12 research outputs found

    Podijeljena mađarska ljevica: 1917–1935.

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    Analyzed in the paper is the Hungarian emigration in the 1917–1935 period. Its purpose is to show the tradition and culture of national groups, along with the development of migrants pertaining to the society of origin and that of reception may influence the formation of radicalism in a workers\u27 movement. Since 1919, with the emergence of communists, the Hungarian left has changed substantially, and a rearrangement of its groupings has also taken place. In this connection the question of to what an extent the adaptation has affected change in the migrants\u27 political culture is raised. Another question put forward concerns the meaning to themselves of a change of their migrant worker status into an immigrant status, the development that has taken place since the 1920s.U referatu se analizira mađarska emigracija u razdoblju 1917–1935, s namjerom da se pokaže kako tradicija i kultura nacionalnih grupa, te odnosi migranata prema društvu porijekla i društvu prijema djeluju na formiranje radikalizma u radničkom pokretu. Od 1919, s pojavom komunista, mađarska se ljevica značajno izmijenila, a došlo je i do prerasporeda njezinih grupacija. U vezi s tim postavlja se pitanje koliko je adaptacija djelovala na mijenjanje političke kulture migranata i što je za njih značila promjena njihova statusa od radnika-migranta u useljenički status što se zbivao dvadesetih godina

    Podijeljena mađarska ljevica: 1917–1935.

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    Analyzed in the paper is the Hungarian emigration in the 1917–1935 period. Its purpose is to show the tradition and culture of national groups, along with the development of migrants pertaining to the society of origin and that of reception may influence the formation of radicalism in a workers\u27 movement. Since 1919, with the emergence of communists, the Hungarian left has changed substantially, and a rearrangement of its groupings has also taken place. In this connection the question of to what an extent the adaptation has affected change in the migrants\u27 political culture is raised. Another question put forward concerns the meaning to themselves of a change of their migrant worker status into an immigrant status, the development that has taken place since the 1920s.U referatu se analizira mađarska emigracija u razdoblju 1917–1935, s namjerom da se pokaže kako tradicija i kultura nacionalnih grupa, te odnosi migranata prema društvu porijekla i društvu prijema djeluju na formiranje radikalizma u radničkom pokretu. Od 1919, s pojavom komunista, mađarska se ljevica značajno izmijenila, a došlo je i do prerasporeda njezinih grupacija. U vezi s tim postavlja se pitanje koliko je adaptacija djelovala na mijenjanje političke kulture migranata i što je za njih značila promjena njihova statusa od radnika-migranta u useljenički status što se zbivao dvadesetih godina

    Posztvakcinációs rotavírus-surveillance Magyarországon, 2007 = Post vaccination rotavirus surveillance in Hungary, in 2007

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    A rotavírusok okozta gyermekkori akut gastroenteritisek megelőzésében a vakcináció játssza a főszerepet. Az új generációjú rotavírus-vakcinák bevezetése, illetve piaci megjelenése óta a vadvírus-surveillance világszerte még fontosabbá vált. Jelen tanulmányban a magyarországi posztvakcinációs törzsmonitorozás első évének eredményeit ismertetik a szerzők. A 2007-ben gyűjtött, rotavírust tartalmazó székletmintákból kivont virális RNS genotipizálása multiplex PCR segítségével történt. A szerzők a VP7 gén esetében G1–G4, G6, G8–G10 és G12 típusokra, a VP4 gén esetében pedig P[4], P[6], és P[8]–P[11] típusokra specifikus primereket alkalmaztak. A 482 betegtől származó 489 rotavírus-pozitív székletmintából 466 esetében sikerült a G típust, és 474 mintában a P típust azonosítani. Összesen 457 törzs esetében volt sikeres mindkét felszíni antigén genotípusának meghatározása. A vizsgált időszakban a G4P[8] törzsek voltak túlsúlyban (31,5%), ezeket követték a G1P[8] (28,3%), G2P[4] (19,3%) és G9P[8] (10,2%) genotípusok. A gyakori törzstípusok mellett ritka antigén-kombinációkat is sikerült azonosítani: G1P[4] (0,4%), G2P[8] (1,3%), G3P[9] (0,2%), G4P[6] (0,7%), G6P[9] (0,4%) és G12P[8] (0,4%). A G8P[8] (0,2%), G9P[4] (0,2%) és G9P[6] (0,8%) genotípusok 2007-ben első alkalommal kerültek felismerésre hazánkban. A minták kis hányadában (1,2%) kevert fertőzést lehetett igazolni. A nem tipizálható törzsek aránya 4,9% volt. A Magyarországon cirkuláló, klinikailag fontos rotavírustörzsek a vizsgálat adatai szerint szinte teljes átfedést mutatnak a vakcinákban is megtalálható antigéntípusokkal. A következő évek surveillance-eredményei számos nyitott kérdésre adhatnak választ, köztük tisztázhatják a máig ellentmondásos szerotípus-specifikus (homotípusos) vagy a heterotípus-specifikus védettség elsődlegességét. | Vaccination is the main strategy to control severe dehydrating gastroenteritis caused by rotaviruses in early childhood. The availability of new generation rotavirus vaccines has led to an intensification of strain surveillance worldwide, in part, to gauge the impact of the possible vaccine-driven immune selection of wild-type rotavirus strains. In the present study, authors describe the strain prevalence data obtained in 2007, with the involvement of different regions of Hungary. Genomic RNA was extracted from rotavirus-positive stool samples collected mainly from children and then subjected to genotyping using multiplex RT-PCR assay. Type-specific primers targeted G1 to G4, G6, G8 to G10, and G12 VP7 specificities, and P[4], P[6], and P[8] to P[11] VP4 specificities were used. Out of 489 rotavirus-positive specimens, collected from 482 patients, 466 and 474 were successfully G and P typed, respectively, and both G and P type specificities could be assigned for 457 strains. Prevalence data showed the predominance of G4P[8] (31.5%) strains, followed by G1P[8] (28.3%), G2P[4] (19.3%), and G9P[8] (10.2%). Minority strains were G1P[4] (0.4%), G2P[8] (1.3%), G3P[9] (0.2%), G4P[6] (0.7%), G6P[9] (0.4%), G8P[8] (0.2%), G9P[4] (0.2%), G9P[6] (0.8%), and G12P[8] (0.4%). Mixed infections were found in 1.2% of the samples, while 4.9% remained partially or fully non-typified. Our data indicate that the antigen specificities of medically important rotavirus strains identified in this 1-year study are well represented in the vaccines available in the pharmaceutical private market in Hungary. Depending on the vaccination coverage achievable in the forthcoming years, the post-vaccination rotavirus strain surveillance may allow us to gain comprehensive information on the impact of rotavirus vaccines on the prevalence of circulating rotavirus strains

    Posztvakcinációs rotavírus-surveillance Magyarországon, 2007

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    Vaccination is the main strategy to control severe dehydrating gastroenteritis caused by rotaviruses in early childhood. The availability of new generation rotavirus vaccines has led to an intensifi cation of strain surveillance worldwide, in part, to gauge the impact of the possible vaccine-driven immune selection of wild-type rotavirus strains. In the present study, authors describe the strain prevalence data obtained in 2007, with the involvement of different regions of Hungary. Genomic RNA was extracted from rotavirus- positive stool samples collected mainly from children and then subjected to genotyping using multiplex RT-PCR assay. Typespecifi c primers targeted G1 to G4, G6, G8 to G10, and G12 VP7 specifi cities, and P[4], P[6], and P[8] to P[11] VP4 specifi cities were used. Out of 489 rotavirus-positive specimens, collected from 482 patients, 466 and 474 were successfully G and P typed, respectively, and both G and P type specifi cities could be assigned for 457 strains. Prevalence data showed the predominance of G4P[8] (31.5%) strains, followed by G1P[8] (28.3%), G2P[4] (19.3%), and G9P[8] (10.2%). Minority strains were G1P[4] (0.4%), G2P[8] (1.3%), G3P[9] (0.2%), G4P[6] (0.7%), G6P[9] (0.4%), G8P[8] (0.2%), G9P[4] (0.2%), G9P[6] (0.8%), and G12P[8] (0.4%). Mixed infections were found in 1.2% of the samples, while 4.9% remained partially or fully non-typifi ed. Our data indicate that the antigen specifi cities of medically important rotavirus strains identifi ed in this 1-year study are well represented in the vaccines available in the pharmaceutical private market in Hungary. Depending on the vaccination coverage achievable in the forthcoming years, the post-vaccination rotavirus strain surveillance may allow us to gain comprehensive information on the impact of rotavirus vaccines on the prevalence of circulating rotavirus strain