29 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to present a description and analysis related to the characteristics of the people exposed to disaster-prone areas, in villages (rural) and kelurahan (urban) levels, public awareness of efforts to "maintain" their survival from external disturbances, conformity to program interventions/activities carried out by external parties (government / non-government). Methodology: In principle, this study uses an approach based on qualitative research. Main Findings: From the results of the research obtained based on the experience of the residents, two of the largest outflows of capital were obtained, namely social capital and human capital, while the least capital outflows were natural capital. Applications of this study: This research will be carried out in the rural area with the threat of landslides in Cijeruk Village, Bogor Regency. Novelty/Originality of this study: Sustainable Livelihood Assessment (SLA), the higher the frequency of the key behavior of the components of capital out of the SLA, the more capital is needed by a community. From the results of the research obtained based on the experience of the residents, two of the largest outflows of capital were obtained, namely social capital and human capital, while the least capital outflows were natural capital

    Management of Drought Disaster in Indonesia

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    The drought disaster in Indonesia has occurred since 1811. Indonesia with tropical climate is highly sensitive to the climate anomaly El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) which is a source of drought. In addition to El Nino, the drought in Indonesia is also influenced by positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) which constitute a regional climate phenomenon in Indian Ocean. The drought has widespread, complex impacts which lasts for a long time after the drought itself ends. This widespread impact lasting for so long is caused by the fact that water is a basic need and vital for every living creature, irreplaceable by any other resources. The impacts in agriculture sector include limited irrigation water, reduced planting areas, decreased land productivity, declined crops production, and less farmer’s income, and from social perspective, the drought disaster may promote division and conflict which expand to include the conflict between water users and even between (local) governments. This paper summarizes efforts in managing drought disaster in Indonesia from the context of disaster management cycle


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of urban communities in the disaster response area to tackle floods. Methodology: In principle, this study uses an approach based on qualitative research. The area that is the background of this study includes the Cawang Village area which is prone to flooding. Sources of data in this study were interviewees who were community leaders who had lived for more than 20 years and local RT/RW devices. Main Findings: From the results of the research obtained, based on the experience of the residents, two of the largest outflows of capital were obtained, namely social capital and human capital, while the least capital outflows were natural capital. Applications of this study: The characteristics of urban communities in the disaster response area are kelurahan cawang, East Jakarta, and dki Jakarta. Novelty/Originality of this study: There are 2 capital components of SLA which are human capital and social capital. While the natural capital component is the lowest compared to the others, are physical capital and financial capital; and have a good early warning system with the existence of a communication network from BPBD to RT, RW, and PB2M

    Social Economic Resilience in Facing Land and Forest Fire Disaster (Case Study in South Sumatra Province)

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    Forest and land fires in South Sumatra Province tend to be a routine disaster in the dry season. The handling of forest and land fires needs to be linked to socio-economic resilience in order to be completely resolved. This study measures socio-economic resilience and links it with forest and land fires. The method used is qualitative analysis using the resilience concept of UNISDR. The result shows that all socio-economic resilience indicators in facing the disaster have been done by South Sumatera Provincial Government but not yet maximal. Some indicators that need to be improved are the diversification of local economic activities, the implementation of contingency plans in the event of a disaster, the establishment of incentives and clear penalties, and the increase of multi-stakeholder participation.


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    Indonesia secara geografis memiliki keragaman curah hujan yang cukup besar antardaerah. Angin merupakan salah satu parameter untuk menentukan kondisi iklim suatu wilayah. Salah satu faktor penyebabnya dipengaruhi oleh sirkulasi angin zonal (Hadley) dan meridional (Walker). Aktifitas ENSO juga mempengaruhi sirkulasi angin yang masuk di wilayah Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Respons Sirkulasi Angin Zonal dan Meridional Terhadap Curah Hujan di Kabupaten Jayapura. Metode penelitian ini memanfaatkan data hujan bulanan Stasiun Klimatologi Jayapura tahun 1991-2010,  Indeks Nino 3.4 NOAA, dan data angin zonal dan meridional ketinggian 10 meter ECMWF dengan resolusi spasial 0.125°x0.125° periode 1991-2010. Melalui analisis ini didapat, wilayah Jayapura memiliki tipe hujan monsunal dengan karakteristik lokal yang kuat. Hal ini juga menyebabkan tidak ada pergeseran musim saat terjadi El Nino kuat. Sedangkan untuk La Nina juga tidak ada pergeseran musim, hanya terjadi peningkatan curah hujan. SST dan curah hujan berbanding terbalik, karena karakakteristik lokal yang kuat

    Study of The Carrying Capacity of The Environment Case Study: The Simanindo Area, Samosir Regency, North Sumatra

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    Lake Toba area has been designated a National Strategic Area, which is a priority spatial planning area. The Simanindo Area is a sub-district in Samosir Regency which is an island in the middle of Lake Toba, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Lake Toba's current condition has been polluted by organic contamination and high free chlorine. In addition, the existence of fish farming activities or floating net cages that contribute to the contamination of phosphorus by 0.78 mg/l and free chlorine by 0.84 mg/l into Lake Toba which resulted in the need for studies on the carrying capacity and environmental capacity. Land carrying capacity can be calculated by comparing the availability of land with land requirements. While the carrying capacity of water can be calculated by comparing the availability of water with water requirements or using the Thornwaite Mather Water Balance method. Land Capacity can be calculated by the Land Endurance Unit. While the Capacity of Waters can be calculated by STORET analysis or calculation of domestic waste pollution load. The existence of a massive development plan for Simanindo area and rapid population growth is projected to cause the Land Support Capacity of the Simanindo Priority Zone to be conditionally safe in 2040. Water Carrying Capacity experienced a deficit in the atmosphere in July after being calculated with the Thornwaite Mather Water Balance. In addition, the Capacity of Water Bodies is also in the Status of Severe Pollution according to the STORET Method