3 research outputs found

    Analysis the Influences of Nursess Perception in dr. R. Soetrasno Hospital about Work Stressor to Turnover Intention

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    Dr. R. Soetrasno Hospital is the only one hospital in Rembang District. In 2007, BOR in this hospital is 97% and the patient in clinics raises 61% than 2006. There was have a phenomenon that the turn over intention of nurses is high, beside that, in this hospital have many problems related to Stressor of work. The purposes of this research is to analysis the influences of nusrses’s perception in dr. R. Soetrasno Hospital ablout stressor of work to turnover intention. The methode of this research is combine between quantitative and qualtitative analysis. To collect the data, we used crossectional. The sample is 70 nurses and midwife. To analyse, we used chi square and logistic regression. The influences of nurses’s perception in dr. R. Soetrasno Rembang Hospital about stressor of work to turnover intention is the result of this research, because the significancy is less than 0,05 and the Exp (B) more than 1.5. The major factor that influence the turnover intention is the perception of interpersonal relationship, and the minor perception is the condition place. Sumber Utama : www.mikm.undip.ac.i


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    Dr R. Soetrasno Hospital is the only one hospital in Rembang district. In 2007, BOR in this hospital is 97% and the patient in clinics raises 61% than 2006. There was have a phenomeon that the turnover intention of nurses is high, beside that, in this hospital have many problems related to Stresor of work. The purposes of this research is to analysis the influences of nurses’s perception in dr R. Soetrasno Hospital about stressor of work to turnover intention. The methode of this research is combine between quantitative and qualitative analysis. To collect the data, we used crossectional. The sample is 70 nurses and midwife. To analyse, we used chi square and logistic regression. The influences of nurses’s perception in dr R. Soetrasno Rembang Hospital about stressor of work to turnover intention is the result of this research., because the significancy is less than 0,05 and the Exp (B) more than 1.5. The major factor that influence the turnover intention is the perception of manager role, and the minor perception is load of work. So, from this result we suggest for the nursing manager to improve her role such as analysis the quantitative of nurses, give the nurses chance to improve their education, carier etc. RSU dr R. Soetrasno merupakan satu-satunya rumah sakit di kabupaten Rembang dan mempunyai posisi strategis di jalur pantura. Pada tahun 2007 RSU dr R. Soetrasno Rembang mempunyai BOR 97%, sedangkan angka kunjungan rawat jalan naik 61% dari tahun 2006. Adanya gejala bahwa tenaga keperawatan mempunyai keinginan untuk pindah kerja. Permasalahan yang ditemukan karena adanya stressor kerja yang komplek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara bersama-sama persepsi tenaga keperawatan RSU dr R. Soetrasno tentang stressor kerja terhadap keinginan pindah kerja. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan untuk memperjelas ditambah metode kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah Crosssectional. Sampel yang dipakai sebagai responden penelitian ada 70 tenaga keperawatan baik perawat dan bidan. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket tentang data pribadi, tentang stressor kerja dan tentang keinginan pindah kerja, selain iti juga menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Analisis menggunakan uji Chi square dan regresi logistik karena data berdistribusi tidak normal. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa ada pengaruh bersama-sama persepsi tenaga keperawatan RSU dr R. Soetrasno Rembang tentang stressor kerja tehadap keinginan pindah kerja, karena semua variabel bebas mempunyai p<0,05 dan Exp (B) ≥ 1,5. Dari sub variabel persepsi tentang beban kerja, kondisi tempat kerja, hubungan interpersonal dan peran manjerial, yang mempunyai pengaruh paling besar adalah persepsi tentang peran manajerial, kemudian persepsi kondisi tempat kerja, persepsi hubunagn interpersonal dan yang terakhir paling kecil pengaruhnya adalah tentang beban kerja. Dari hasil penelitian maka diharapkan manajer keperawatan (kabid keperawatan) dituntut untuk meningkatkan perannya, seperti melakukan analisa kebutuhan tenaga keperawatan, pengembangan karier dan prestasi tenaga keperawatan,sering mengunjungi tempat staf bekerja, memperbaiki bangunan tempat kerja

    Marketing strategy and business development to improve product quality and innovation in Omah Kepiting Micro, small and medium enterprises in Surabaya: Case study on MSMEs Pakal Emas in Surabaya

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    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in improving the regional economy and the economy of a country. The government pays great attention to the development of MSMEs to survive the global crisis. Various initiatives are always pursued by the government through the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises so that more and more individuals want to pursue the entrepreneurial world. UMKM Omah Kepiting is one of the Pakal Emas MSMEs groups located in Surabaya. MSMEs Omah Kepiting provides a variety of foods with certain characteristics, both traditional and modern foods. Omah Kepiting strives for several innovations and creations in food to attract consumers. Omah Kepiting also always strives to improve the quality of food products so that consumers are satisfied with the taste of food and service. This research is quantitative. Data collection through questionnaires and other similar research reference data. Data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study showed that quality is influenced by marketing strategies and Business Development by 88.2%, while the remaining 11.8% is influenced by other variables that are not included in this study.