12 research outputs found

    Response to a rabies epidemic in Bali, Indonesia

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    Emergency vaccinations and culling failed to contain an outbreak of rabies in Bali, Indonesia, during 2008–2009. Subsequent island-wide mass vaccination (reaching 70% coverage, >200,000 dogs) led to substantial declines in rabies incidence and spread. However, the incidence of dog bites remains high, and repeat campaigns are necessary to eliminate rabies in Bali


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    The agricultural sector that controls the livelihood of many people in Bali needs to be combined with the service sector such as tourism so that farmers get added value from their work. The pattern of tourism development with agricultural land objects and with its subak culture has been developed by the Tabanan Regency government in the Jatiluwih Village area. The potential of terraced rice fields with beautiful land scape and with a very unique subak system owned by Jatiluwih Village is utilized to develop Jatiluwih Tourism Village, which combines agricultural land with tourism activities. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded as follows: 1) Income before the covid-19 pandemic with after the covid-19 pandemic in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency is significantly different, namely a 78.21% decrease in income, namely from Rp 10,799,435,000.00, - to Rp 2,353,060,000.00,-. ; 2) The community views favorably and positively the development of Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel Sub-district, Tabanan Regency, because most of the community stated that they were very happy and pleased with the development of the tourism village, including the benefits felt, the increase in income and its role in welfare

    Gending Tiying Abing

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    Penciptaan karya tari ini terilhami dari salah satu konsep utama dalam ajaran agama Hindu yaitu konsep tentang sekala dan niskala yang mengajarkan tentang keseimbangan antara kehidupan di alam nyata (sekala) dan tidak nyata (niskala) ataupun kehidupan lahir dan bathin. landasan penciptaan yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan site specific dance dan estetika Hindu. Dalam karya tari ini dapat dipahami bahwa pendekatan site specific dance telah menghasilkan teks (bentuk visual tari, yaitu karya khusus di ruang atau lokasi yang juga khusus) sedangkan pendekatan estetika Hindu menciptakan konteksnya (muatan nilai, spirit dan filosofis).Hasil akhir yang diperoleh adalah bahwa konsep sekala dan niskala dalam kehidupan masyarakat Bali tidak hanya berdimensi spiritual saja namun juga memiliki dimensi kemanusiaan yang tinggi

    Pemberdayaan Pecalang Desa Adat Sumerta dalam Penanggulangan Covid-19

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    Sumerta Traditional Village, located 4 KM east of the center of Denpasar City, seeks to participate in accelerating the handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic in its area. In accordance with the policy of the Governor of Bali, at the village / kelurahan level a Mutual Cooperation Task Force was formed based on the customary village. Through the Collaborative Task Force at the customary village level, Pecalang is at the forefront of preventing and overcoming the Covid-19 outbreak. All Sumerta Traditional Village pecalang are the main force in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. Even so, pecalang people do not know carefully the role that must be played in tackling and preventing the corona virus outbreak. In carrying out this humanitarian task, the pecalang must be supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure. In addition, basic necessities in the form of healthy food must also be available while they are carrying out their duties. Taking into account this phenomenon it is deemed necessary to do community service (PKM) to pecalang in Sumerta Traditional Village. This PKM targets community groups, especially the pecalang in Sumerta Traditional Village. Given that the pecalang is an organ of a traditional village, the PKM partner is Bendesa, the Sumerta Traditional Village. The problems faced by partners are: (1) the unknown role that pecalang can play in overcoming and preventing the covid-19 outbreak (2) lack of available facilities and infrastructure in carrying out epidemic prevention and control tasks, and (3) assistance for basic necessities obtained pecalang is not sufficient. This PKM aims to solve the problems faced by partners, namely counseling / mentoring the role of pecalang in tackling Covid-19, meeting the availability of materials for the prevention of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the form of masks and hand sanitizers, and providing basic food assistance to all pecalang in Sumerta Traditional Village. Thus this PKM uses two approaches, namely the method of mentoring / counseling, and service assistance to the pecalang. The two solutions offered are expected to increase the role of the pecalang in handling the Covid-19 pandemic, the availability of facilities for prevention / overcoming the outbreak and partners to obtain basic necessities for their household needs.  Desa Adat Sumerta yang terletak 4 KM sebelah timur pusat Kota Denpasar berupaya berperan serta dalam percepatan penanganan Pandemi Covid-19 di wilayahnya. Sesuai kebijakan Gubernur Bali, di tingkat desa/kelurahan dibentuk Satgas Gotong Royong yang berbasis desa adat. Melalui wadah Satgas Gotong di tingkat desa adat, Pecalang menjadi ujung tombak dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan wabah Covid-19. Seluruh pecalang Desa Adat Sumerta menjadi kekuatan utama dalam penanganan pandemic Covid-19. Walaupun demikian, para pecalang belum mengetahui dengan seksama peran yang harus dilakukan dalam penangulangan dan pencegahan wabah virus corona. Dalam menjalankan tugas kemanusiaan ini para pecalang harus didukung oleh sarana dan prasarana yang memadai. Selain itu, kebutuhan pokok berupa makanan sehat juga mesti tersedia selama mereka menjalankan tugas. Memperhatikan fenomena tersebut dipandang perlu dilakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) kepada pecalang di Desa Adat Sumerta. PKM ini menyasar kelompok masyarakat terutama para pecalang yang ada di Desa Adat Sumerta. Mengingat pecalang adalah organ dari desa adat, maka yang dijadikan mitra PKM adalah Bendesa Desa Adat Sumerta. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah: (1) belum diketahuinya peran yang dapat dilakukan oleh pecalang dalam penanggulangan dan pencegahan wabah covid-19 (2) kurang tersedianya sarana dan prasarana dalam melakukan tugas pencegahan dan penanggulangan wabah, dan (3) bantuan kebutuhan pokok yang diperoleh pecalang belum memadai. PKM ini bertujuan memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi mitra yaitu penyuluhan/pendampingan peran pecalang dalam penanggulangan covid-19, memenuhi ketersediaan bahan untuk pencegahan Pandemi Covid-19 berupa masker dan hand saniteser, serta memberikan bantuan sembako kepada seluruh pecalang di Desa Adat Sumerta. Dengan demikian PKM ini menggunakan dua model pendekatan yaitu metode pendampingan/penyuluhan, dan bantuan pelayanan kepada pecalang. Dua solusi yang ditawarkan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan peran pecalang dalam penanganan pandemic Covid-19, ketersediaan sarana untuk pencegahan/penangulangan wabah dan mitra memperoleh sembako untuk kebutuhan rumah tangganya

    Community-based model for rabies control in Bali: An EcoHealth Approach

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    In 2008, Bali was struck by rabies and since then rabies had spread to 273 of 723 villages in Bali and the number of human fatalities had reached 145. The concerted effort of government and stakeholders to combat this disease is progressing well. At present, the government’s control program consists of mass vaccination, selected targeted culling, and education with a goal to eradicate rabies from the island by 2015. The additional effort on the establishment of participatory rabies prevention, control and surveillance system within the local community level is needed to improve the ongoing and future rabies control efforts. As part of a project “Ecohealth Approaches for Optimizing the Rabies Control Program in Bali”, organized by CIVAS, with support from the IDRC and led by ILRI, within the project, we developed and piloted a community-based model for sustainable rabies control driven by community involvement in two villages in Karangasem and Gianyar districts in Bali. Promising results from pilot villages model indicates high participation of the community (formed 82 cadres in Gianyar and Karangasem) on the public awareness, early reporting, early response and early detection on bitten cases and supporting on government program particularly on the mass vaccination by registration data of the dog within community to achieved high coverage on vaccination (>70%). This efforts suggests that involving community members more actively in villages through the institutionalization of ‘rabies village working groups’ could substantially improve surveillance activities with possible effects on improving dog management and vaccination coverage. With little direct financial input such participation creates a sense of community ownership. This approach showed affective on improving early response, early detection and surveillance system that could be used effectively across other districts in Bali. The continued fight against rabies on Bali and elsewhere in the developing world would benefit significantly from engaging communities more actively in control and surveillance efforts

    Optimizing mass rabies vaccination program in Bali dog population

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    Since 2008, 145 human rabies deaths have occurred during an ongoing epidemic in Bali with last victims reported in April 2012, while rabies cases in dogs remained still often reported, with increase cases in puppies (age< 6 months, 39%). The incidence of human deaths due to rabies has dropped drastically (up to 90 %) since the inception of mass dog vaccination in October 2010. A high vaccination coverage is the key success in mass vaccination; yet, arguably, the dynamics and structure of dogs population in Bali become another challenging issue. We present here results of a household survey on owned dogs (n=17,376) and transect for free roaming dogs (n=1972 observation) in 37 randomly selected villages of Bali. This survey was part of the ILRI/EcoZD project on Optimizing Rabies Control Program in Bali - An Ecohealth Approach. According to the survey, there is a significant difference in vaccination coverage between adult dogs (with age range above 1 year old) and puppies (less than 1 year old). The differences were about 91.42 % and 43.95 %. This is due to the rapid growth of population of puppies. In our study growth population rates of puppies per year, ranged from 1.7 -3.5 times (each birth ranged from 3.84-4.46 (95% CI) with an average number of puppies of 4,15 puppies per birth) and vaccination targets that focuses just on adult dogs. Therefore to optimize mass rabies vaccination targeting eliminating rabies in Bali, concerted effort should be made to vaccinate puppies, free-roaming dogs particularly in rural areas. In addition to that, the population of dogs has to be controlled so that the vaccination coverage can be improved