7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of anti-arthritic potential of Leonotis nepetifolia (L.)R.Br. against Freund’s adjuvant induced arthritis

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    Background: Leonotis nepetifolia (L.)R.Br. (LN) belonging to Lamiaceae family is a tall erect annual weed native to Southern India and tropical Africa used by tribals and folklore traditions in India for cough, fever, stomach ache, skin ailments, kidney diseases, rheumatism and dysmenorrhoea. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the anti-arthritic activity of the traditional dosage form( decoction) as used by the tribals in comparison to a modified dosage form(dry aqueous extract ) of whole plant of LN in experimental animal models. Materials and Methods: Thirty wistar strain albino rats were selected and randomly divided into five groups. Arthritis was induced by Freund’s complete adjuvant (FCA) and then treated with either the decoction of whole plant of LN or the dry aqueous extract for 30 days.The various parameters like paw volume, ponderal changes, serum biochemical parameters and histopathological changes were assessed. The data was analyzed by employing oneway ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s multiple‘t’ test for unpaired data to determine significant difference between groups at P<0.05. Results: In the present study it was observed that dry aqueous extract form of the test drug is having weak activity against primary oedema whereas decoction form did not show any effect on primary oedema. Both forms of test drug have comparable values as standard drug on 25th day in secondary oedema. Conclusion: The findings suggest the beneficial effect of the drug against chronic inflammation and inhibition of periarthritis and osteogenic activity

    The concept of Happiness in Ayurveda

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    The quest for happiness is something that has enthralled every human since time immemorial. Researchers belonging to different fields along with ancient spiritual scholars have strived to arrive at a pathway for happiness. But since happiness involves different dimensions of itself, the interpretations on happiness have also been varied and different. Ayurveda is a science that was designed to maintain the health of healthy people and to cure the maladies of the unhealthy people. Happiness is an important facet of health and hence is given an important place in Ayurveda. The Ancient Ayurvedic literature has explained the concept of happiness under various terminologies like Sukha, Harsha etc. In the present research work all the fundamental texts of Ayurveda were screened thoroughly in order to compile the information on concept of happiness in Ayurveda. This was used to draw various interpretations on the science of happiness. The present article is written in order to envisage this concept of happiness in Ayurveda. The article will try to throw light on the usefulness of happiness in health, role of happiness on Dosha, Dhatu Mala and other physiological processes. The article also aims to suggest ways to achieve happy life with the help of fundamental principles of Ayurveda

    Toxicovigilance : A prerequisite to drug safety surveillance in Ayurveda

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    Toxicovigilance is the active process of identifying and evaluating the toxic risks existing in a community and evaluating the measures to reduce or eliminate them. Although the technical term “toxicovigilance” does not feature in Ayurvedic texts, its essence is highlighted in Agada Tantra. Agada Tantra has comprehensive approach on toxic effects of Visha Dravyas (toxic substances) and its management. Through toxicovigilance; not merely there is scope for Ayurveda to find solution for toxicity issues, besides there is extensive scope for screening and regulating Ayurvedic formulations containing poisonous drugs of herbal/metal/mineral origin. In fact, study of poisonous drugs and ADR monitoring is an essential aspect in toxicological departments. It is the need of the hour to employ the Ayurvedic discipline of toxicology to explore the challenges that Ayurveda is facing today with regard to drug safety. A comprehensive study of all potential exposure associated with Ayurvedic medicaments, risk assessment, prevention and management can be the primary footstep in this direction. At this point, vigilance of toxic drugs is to be done by considering the guidelines on collection, pharmaceutical processing, indications, contraindications, dosage and antidotes as mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. Thus, data of toxicovigilance can be effectively applied in monitoring drug safety in Ayurveda


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    Jyotismati (Celastrus paniculatus)is a woody climber of vedic lore. In several studies seed oil was screened for its sedative and tranquillizing properties. But the tribal claims of other parts of jyotismati are yet to be studied. The plant jyotismati is used throughout the tribal population of India ofr wound healing, cough, insomnia, opium poisoning.The details of medico ethnobotanical aspect of the plant jyotismati and the recent researches carrying out on the plant clearly indicate that jyotismati place a key role in the healthcare system of India

    Rasa Nirdhāraṇa (assessment of taste) of Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br.: A preliminary study in healthy volunteers

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    Background: Rasa (a concept corresponding to taste) is the only perceivable parameter for drug identification in Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic pharmacological principles such as guṇa (quality), vîrya (potency) and vipāka (effect of biotransformation) are inferred based on the identified Rasa of a drug. All these principles together predict the probable spectrum of drug action in Ayurveda. It is mandatory to screen a drug in the Ayurvedic pharmacological perspective to incorporate it into Ayurvedic materia medica. Aim: To assess the rasa of a non classical herb, Leonotis nepetifolia (L.).R.Br. based on the lakṣaṇas (characteristics) described in Ayurvedic texts for the identification of individual rasa. Settings and Design: The study was conducted at the Department of Dravyaguna, Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Reaseach in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. Materials and Methods: The whole plant powder (3g) of Leonotisnepetifolia was administered to 50 participants (trained Ayurvedic physicians) and their responses after intake of the drug were elicited using a structured questionnaire. Results and Conclusion: On analyzing the data it was found that Leonotis nepetifolia possess predominantly tikta rasa (bitter taste) followed by Kasāya rasa (astringent taste). Recent researches and ethnomedicinal claims on Leonotis nepetifolia stand comparable with the pharmacological activities attributed to tikta and kasāya rasa in Ayurvedic classics Rasa nirdhāraṇa can be one of the preliminary steps to initiate the process of screening of an unknown drug along the lines of Ayurvedic pharmacology specially because rasa is the only perceivable parameter. According to Ayurveda, rasa of a dravya has a bearing on its karma (pharmacological action) and the identification of rasa could be one of the subjective means for inferring pāρcabhautika constitution of a substance which in turn could help in tentatively inferring guṇa, vîrya and vipāka of the dravya. This paper demonstrates how a simple method can be used without any instruments to do a preliminary assessment of the rasa or taste of a plant

    Mustard and its uses in <i style="">Ayurveda</i>

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    400-404Mustard is a condiment that has been used for culinary, religious and cultural purposes by humanity since time immemorial. Mustard has figured prominently in the Indian tradition and its medicinal properties have been systematically evaluated and documented in the classical Ayurvedic texts. The paper attempts to carefully review the ancient and contemporary uses of mustard as food and medicine with reference to the Ayurvedic tradition. It will give an outline of the varieties of mustard described in the ancient Ayurvedic writings, comparing Ayurvedic and modern medical information regarding their properties and applications for health as well as other ways in which mustard has been used for betterment of human life