CYP2B)

    Gambaran Karakteristik Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Risiko Covid-19 Dalam Kerangka Desa Adat di Desa Gulingan, Mengwi, Bali

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    Desa Gulingan adalah salah satu desa adat di Kecamatan Mengwi yang merupakan peringkat pertama kecamatan dengan kasus tertinggi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Badung sangat berpeluang mengalami peningkatan kasus akibat transmisi lokal. Berdasarkan hal tersebut hingga saat ini belum terdapat hasil deskriptif yang mengkaji pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku masyarakat Desa Gulingan dengan sistem sosial kemasyarakatannya yang berbasis budaya dalam kerangka desa adat. Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran tentang pengetahuan, perilaku, perilaku beresiko Covid-19 pada masyarakat Desa Gulingan dalam kerangka desa adat. Metode: Ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan rancangan studi potong lintang dengan jumlah sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi sebanyak 144 sampel. Hasil kuesioner disajikan dalam bentuk numerik dan kategorik dan selanjutnya dilakukan proses analisis secara univariat dalam variabel. Hasil: Responden penelitian didominasi oleh laki-laki (55,3%), berstatus pendidikan SMA/sederajat (62,3%), status pekerjaan terbanyak adalah pegawai swasta (42,1%), sampel terbanyak diperoleh dari Banjar Angkeb Canging (20, 2%). Hasil kuesioner yang berpengetahuan baik (51,8%) berperilaku baik (66,7%), dan terbukti/berpraktik baik (56,1%) dalam pencegahan Covid-19. Simpulan: Pengetahuan, perilaku, dan sikap pada masyarakat Desa Gulingan yang baik dalam pencegahan virus corona dengan menerapkan kearifan lokal yakni dalam kerangka desa adat di Bali.Kata kunci: covid-19, desa Gulingan, pengetahuan, perilaku, sika


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    Covid-19 is a contagious infectious disease that continues to increase as a global pandemic. Everyone from all individual characteristic must have good behaviors to prevent Covid-19 as a pandemic. Until now, there has been no research that analyzes the relationship between individuals characteristic and the behavior of the Covid-19 pandemic in Bali. This research is a cross sectional observation located in Gulingan Village. The research subjects were 120 people aged 13-56 years who were selected by simple random sampling. The level of obedience behavior towards Covid-19 was assessed using a questionnaire. The collected data will be analyzed in univariate and bivariate ways. The subjects of this study were dominated by respondents aged ≥19 years (60%), female gender (52.5%), college (50%), student / college student (72.5%), low risk of infection status (95.8%), good obedience behavior level (52.5%). There is a significant relationship between gender and the level of behavior regarding Covid-19, but there is no significant relationship between age, education, occupation, and risk status on obedience behavior to Covid-19. Almost every individual has a relationship with behavior in facing Covid-19 due to various factors. Commitment to awareness, perception, and knowledge about health in each individual can influence good behavior in preventing Covid-19. Obedient behavior implementing health protocols is the key to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 transmission. This study shows a significant relationship between gender and behavior regarding the Covid-19 pandemic but not with age, education, occupation, and risk status.ABSTRAKCovid-19 adalah penyakit infeksi menular yang terus meningkat sebagai pandemi global. Setiap karakteristik individu dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat harus memiliki perilaku yang benar mengenai intervensi Covid-19 sebagai upaya preventif melawan pandemi ini. Hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian yang menganalisis hubungan antara karakteristik individu terhadap perilaku masyarakat terhadap pandemi Covid-19 di Bali. Penelitian ini merupakan observasi cross sectional yang berlokasi di Desa Gulingan. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 120 orang berusia 13-56 tahun yang dipilih dengan simple random sampling. Tingkat perilaku ketaatan terhadap Covid-19 dinilai menggunakan kuesioner. Data yang terkumpul akan dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat. Subjek penelitian ini didominasi oleh responden berusia ≥19 tahun terdapat 60%, jenis kelamin perempuan 52,5%, perguruan tinggi 50%, bekerja sebagai siswa/mahasiswa 72,5%, status risiko infeksi rendah 95,8%, tingkat perilaku ketaatan baik 52,5%. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara jenis kelamin dengan tingkat perilaku mengenai Covid-19, namun tidak didapatkan hubungan yang signifikan antara usia, pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan status risiko terhadap perilaku ketaatan terhadap Covid-19.Hampir setiap karakteristik individu memiliki keterkaitan dengan perilaku menghadapi Covid-19 karena adanya berbagai faktor. Komitmen kesadaran, persepsi, hingga pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan pada tiap individu dapat memengaruhi perilaku yang baik dalam mencegah Covid-19. Perilaku yang taat menerapkan protokol kesehatan merupakan kunci untuk mencegah transmisi penularan Covid-19. Penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara jenis kelamin dengan perilaku mengenai pandemi Covid-19 namun tidak dengan usia, pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan status risiko