76 research outputs found

    Socio-demographic determinants of the acceptance of systemic connective tissue diseases

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    Introduction: Socio-demographic forecasts indicate a stable increase in the population of elderly people, which gives rise to the need to examine the relationship between the acceptance of chronic illness and socio-demographic variables not only in terms of subjective negative emotions but also because of possible social consequences. The acceptance of a chronic disease is determined by factors related to its character including its severity and the discomfort it brings about but also by factors connected with the patient that is socio-demographic determinants. Objective: The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between socio-demographic variables and the acceptance of a chronic disease of locomotive organs. Material and methods: The study was conducted in the group of 150 patients diagnosed with a systemic connective tissue disease during its stable phase. A socio-demographic questionnaire as well as a standardised Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS) adapted by Juszczyński were applied in the study. The study was conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki. Results: In the group of 150 patients suffering from a systemic connective tissue disease the percentage of women was higher than the percentage of men (60.7% vs. 39.3%). The indicator of the acceptance of illness in the group examined reached 24.5 ±7.5. The strongest correlation was found between the acceptance level and married probants (eta = 0.26; p = 0.01), high education (eta = 0.24; p = 0.04) and working activity (eta = 0.20; p = 0.01). Conclusions: Socio-demographic factors which determine the level of illness acceptance include age, marital status, education and the source of income. The acceptance of illness in the examined group of patients with systemic connective tissue diseases reached 24.5

    Różnice behawioralne związane z zachowaniami zdrowotnymi między płciami, determinujące stan odżywienia u hospitalizowanych pacjentów w podeszłym wieku

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    Background: Health-related behaviours affect the preservation and maintenance of health. They form a important part of the everyday life of all individuals including the elderly. Some of the most significant factors affecting health are eating habits, physical activity, and the ability to handle stress and limiting the use of substances. Aim of the study: The aim of this paper was to assess the effect of health-related behaviours on nutrition in hospitalized elderly patients. Material and Methods: The study population consisted of 151 subjects over 60 years old. The study tools included a diagnostic survey, the Health Behaviour Inventory and the Mini Nutritional Assessment. Statistical significance for differences and strength of correlation between the variables was set at p < 0.05. Results: The general indicator of health behaviour was higher among women (88.78 ± 13.82 vs. 83.55 ± 12.93; p = 0.01). The analysis of health behaviour showed significant differences between men and women in relation to good eating habits (p = 0.01) and prophylactic behaviour (p = 0.01). Conclusions: Elderly people who followed a proper diet, which included fruit and vegetables, and avoided food with preservatives, were better nourished. A positive attitude was connected with the state of nutrition. Wellnourished status can be observed among the elderly who have positive attitude, avoid anger, anxiety and depression, and have friends and a stable family life.Wstęp: Zachowania zdrowotne osób starszych, będące elementem codziennego życia, wpływają na utrzymanie i wzmacnianie zdrowia. Do jednych z najważniejszych czynników warunkujących zdrowie należą nawyki dotyczące prawidłowego odżywiania i aktywności fizycznej, umiejętność radzenia sobie ze stresem czy ograniczenie stosowania używek. Cel pracy: Celem podjętych badań była ocena wpływu zachowań zdrowotnych na stan odżywienia osób starszych. Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono wśród 151 osób po 60. roku życia, przy użyciu kwestionariusza wywiadu, Inwentarza Zachowań Zdrowotnych i Minimalnej Oceny Stanu Odżywienia. Istnienie różnic i siły związku między zmiennymi oszacowano na poziomie istotności p < 0,05. Wyniki: Ogólny wskaźnik zachowań zdrowotnych wyższy był wśród kobiet niż mężczyzn (88,78 ± 13,82 vs 83,55 ± 12,93; p = 0,01). Analiza zachowań zdrowotnych wskazywała istotne różnice między kobietami a mężczyznami w zakresie: prawidłowych nawyków żywieniowych (p = 0,01), zachowań profilaktycznych (p = 0,01). Wnioski: Osoby starsze, które dbają o prawidłowe odżywienie, jedzą warzywa, owoce, unikając spożywania żywności z konserwantami, charakteryzowały się lepszym stanem odżywienia. Pozytywne nastawienie psychiczne pozostaje w związku z oceną stanu odżywienia. Zadowalający stan odżywienia cechuje osoby starsze, które myślą pozytywnie, unikają gniewu, lęku i depresji, mają przyjaciół oraz uregulowane życie rodzinne

    Knowledge and health behaviours connected with melanoma prevention among people living in Poland and Australia

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    Introduction: Melanoma is a malignant skin tumour. Its incidence doubles every 10 years. The sooner it is diagnosed, the better the chances for suc-cessful treatment. Therefore, the need has arisen to spread knowledge about early detection of melanoma and its prevention. Aim of the study: To assess the knowledge and the extent to which skin cancer preventive measures are followed in selected groups of inhabitants of Po-land and Australia. Material and methods: The study was conducted in a group of 267 people, 151 of whom lived in Poland and 116 in Australia. The study was carried out with the application of a diagnostic survey method. The research technique was a survey, and the research tool was a questionnaire designed by the authors. The study findings were examined by means of statistical analysis. Results: The study showed that although the average level of knowledge is good (46.4%), the extent to which the rules of melanoma prevention are applied is still unsatisfactory in the majority of population (42.3%). It was observed that Australian inhabitants had higher scores in both aforementioned cases (p < 0.001); 91.4% of respondents had at least satisfactory knowledge about melanoma and 78.4% of them took proper preventive measures, whereas in Poland it was 75.5% and 41.7%, respectively. Conclusions: In most cases the respondents have a good level of knowledge, but they do not follow the rules of melanoma prevention. Australians have more knowledge about melanoma, and they are also more likely to take preventive measures

    Skin phototype and selected sociodemographic factors and their correlation with health behaviours connected with melanoma prevention strategies

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    Aim of the study: To assess the correlation between skin phototypes and selected sociodemographic factors and health behaviours connected with skin cancer prevention. Material and methods: The study was conducted in a group of 267 patients. It was carried out with the application of a diagnostic survey method. The research technique was a survey and the research tool was a questionnaire designed by the authors. Results: The study showed a correlation between skin phototype and following the rules of skin cancer prevention (p < 0.001): people with skin phototype I, characterised by pale white skin, were more likely to apply sun protection rules. The percentage of respondents with a higher level of health behaviours increased with the respondents’ age (p < 0.001). The higher the respondents’ education, the higher the percent-age of them who took proper melanoma precautions (p < 0.005). The level of health behaviours was also higher in people who had been diagnosed with melanoma or had been treated for skin cancer in the past or whose family member or friend suffered from this type of cancer (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Respondents with a phototype characterised by fair complexion were more likely to follow skin cancer prevention rules. The intensity of health behaviours aimed at cancer prevention increased with the respondents’ age and level of education. Both melanoma diagnosis and the incidence of skin cancer in respondents’ family or friends led to a higher level of their health behaviours

    Sprawność funkcjonalna pacjentów w starszym wieku po przebytym zabiegu kardiochirurgicznym

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    Wstęp. Starzenie się jest fizjologicznym etapem przemian biologicznych, psychologicznych i społecznych. Zaspokojenie potrzeb i wspieranie samodzielności osób w starszym wieku poprawia jego codzienne funkcjonowanie oraz jakość życia. Choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego i metody ich leczenia zaburzają normalne funkcjonowanie człowieka we wszystkich sferach. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena potrzeb, sprawności funkcjonalnej oraz związku między zmiennymi demograficzno-społecznymi wśród pacjentów w starszym wieku po przebytym zabiegu pomostowania aortalnowieńcowego. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę 130 pacjentów leczonych w oddziale Chirurgii Serca, Naczyń i Transplantologii Krakowskiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego im. Jana Pawła w Krakowie. W badaniu wykorzystano: Kwestionariusz Care Depend-ency Scale (CDS), Skalę Aktywności Dnia Codziennego wg Katza (ADL), Skalę Czynności Złożonych wg Lawtona (IADL), Test Upośledzenia Funkcji Poznawczych (MMSE) oraz kwestionariusz autorski. Uzyskane dane poddano analizie statystycznej wykorzystując pakiet statystyczny PQStat. Wyniki. Sprawność funkcjonalna pacjentów po zabiegu pomostowania aortalnowieńcowego określony był jako umiarkowanie niesamodzielny. Średnia długość choroby wyniosła 9 lat. W przypadku 55 pacjentów (58%), potwierdziło się występowanie choroby w rodzinie. Średni wynik uzyskany przez ankietowanych w skali CDS wynosił 47 punktów, co oznacza, że większość badanych to osoby o średnim poziomie zależności od opieki i możliwości realizacji potrzeb. Badania wykazały, że mężczyźni z chorobą niedokrwienną serca po zabiegu CABG wymagają opieki opiekunów w zdecydowanie większym stopniu niż kobiety. Wniosk. Choroba niedokrwienna serca w znacznym stopniu uniemożliwiała pacjentom codzienne funkcjonowanie. Badania wykazały, że na sprawność funkcjonalną w zakresie pod-stawowych i złożonych czynności dnia codziennego i poziom zależności od osób trzecich w realizacji potrzeb własnych ma wpływ wiek, płeć oraz współwystępowanie innych chorób. Zależność od pomocy innych w realizacji potrzeb zwiększała się wraz z wiekiem.Introduction. Aging is a physiological stage of biolog-ical, psychological, and social change. Meeting the needs and supporting the independence of older people improves their daily functioning and quality of life. Cardiovascular diseases and their treatment methods disturb normal human functioning in all spheres. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to assess the functional needs, performance and the relationship between socio-demographic factors of elderly patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting. Materials and methods. The study included a group of 130 patients treated in the Department of Cardiac, Vascular and Transplantation at the John Paul II Specialist Hospital in Krakow. The study used the Care Dependency Scale (CDS) Questionnaire, the Aged Daily Activity Scale (ADL), the Lawton Aggregate Action Scale (IADL), the Cognitive Functional Impairment Test (MMSE), and the authors’ own questionnaire. The data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis using the PQStat statistical package. Results. Functional efficacy of patients after coronary artery by-pass graft was defined as moderately dependent. The average length of illness was 9 years. In 55 patients (58%), the presence of the disease in the family was confirmed. The average score obtained by CDS respondents was 47 points, which means that the majority of respondents are people with an average level of dependency on care and ability to meet needs. Studies have shown that men with coronary heart disease after CABG require caregivers to a much greater extent than women. Conclusions. Ischemic heart disease largely prevented patients from daily activities. Studies have shown that age, sex and cooccurrence of other diseases are affected by the functional efficiency of basic and complex daily activities and the level of dependence on others to meet their own needs. Dependence on helping others in meeting their needs increased with age

    Advance care planning vs Dementia disorders

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