9 research outputs found
Uticaj kadmijuma na klijanje semena i rast pŔenice
In this study, the effect of Cd on the germination, growth of seedlings and composition of plants deriving from contaminated grains, grown in the field, was examined. Wheat grains were soaked in Cd-containing solutions: 0 (control, deionized water), 10-5 , 10-4 , 10-3 , and 10-2 M CdCl 2 during 24h. One portion of grains was used to test germination and seedling growth, while the other was sown in the field. The concentration of Cd in the grains almost linearly increased with the increase in the applied concentrations of Cd, which reduced the germination and energy of germination and increased the proportion of atypical seedlings. Larger concentrations of Cd significantly impaired the growth of seedlings (length of the shoots and roots, dry matter mass). In the grains of the field-grown plants the concentrations of N, P, and K were not affected by Cd, but their concentrations in the straw declined (especially of N). These results suggest that the emergence and development of plants on the soil polluted by Cd are likely to be significantly limited and yield reduced.Kadmijum (Cd) je potencijalni zagaÄivaÄ sredine živih organizama i pri veÄim koncentracijama odlikuje se jakim fitotoksiÄnim dejstvom. U radu je u laboratorijskim uslovima prouÄeno dejstvo razliÄitih koncentracija kadmijuma na klijanje i rast mladih biljaka pÅ”enice, a u poljskim uslovima njegov uticaj na koncentraciju mineralnih materija u zrnu i slami u fazi pune zrelosti biljaka, koje su potekle od zrna tretiranog kadmijumom. S poveÄanjem koncentracije kadmijuma u fazi bubrenja semena skoro se linerano poveÄala njegova koncentracija u semenu. UtvrÄeno je da veÄe koncentracije kadmijuma znaÄajno smanjuje klijanje i energiju klijanja semena, a poveÄavaju uÄeÅ”Äe atipiÄnih klijanaca i neproklijalog semena. VeÄe koncentracije kadmijuma znaÄajno su smanjile rast mladih biljaka kao i masu njihove suve materije. Rast nadzemnog dela i korena smanjen je u veÄoj meri od mase suve materije, na osnovu Äega se može zakljuÄiti da je kadmijum u veÄoj meri uticao na faktore rasta nego na stvaranje suve mase. NajveÄa primenjena koncentracija kadmijuma smanjila je hidratisanost 68 nadzemnog dela mladih biljaka. Bubrenje semena u prisustvu razliÄitih koncentracije kadmijuma nije uticalo na koncentraciju azota, fosfora i kalijuma u zrnu, a smanjilo je njihovo prisustvo u slami, naroÄito azota na kraju vegetacije. Dobijeni rezultati potvrÄuju nalaze ranijih istraživanja kod drugih biljnih vrsta na osnovu kojih su fizioloÅ”ki i biohemijski procesi klijanja semena znaÄajno inhibirani u prisustvu veÄih koncentracija kadmijuma. Na osnovu navedenog može se predvideti da Äe na zemljiÅ”tu zagaÄenom kadmijumom nicanje useva i rast mladih biljaka pÅ”enice biti ograniÄeno, Å”to Äe se nepovoljno odraziti na prinos useva
Odnos koncentracije zemnoalkalnih metala kalcijuma, barijuma i stroncijuma u zrnu diploidne, tetraploidne i heksaploidne pŔenice
Even though calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba) belong to the same group of the periodic table of elements, and thus have similar chemical features, their importance for plants differs greatly. Since plants do not have the ability to completely discriminate between essential (e.g. Ca) and non-essential elements (e.g. Sr and Ba), they readily take all of them up from soil solution, which is reflected in the ratios of concentrations of those elements in plant tissues, and it influences their nutritive characteristics. The ability of plant species and genotypes to take up and accumulate chemical elements in their different tissues is related to their genetic background. However, differences in chemical composition are the least reflected in their reproductive parts. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate ratios of concentrations of Ca, Sr and Ba in the whole grain of diploid and tetraploid wheat ā ancestors of common wheat, as well as in hexaploid commercial cultivars, grown in the field, at the same location, over a period of three years. The investigated genotypes accumulated Ca, Sr and Ba at different levels, which is reflected in the ratio of their concentrations in the grain. The lowest ratio was established between Ba and Sr, followed by Ca and Ba, while the highest ratio was between Ca and Sr. Moreover, the results have shown that the year of study, genotype and the combination highly significantly affected the ratio of the concentration Ca:Sr, Ca:Ba, and Ba:Sr.Kalcijum (Ca), stroncijum (Sr) i barijum (Ba) pripadaju istoj grupi elemenata Periodnog sistema i imaju sliÄne hemijske osobine. MeÄutim, njihove uloge u biljnom organizmu veoma se razlikuju. Obzirom da biljke nemaju sposobnost da u potpunosti razlikuju esencijalne (C a) od neesencijalnih elemenata (Sr i B a), one ih sve usvajaju iz zemljiÅ”nog rastvora, a to se odražava u razliÄitom odnosu koncentracija ovih elemenata u biljnom tkivu i utiÄe na njihove nutritivne osobine. Sposobnost vrsta i genotipova da usvajaju i akumuliraju hemijske elemente u razliÄitim tkivima, zavisi od njihove genetike. I pored toga, razlike u hemijskom sastavu ogledaju se u njihovoj reproduktivnoj ulozi. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odrede odnosi koncentracija Ca, Sr i Ba u celom zrnu diploidne i tetraploidne pÅ”enice - pretka danaÅ”nje pÅ”enice, kao i heksaploidnih komercijalnih vrsta, gajenih na istom polju i lokalitetu tokom tri godine. Ispitivani genotipovi su akumulirali Ca, Sr i Ba u razliÄitim koliÄinama, Å”to se odrazilo na odnos njihovih koncentracija u zrnu. Najniži odnos ustanovljen je izmeÄu Ba i Sr, zatim Ca i Ba, a najveÄi izmeÄu Ca i Sr. TakoÄe, rezultati su pokazali da godina ispitivanja , genotip i kombinacija znaÄajno utiÄu na odnos koncentracije Ca:Sr, Ca:Ba i B a:Sr
Genetic diversity of sugar beet under heat stress and deficit irrigation
In the light of climate changes and globalwarming, as well as the rapid expansion in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cultivation in Egypt, the development of sugar beet varieties with improved tolerance to high temperature and deficit irrigation is of great importance. The objective of this studywas to evaluate sugar beet genotypes under high temperatures and deficit irrigation conditions for further identification and selection of heat and drought tolerant genotypes. In the current study, a panel of 18 sugar beet breeding lines produced at the USDAāARSāNWISRL, Kimberly, ID, and the commercial sugar beet cultivar Kawimera were evaluated for yield and quality under high temperature. Six promising lines in terms of yield and quality were further evaluated under both high temperature and deficit irrigation for two growing seasons.
All lines performed differently under deficit irrigation, indicating a high degree of genetic variability in the evaluated lines. Additionally, yield traits showed negative effect due to deficit irrigation. A significant positive correlation was observed between stress tolerance index (STI), and average root and sugar yields under stressed and non-stressed conditions. A linear relationship between STI and average root and sugar yields indicates that STI is a reliable stress index to select high yielding genotypes under both optimum- and deficit-irrigation conditions. USKPS25 and USC944-6-68 breeding lines are most likely adapted to deficit irrigation and high temperature and suitable to be utilized in the proposed sugar beet breeding programs in Egypt
Physiological and chemical characteristics of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) grown in the presence of low salt concentrations
(Carthamus tinctorius L.) is highly regarded in the world as an aromatic,
spicy, medicinal and oilseed crop, which can be used in all kinds of
industries. It inhabits arid and semiarid areas of the world. The influence
of the relatively low NaCl concentrations found in soils and irrigation
waters on the growth and metabolism of safĀflower, grown under
semi-controlled conditions, was examined in this work. It was found that
increased concentrations of NaCl affected the number of leaves per plant and
dry leaves mass/area ratio. The transpiration intensity was reduced in plants
grown in the presence of NaCl and stomatal diffusive resistance increased
following an increase in NaCl concentration
Exploring possibilities to fortify hydroponically grown baby vegetables with Fe and Zn
Micronutrient malnutrition, primarily the result of diets poor in bio-available vitamins and minerals, affects more than half of the worldās population. Two micronutrients that are widely recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as limiting are iron and zinc.
In order to screen 5 botanically distinct vegetable species with respect to their reactions to increased supply of Fe and Zn, an experiment was set up under semi-controlled conditions. Seeds were sown in the mixture of agroperlite (AGROPERLIT EXTRA, Termika Zrenjanin) and sand. About 100 seeds of chard, onion, red beet, kohlrabi or lettuce were sown and grown hydroponically using Hoagland nutrient solution (HS, control). After emergence, three treatments were introduced: HS with doubled concentration of Fe, HS with doubled concentration of Zn and HS with doubled concentrations of Fe and Zn. Experiment was set in three replications and treatment lasted up to 30 days. Aerial plant parts were harvested and analyzed for Fe, Zn, ash, photosynthetic pigments and vitamin C content.
In lettuce, concentration of photosynthetic pigments and vitamin C increased in the presence of added Fe and Zn whereas concentration of Fe declined. In chard, concentration of photosynthetic pigments also increased, but to a smaller extent as compared to the lettuce. Concentration of Zn increased in chard to which it was added. In red beet, concentration of Fe increased over 75% but yield concomitantly decreased 35% upon addition of Fe. In onion, concentration of vitamin C and photosynthetic pigments increased in all treatments with respect to control, whereas percentage of ash, Zn and Fe declined. In kohlrabi yield increased in the presence of additional Fe. Concentration of chlorophylls significantly increased whereas concentration of carotenoids declined.
Concentration of both Fe and Zn increased only in red beets and of Zn in chard. All three treatments increased biomass production only in kohlrabi
The concentration ratio of alkaline earth elements calcium, barium and strontium in grains of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheat
Even though calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba) belong to the same
group of the periodic table of elements, and thus have similar chemical
features, their importance for plants differs greatly. Since plants do not
have the ability to completely disĀcriminate between essential (e.g. Ca) and
non-essential elements (e.g. Sr and Ba), they readĀily take all of them up
from soil solution, which is reflected in the ratios of concentrations of
those elements in plant tissues, and it influences their nutritive
characteristics. The ability of plant species and genotypes to take up and
accumulate chemical elements in their different tissues is related to their
genetic background. However, differences in chemical composition are the
least reflected in their reproductive parts. Hence, the aim of this study was
to evaluate ratios of concentrations of Ca, Sr and Ba in the whole grain of
diploid and tetraploid wheat - ancestors of common wheat, as well as in
hexaploid commercial cultivars, grown in the field, at the same location,
over a period of three years. The investigated genotypes accumulated Ca, Sr
and Ba at different levels, which is reflected in the ratio of their
concentrations in the grain. The lowest ratio was established between Ba and
Sr, followed by Ca and Ba, while the highest ratio was between Ca and Sr.
Moreover, the results have shown that the year of study, genotype and the
combination highly significantly affected the ratio of the concentration
Ca:Sr, Ca:Ba, and Ba:Sr