899 research outputs found

    Investigation of refracting flows for acoustic suppression

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    An experimental investigation to determine the possibility of using refracting flows for the suppression of aircraft inlet noise is described. Observations of wave refraction in duct flows and measurements of the increase in effectiveness of acoustic linings due to refraction have suggested methods for the design of engine inlet ducts which can either suppress noise internally or direct it to where it causes less annoyance

    Spontaneous structure formation in a network of chaotic units with variable connection strengths

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    As a model of temporally evolving networks, we consider a globally coupled logistic map with variable connection weights. The model exhibits self-organization of network structure, reflected by the collective behavior of units. Structural order emerges even without any inter-unit synchronization of dynamics. Within this structure, units spontaneously separate into two groups whose distinguishing feature is that the first group possesses many outwardly-directed connections to the second group, while the second group possesses only few outwardly-directed connections to the first. The relevance of the results to structure formation in neural networks is briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, REVTe

    Exploring the seismic expression of fault zones in 3D seismic volumes

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    Acknowledgments The seismic interpretation and image processing has been run in the SeisLab facilty at the University of Aberdeen (sponsored by BG, BP and Chevron) Seismic imaging analysis was performed in GeoTeric (ffA), and Mathematica (Wolfram research). Interpretation of seismic amplitudes was performed Petrel 2014 (Schlumberger). We thank Gaynor Paton (Geoteric) for in depth discussion on the facies analysis methodology and significant suggestions to improve the current paper. We thank the New Zealand government (Petroleum and Minerals ministry) and CGG for sharing the seismic dataset utilized in this research paper. Seismic images used here are available through the Virtual Seismic Atlas (www.seismicatlas.org). Nestor Cardozo and an anonymous reviewer are thanked for their constructive comments and suggestions that strongly improved the quality and organization of this paper.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Warren McCulloch and the British cyberneticians

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    Warren McCulloch was a significant influence on a number of British cyberneticians, as some British pioneers in this area were on him. He interacted regularly with most of the main figures on the British cybernetics scene, forming close friendships and collaborations with several, as well as mentoring others. Many of these interactions stemmed from a 1949 visit to London during which he gave the opening talk at the inaugural meeting of the Ratio Club, a gathering of brilliant, mainly young, British scientists working in areas related to cybernetics. This paper traces some of these relationships and interaction

    Concept for a Large Scalable Space Telescope: In-Space Assembly

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    We present a conceptual design for a scalable (10-50 meter segmented filled-aperture) space observatory operating at UV-optical-near infrared wavelengths. This telescope is designed for assembly in space by robots, astronauts or a combination of the two, as envisioned in NASA s Vision for Space Exploration. Our operations concept for this-space telescope provides for assembly and check-out in an Earth Moon L2 (EML2) orbit, and transport to a Sun-Earth L2 (SEL2) orbit for science operations and routine servicing, with return to EML2 for major servicing. We have developed and analyzed initial designs for the optical, structural, thermal and attitude control systems for a 30-m aperture space telescope. We further describe how the separate components are packaged for launch by heavy lift vehicle(s) and the approach for the robot assembly of the telescope from these components

    A Natural Experiment on Innovation Without Patents

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    Innovation occurs within a complex web of law. Of the myriad legal doctrines that affect innovation, the most directly relevant is intellectual property, particularly patent law. The United States Constitution, in Article I, Section 8, states a strong public policy goal for the granting of patents (and copyrights) to inventors: “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” Despite the Founding Fathers’ apparent faith in the societal benefits afforded by patent protection, a crescendo of recent critics have accused the patent system of complicating, slowing, or even thwarting innovation. Patents certainly present significant hurdles for open and user innovation. Moreover, von Hippel (2005) and Strandburg (2008) have demonstrated that user innovators, especially individuals, tend to be poorly served, and often harmed, by the patent system