414 research outputs found

    Quantum K-theory of Quiver Varieties and Many-Body Systems

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    We define quantum equivariant K-theory of Nakajima quiver varieties. We discuss type A in detail as well as its connections with quantum XXZ spin chains and trigonometric Ruijsenaars-Schneider models. Finally we study a limit which produces a K-theoretic version of results of Givental and Kim, connecting quantum geometry of flag varieties and Toda lattice.Comment: v3: 33 pages, some clarifications and correction

    Energy-efficient control of pump units based on neural-network parameter observer

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    An observer based on an artificial neural network was designed. The observer determines the pumping unit performance depending on the operating point. Determination is based on the measured technological coordinates of the system and the pressure of the turbomechanism. Three neural networks were designed for three types of the productivity observer. The developed observer was investigated by the simulation method within different variations of disturbing actions, such as hydraulic resistance of the hydraulic system and geodetic pressure. A comparative analysis of three types of the productivity observer, built with using the pressure and different signals of the system with arbitrary change of hydraulic resistance was given. By the use of the pump unit efficiency observer, in addition to the results presented earlier, the efficiency of the productivity observer, which built with using different sensors, in water supply systems with two series-connected pump units, operating for filling the large tank, is researched. In the water supply system one pump speed is regulated, the other is unregulated. References 14, figures 5

    Colloidal diffusion and hydrodynamic screening near boundaries

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    The hydrodynamic interactions between colloidal particles in small ensembles are measured at varying distances from a no-slip surface over a range of inter-particle separations. The diffusion tensor for motion parallel to the wall of each ensemble is calculated by analyzing thousands of particle trajectories generated by blinking holographic optical tweezers and by dynamic simulation. The Stokesian Dynamics simulations predict similar particle dynamics. By separating the dynamics into three classes of modes: self, relative and collective diffusion, we observe qualitatively different behavior depending on the relative magnitudes of the distance of the ensemble from the wall and the inter-particle separation. A simple picture of the pair-hydrodynamic interactions is developed, while many-body-hydrodynamic interactions give rise to more complicated behavior. The results demonstrate that the effect of many-body hydrodynamic interactions in the presence of a wall is much richer than the single particle behavior and that the multiple-particle behavior cannot be simply predicted by a superposition of pair interactions

    A latent class model for obesity

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    We extend the discrete data latent class literature by explicitly defining a latent variable for class membership as a function of both observables and unobservables, thereby allowing the equations defining the class membership and observed outcomes to be correlated. The procedure is then applied to modelling observed obesity outcomes, based upon an underlying ordered probit equation

    Проблемы принудительного лечения как иной уголовно-правовой меры

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    Пушкар А. М. Проблемы принудительного лечения как иной уголовно-правовой меры / А. М. Пушкар // Духовні засади сучасного правогенезису : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. «IX Прибузькі юридичні читання», 29-30 листопада 2013 / відп. ред. С. В. Ківалов. – Миколаїв : Іліон, 2013. - С. 188-190

    Improved simulation of extreme precipitation in a high-resolution atmosphere model

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    Climate models often underestimate the magnitude of extreme precipitation. We compare the performance of a high-resolution (∼0.25°) time-slice atmospheric simulation (1979–2005) of the Community Earth System Model 1.0 in representing daily extreme precipitation events against those of the same model at lower resolutions (∼1° and 2°). We find significant increases in the simulated levels of daily extreme precipitation over Europe, the United States, and Australia. In many cases the increase in high percentiles (>95th) of daily precipitation leads to better agreement with observational data sets. For lower percentiles, we find that increasing resolution does not significantly increase values of simulated precipitation. We argue that the reduced biases mainly result from the higher resolution models resolving more key physical processes controlling heavy precipitation. We conclude that while high resolution is vital for accurately simulating extreme precipitation, considerable biases remain at the highest available model resolutions

    Survey of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios and Total Strontium Concentrations in Ohio Stream and Ground Waters

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    Author Institution: Department of Geology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 ; Department of Geology, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio 45431 ; and Department of Geology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056A total of 23 Ohio stream and ground waters has been sampled and analyzed for total Sr and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios in an attempt to evaluate the potential usefulness of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio as a tracer of water provenance. Sampling stations were selected in order to provide a wide geographic distribution and a variety of contacted lithologies. The measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.7078 to 0.7130, with the higher ratios occurring in eastern and southern Ohio and the lower ratios to the north and west. This trend is apparently due in part to the change in the dominant lithology of the Paleozoic sediments across Ohio. In the east, clastic sediments predominate, whereas in the west, limesstone becames the major important component of the sedimentary sequence. Most limestones of Paleozoic age are known to have 87Sr/86Sr ratios of approximately 0.708, whereas shales have a range of higher values. The observed trend in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the water samples also appears to be related to the position of the glacial boundary. The widspread occurrence of easily soluble carbonate material in the glacial till north of the boundary has apparently had a strong effect on the strontium isotopic compositions of the local waters

    Мета примусового лікування від наркоманії як іншого кримінально-правового заходу

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    Пушкар Г. М. Мета примусового лікування від наркоманії як іншого кримінально-правового заходу / Г. М. Пушкар // Приватне право в умовах глобалізації : ключові проблеми модернізації сучасного права : зб. наук. пр. / за ред. П. М Шапірка, І. Г. Оборотова. – Миколаїв : Іліон, 2015. – С. 207-211

    Цель и содержание понятия «принудительное лечение от наркомании» как иной уголовно-правовой меры

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    Пушкар А. М. Цель и содержание понятия «принудительное лечение от наркомании» как иной уголовно-правовой меры / А. М. Пушкар // Приватне право в умовах глобалізації : традиційні цінності та європейські перспективи : зб. наук. пр. / за ред. П. М. Шапірка, І. Г. Оборотова. – Миколаїв : Іліон. 2014. – С.168-173

    Ruddit: Norms of Offensiveness for English Reddit Comments

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    On social media platforms, hateful and offensive language negatively impact the mental well-being of users and the participation of people from diverse backgrounds. Automatic methods to detect offensive language have largely relied on datasets with categorical labels. However, comments can vary in their degree of offensiveness. We create the first dataset of English language Reddit comments that has fine-grained, real-valued scores between -1 (maximally supportive) and 1 (maximally offensive). The dataset was annotated using Best--Worst Scaling, a form of comparative annotation that has been shown to alleviate known biases of using rating scales. We show that the method produces highly reliable offensiveness scores. Finally, we evaluate the ability of widely-used neural models to predict offensiveness scores on this new dataset.Comment: Camera-ready version in ACL 202