71 research outputs found

    "Барьеры" общения мигрантов и Федеральной миграционной службы Российской Федерации

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    В статье анализируются причины барьеров, возникающих во взаимоотношениях иностранных граждан и сотрудников ФМС России. Основными факторами, влияющими на рост нелегальной миграции, названы недобросовестность работодателей, ограничение квот на привлечение иностранной рабочей силы, плохое владение русским языком, интересы теневого рынка, а также пробелы в нормативно-правовой базе миграционной политики страны. Отдельное внимание уделяется отсутствию единых правил заполнения унифицированных форм заявлений, что затягивает процесс получения статуса легального мигранта. Преодоление указанных барьеров возможно только после установления причинно-следственной связи и устранения причин

    Enterprise communication policy indicators analysis as a part of marketing audit

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    Об’єктом дослідження є процес маркетингового аудиту комунікаційної політики підприємства. Теоретичною основою та методичною базою даного дослідження виступають фундаментальні положення сучасного маркетингу, комунікаційної політики підприємства, напрацювання вчених, що стосуються теоретичних та прикладних засад проведення маркетингового аудиту та застосування рекламного менеджменту. В ході дослідження використовувались загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи, а саме: системно-функціональний підхід щодо дослідження сутності поняття «маркетинговий аудит», метод узагальнення, аналізу і синтезу, та монографічний метод. Запропоновано використання основних напрямків маркетингового аудиту комунікаційної політики підприємства, до яких треба віднести рекламу, зв’язки з громадськістю, стимулювання збуту, прямий маркетинг, участь у виставках, персональний продаж, спонсорську діяльність та інтегровані маркетингові комунікації. Доведено, що їх треба розглядати комплексно, враховуючи особливості і вплив на ефективність роботи підприємства. Маркетинговий аудит дає можливість здійснити порівняння різноманітних засобів комунікаційної політики і обрати найкращий варіант з урахуванням специфіки роботи підприємства. Завдяки цьому запропонована система маркетингових комунікацій ефективно впливає на цільову аудиторію, відповідає характеру запропонованого товару, образу компанії, дає можливість отримати найбільший економічний ефект та комунікативний вплив на споживачів. На відміну від розповсюдженого в Україні досвіду проведення маркетингового аудиту у вигляді контролінгу маркетингової діяльності, у дослідженні доводиться ефективність проведення аудиту за конкретними напрямками, зокрема комунікаційної політики підприємства. Такий підхід неодмінно буде корисним для проведення незалежного контролю діяльності українських підприємств. У роботі теоретичні положення доведені до рівня науково-практичних рекомендацій та можуть бути використані промисловими підприємствами для підвищення рівня ефективності комунікаційної діяльності шляхом проведення маркетингового аудиту

    Влияние CaO на синтез и микроструктуру керамики на основе бората алюминия

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    Осуществлен синтез бората алюминия на основе природных сырьевых материалов, изучено влияние добавки CaO на структуру и свойства материала. Было выявлено, что введение CaO в состав исходной сырьевой смеси способствует формированию игольчатых кристаллов и увеличению выхода фазы бората алюминия, а также снижению плотности материала. Показано, что двухстадийный обжиг позволяет повысить прочность образцов с добавкой CaO с сохранением низкой плотности

    Solidification modeling of austenitic cast iron : a holistic approach

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    During solidification microsegregations build up in solid phases due to solid concentration variations with temperature. Diffusion, which is a kinetic process, usually reduces microsegregations. The present work aims at modeling such kinetic effects on solidification of austenitic cast iron applying a holistic approach. To this end, a microsegregation model was developed and validated. Moreover, this model was coupled directly to a commercial process simulation tool and thermodynamic software. A series of GJSA-XNiCr 20-2 clamp-rings was cast varying inoculation state and number of feeders. The composition of this cast alloy was analyzed and the microstructure characterized to provide input data for the microsegregation model. To validate the software, cooling curves were recorded, and differential thermal analysis, electron dispersive x-ray analysis, and electron probe micro analysis were carried out. Furthermore, porosity within the casting was analyzed by x-ray. Since significant discrepancies between the transformation temperatures measured and the values predicted by thermodynamic calculations became apparent, a numerical concentration variation analysis was performed. Moreover, two commercial and one open thermodynamic database, as well as three different chemical analyses of the cast alloy were compared. In this way, it was possible to determine the most appropriate combination of database and chemical analysis in relation to the predicted metal carbides, transformation temperatures, and solidification kinetics. Notwithstanding this effort, large temperature differences remain. The most probable reason for these discrepancies is nucleation and inaccuracy of the thermodynamic databases applied for this kind of alloy. Various submodels for chemical diffusion, cross-diffusion, as well as cross-diffusion in combination with dendrite arm coarsening were compared as to identify their particular impact. This analysis shows that the chemical diffusion model does not reflect the solidification kinetics determined by experiments and is therefore not applicable to this type of alloy. In the present work, cross-diffusion was identified as the chief reason for the graphite promoting effect of nickel. Dendrite arm coarsening induces the sensitivity of the model to cooling characteristics, while at the same time reducing slightly the sensitivity to variations in heat extraction rate. Validation of the model was attempted by comparing results to a solution from a commercial software product taking account of cross-diffusion. The results match when the diffusive fluxes are modified. Since in this case, the phase fractions correlate very well, the solution of the solidification problem is considered to be correct. To further validate the diffusion solver, it was compared to an analytical solution and could be verified by this test. It could be shown through performing coupled simulations, that due to dendrite arm coarsening the different cooling characteristics within the casting lead to distinct differences in phase fractions and solidification temperatures. This transition of cooling characteristics is accompanied by a transition from a globular-eutectic to a chunky-dendritic microstructure in experiments. The hot spot effect below the feeders is aided by a shift towards lower solidification temperatures over solidification time. This shift is a result of local cooling characteristics which can only be predicted, if process simulation is directly coupled with material simulation. The porosity predictions and analyses show good agreement. A comparison between experimental and virtual cooling curves leads to the conclusion that the innovative coupling concept and its implementation are valid. To achieve an effective coupling procedure between process and material simulation, a complex and unique microsegregation software has been generated. This model is notable for its time-efficient predictions and general applicability thanks to a multicomponent concept, thermodynamic coupling, cross-diffusion model, and multicomponent dendrite arm coarsening model. Furthermore, the characteristics of the present model were compared to decoupled and coupled state-of-the-art microsegregation models and four unique features were identified: (1) the innovative coupling concept to porosity prediction and (2) process simulation, (3) the multiphase concept, and (4) the concept for reproducing mixed geometries

    Solidification modeling of austenitic cast iron : a holistic approach

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    During solidification microsegregations build up in solid phases due to solid concentration variations with temperature. Diffusion, which is a kinetic process, usually reduces microsegregations. The present work aims at modeling such kinetic effects on solidification of austenitic cast iron applying a holistic approach. To this end, a microsegregation model was developed and validated. Moreover, this model was coupled directly to a commercial process simulation tool and thermodynamic software. A series of GJSA-XNiCr 20-2 clamp-rings was cast varying inoculation state and number of feeders. The composition of this cast alloy was analyzed and the microstructure characterized to provide input data for the microsegregation model. To validate the software, cooling curves were recorded, and differential thermal analysis, electron dispersive x-ray analysis, and electron probe micro analysis were carried out. Furthermore, porosity within the casting was analyzed by x-ray. Since significant discrepancies between the transformation temperatures measured and the values predicted by thermodynamic calculations became apparent, a numerical concentration variation analysis was performed. Moreover, two commercial and one open thermodynamic database, as well as three different chemical analyses of the cast alloy were compared. In this way, it was possible to determine the most appropriate combination of database and chemical analysis in relation to the predicted metal carbides, transformation temperatures, and solidification kinetics. Notwithstanding this effort, large temperature differences remain. The most probable reason for these discrepancies is nucleation and inaccuracy of the thermodynamic databases applied for this kind of alloy. Various submodels for chemical diffusion, cross-diffusion, as well as cross-diffusion in combination with dendrite arm coarsening were compared as to identify their particular impact. This analysis shows that the chemical diffusion model does not reflect the solidification kinetics determined by experiments and is therefore not applicable to this type of alloy. In the present work, cross-diffusion was identified as the chief reason for the graphite promoting effect of nickel. Dendrite arm coarsening induces the sensitivity of the model to cooling characteristics, while at the same time reducing slightly the sensitivity to variations in heat extraction rate. Validation of the model was attempted by comparing results to a solution from a commercial software product taking account of cross-diffusion. The results match when the diffusive fluxes are modified. Since in this case, the phase fractions correlate very well, the solution of the solidification problem is considered to be correct. To further validate the diffusion solver, it was compared to an analytical solution and could be verified by this test. It could be shown through performing coupled simulations, that due to dendrite arm coarsening the different cooling characteristics within the casting lead to distinct differences in phase fractions and solidification temperatures. This transition of cooling characteristics is accompanied by a transition from a globular-eutectic to a chunky-dendritic microstructure in experiments. The hot spot effect below the feeders is aided by a shift towards lower solidification temperatures over solidification time. This shift is a result of local cooling characteristics which can only be predicted, if process simulation is directly coupled with material simulation. The porosity predictions and analyses show good agreement. A comparison between experimental and virtual cooling curves leads to the conclusion that the innovative coupling concept and its implementation are valid. To achieve an effective coupling procedure between process and material simulation, a complex and unique microsegregation software has been generated. This model is notable for its time-efficient predictions and general applicability thanks to a multicomponent concept, thermodynamic coupling, cross-diffusion model, and multicomponent dendrite arm coarsening model. Furthermore, the characteristics of the present model were compared to decoupled and coupled state-of-the-art microsegregation models and four unique features were identified: (1) the innovative coupling concept to porosity prediction and (2) process simulation, (3) the multiphase concept, and (4) the concept for reproducing mixed geometries