6 research outputs found


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    Karakterisasi dan evaluasi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data karakter morfologi, hasil dan mutu dari 16 nomor aksesi pegagan yang berasal dari Sumatra, Jawa, Bali dan Papua. Penelitian dilakukan di KP. Cicurug, Sukabumi pada ketinggian 550 m dpl, sejak Januari sampai Desember 2006. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah acak ke-lompok dengan 16 perlakuan dan tiga ulangan, jarak tanam 20 cm x 20 cm, populasi 100 tanaman/petak. Kultur teknis mengacu kepada SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur), dengan dosis pupuk kandang 20 ton/ha, Urea SP-36 dan KCl masing-masing 200 kg/ha. Pengamat-an dilakukan pada 10 tanaman per petak pada saat panen (umur 3,5 BST) terhadap sifat morfologi kuantitatif dan kualitatif, hasil herba basah dan kering serta mutu. Perbedaan antar aksesi dianalisis, menggunakan Uji Jarak Ber-ganda Duncan (UJBD). Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan ada keragaman pada sifat mor-fologi kualitatif dan kuantitatif, antara lain ukuran, warna dan bentuk daun, jumlah, ukur-an dan warna geragih, jumlah bunga per gera-gih, panjang dan warna buku, warna batang, berat segar dan berat kering. Aksesi CASI 002 memiliki tangkai dan daun lebih besar dari aksesi lainnya. Sebaliknya aksesi dari Irian Jaya Barat memiliki daun kecil, pendek dan sangat berbeda dari aksesi lainnya. Bobot ba-sah per tanaman dan produktivitas segar ter-tinggi diperoleh dari aksesi CASI 011 dan CASI 016, sedangkan bobot kering per tanam-an dan produktivitas terna kering tertinggi di-peroleh dari aksesi CASI 011. Kadar asiatiko-sida berkisar antara 0,15-1,49 %. Senyawa alkaloid, saponin, tanin, flavonoid, steroid dan glikosida terdeteksi sangat kuat (4+), sedang-kan triterpenoid lemah sampai agak kuat (1+-2+). Informasi yang dihasilkan diharapkan da-pat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan da-lam memilih bahan pemuliaan untuk meng-hasilkan varietas unggul.

    Selection of Nutmeg Mother Trees In The Germplasm Collection at Cicurug Experimental Station Sukabumi

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    Nutmeg has been known as native spices to Indonesia. The widespread cultivation of nutmeg cause the high demand for nutmeg seeds, hence the source of quality seeds is needed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate sex, morphological characters, yield and quality to be recommended as source of quality seeds. The research was conducted at Cicurug Experimental Station, Sukabumi (550 m asl).  The parameters observed were the sex of trees, and yield per tree harvested for nine years from 2007-2015. The quality was analyzed using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectra (GC-MS). The sex of the trees observations resulted 152 accessions (34.7 %) were pure males, 83 accessions (18.9 %) bisexual males and 203 accessions (46 %) pure females. Based on fruit yield, from 203 female nutmeg trees, 20 accessions produced high fruit yield >2,500 fruits/tree/year. GC-MS analysis showed the number of identified compounds were 18-30 compounds with the main components were α-pinene, ß-pinene, sabinene, limonene, 4-terpineol, safrol, elemicin and myristicin. The 20 selected accessions met the quality standards for the essential oil, limonene and elemicin levels, but only five accessionsmet the standard quality for α-pinene, two accessions for ß-pinene, five accessions for sabinen, 18 accessions for 4-terpineol,  13  on  safrol,  and  11  accessions  for  myristicin  levels.  Tree  selected accessions Botol 122, Irian 112 and Kupal 139 fulfilled nine out of ten quality parameters, whereas other accessions only fulfilled eight to four quality parameters. Accessions that achieved the criteria of fruit production should be recommended as source of quality seeds

    The Growth, Productivity and Quality of Fifteen Accessions of Ceylon Cinnamon at Medium Elevation of Solok, West Sumatera

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    The evaluation of growth, productivity and quality of 15 accessions of Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) at the medium elevation in Laing Research Installation Solok West Sumatra, has been conducted from January 2007 to April 2013. The experiment was arranged in Randomized Block Design with 15 treatments (accessions) and repeated three times. Parameter observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of branches, bark thickness, bark production, leaf production, oil yield and components of oils. The results showed that, the highest plant height was Czl16 (497.67 cm) and Czl30 (478.33 cm). The largest stem diameter was Czl16 (12.33 cm) followed by Czl15 (11.33 cm) Czl02 (11.00 cm) and Czl29 (11.00 cm). The highest branch number was Czl30 (30.00), Czl15 (29.00), Czl22 (29.00) and Czl35 (28.66). The highest production of dry bark was Czl30 (4,350 g.treeˉ¹) and the lowest one was Czl03 (1,800 g.treeˉ¹). The highest leaf production was Czl15 (18,700 g.treeˉ¹ and Czl16 (18366.67 g.treeˉ¹), and the lowest one was Czl03 (7,633.33 g.treeˉ¹). The highest of oil yield was Czl12 and  Czl30 0.75 %  each  and the lowest one was Czl11 (0.27 %). The highest of  cinnamaldehyde content was Czl35 (61.24 %), followed by Czl22 (59.38 %) and the lowest one was Czl17 (37.78 %). The chemical components of oils of cinnamon bar analyzed by GCMS from Czl35 accession consisted of 51 components and the primary components were cinnamaldehyde 61.29 %, eugenol 6.87 %, β-caryophyllane 6.59 %, cinnamyl acetate 5.61 %, β-phellandrene 4.79 %, dillapiole 3.39 %, benzoic acid 1.82 %, Linalool 1 %, and 43 other components each below 1 %

    Pollen Donor Position and Climate Factor Affecting Fruit Production of Nutmeg

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    The quality and quantity of nutmeg fruit, seed and mace can be improved through managing fruit and seed production.  Fruit development was affected by climate, flower initiation and pollination process. This study aimed to determine the correlation between climate, position, distance of pollen donor to female nutmeg trees, and the ratio of female and male trees to nutmeg yield.  The study was conducted at the nutmeg germplasm collection garden at Cicurug (550 m asl), Sukabumi, tested 295 nutmeg trees from 27 locations in Indonesia. Data production of female trees was based on 2005-2017 data. All nutmeg trees were mapped using the GPS Garmin 76c5x.  Tree sex was determined by male or female flowers domination in each tree. Correlation of the climate factors and production was analyzed using Pearson Correlation. The distance, position and the proportion of female to male trees were evalated by t-test at 5% level.  Ratio of female and male trees to produce high yield was 4 : 1. Rainfall (280-430 mm/month) and temperature (24 - 25o C)   during  the  pollination  period  (8-7  months  before  harvesting)  were positively correlated with production by 57.9 % and 82.3 %. The position and distance of pollen donors to female trees had no effect on production.  However, the distance between pollen donors and female trees above 15 m produced an average production equal to 15 m. The number of trees around tree samples had no effect on nutmeg production, but light intensity at 61,425-88,480 lux absorbed by trees could enhance the yield.  Nutmeg required sunlight to penetrate plant canopy in order to induce fruit production


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    ABSTRAKPeningkatan produktivitas dan mutu jahe putih kecil memerlukanbahan tanaman unggul. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuistabilitas hasil dan mutu enam genotipe jahe putih kecil pada berbagaikondisi agroekologi. Enam genotipe harapan jahe putih kecil dan duagenotipe lokal sebagai pembanding diuji selama dua musim tanam diempat lokasi (Sukabumi, Sumedang, Majalengka, dan Garut) pada tahun2004 sampai 2006. Rancangan percobaan dilakukan mengikuti rancanganacak kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga ulangan. Jarak tanam 60 x 40 cmdengan populasi per plot sebanyak 100 tanaman. Parameter yang diamatiadalah hasil (bobot rimpang per rumpun) dan mutu (kadar minyak atsiri,fenol total, sari larut air, dan sari larut alkohol). Analisis stabilitas hasilmenggunakan metoda Yau dan Hamblin. Hasil pengujian menunjukkangenotipe ZIOF-0049 dan ZIOF-0050 menghasilkan rimpang dengan rataanbobot aktual cukup tinggi serta stabil pada berbagai kondisi agroeokologi.Kadar minyak atsiri genotipe ZIOF-0049 sedang (2,92%), sedangkanZIOF-0050 tinggi (3,28%). Genotipe ZIOF-0046 memiliki kadar minyakatsiri cukup tinggi (3,91%), dan stabil di seluruh unit pengujian. Selainkadar minyak atsiri genotipe ZIOF-0046 juga memiliki kadar fenol(3,04%) dan kadar sari larut air (24,40%) yang cukup tinggi. GenotipeZIOF-0008 memiliki kadar minyak atsiri yang tinggi (3,64%) dan stabilpada berbagai unit pengujian. Empat genotipe ZIOF-0049, ZIOF-0050,ZIOF-0046, dan ZIOF-0008 menunjukkan karakter stabil pada sifat hasildan mutu rimpang sehingga layak untuk direkomendasikan sebagaigenotipe unggul dan beradaptasi luas.Kata kunci: Zingiber officinale var. amarum, jahe putih kecil, interaksigenetik dan lingkungan, hasil, mutuABSTRACTThe provision of superior genotype having stable yield andquality is a prerequisite for the productivity and quality improvement ofsmall white ginger. Research to study stability of yield and quality wasundertaken on six promising genotypes with two control variety by multienvironmental tests in four locations (Sukabumi, Sumedang, Majalengka,and Garut) for two growing seasons from 2004-2006. The experimentused a randomized block design with three replicates, 60 cm x 40 cm plantspacing, 100 plants per plot. Parameters observed were fresh rhizomeyield and quality (essential oil content, total phenolic content, watersoluble extract, and alcohol soluble extract). Stability analysis wasundertaken based on Yau and Hamblin method. Genotype ZIOF-0049 andZIOF-0050 produced the high rhizome weight and considered to berelatively stable at four locations. Essential oils content of ZIOF-0049were medium (2,92%) and ZIOF-0050 were high (3,28%). Genotypes thathave high content of essential oil (3,91%) and stable in various testing unitwas ZIOF-0046. In addition to the essential oil content, genotypes ZIOF-0046 also had phenol (3,04%) and water-soluble extract (24,40%) contentwere high. Genotype ZIOF-0008 has a high volatile oil content (3,64%)and stable in various testing unit. Four genotypes ZIOF-0049, ZIOF-0050,ZIOF-0046 and ZIOF-0008 showed stable in rhizome yield and qualitycharacters. That were deserves to be recommended as superior genotypesand wide adaptation.Key words: Zingiber officinale var. amarum, small white ginger, geneticand environment interaction, yield, qualit