9 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Sorpsi Sirkuler Bertahap Untuk Mereduksi Aktivitas Radiostronsium

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    Telah dilakukan percobaan penerapan metode sorpsi sirkuler bertahap untukmereduksi aktivitas radiostronsium. Percobaan mengggunakan kolom sorpsiberukuran diameter 3 cm yang berisi 200 g zeolite alam dengan ukuran butir -25+50 mesh. Larutan umpan sebanyak 4x1000 ml yang terdiri dari 2 serilarutan yang mengandung Sr-90 dengan aktivitas rata-rata 54,65 nCi (larutan1 dan 2) dan 165,70 nCi (larutan 3 dan 4) dilewatkan melalui kolom dengankecepatan alir 0,15 ml/menit, Beningan yang diperoleh diumpankan kembalisetelah dilakukan pembilasan kolom. Cuplikan umpan dan Beningan darisetiap loop proses diukur aktivitasnya dengan metoda pencacahan Cerenkov.Pengulangan sebanyak 3 loop proses memberikan capaian pemisahan Sr-90dari larutan 1 maupun larutan 2 sebesar 96,16 %, sedangkan dari larutan 3dan 4 dicapai pemisahan 55,06 %.The experiment on application of gradually circular sorption method forradiostrontium activity reduction has been done. The experiment use 200 g natural zeolite -25+50 mesh in sorption column (ID 3 cm). The feedingsolution consist of 4x1000 ml with 2 series of 54,65 nCi (solution 1 and 2)and 165,70 nCi (solution 3 and 4) be passed the column by rate 0,15 ml/min, the outer of solution founded from the column is recirculated to the column again after its rinsing. Samples of the feeding solution and its outer of solution from each process loop are counted by Cerenkov method. Recycling by 3 process-loop, the separation of Sr-90 from solution 1 and 2 achieve of 96,16 %, and from solution 3 and 4 achieve of 55,06 %

    Perlindungan Hukum Pekerja Outsourcing Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No 27/PUU-IX/2011

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    The outsourcing agreement can only be applied to the work related to core business activities or activities that are directly related to the production process, employers are only allowed to hire workers/laborers with employment agreement specified time and/or work agreement for an unspecified time . The work can be outsourced to the service provider company workers/laborers should be a support service or activity that is not directly related to the production process. The definition of auxiliary service activities or activities that are not directly related to the production process are activities outside the core business (core business) of a company, including business cleaning services (cleaning service); business of providing food for the workers/laborers (caterin); business personnel security (security/security forces); business support services in the mining and petroleum, and transportation business for workers/laborers as article No. 17 minister of labor regulation No. 19 year 2012. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the protection of workers Outsourcing based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 Year 2003 concerning Manpower, also to know the legal protection of workers after the outsourcing decision of the Constitutional Court No. 27/PUU-IX/2011

    Kapabilitas Dinamik pada UKM Sentra Pengolahan Kerupuk Ikan dan Udang di Indramayu Berbasis Sumber Daya

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    Keberhasilan pengembangan UKM sentra pengolahan kerupuk ikan dan udang di Indramayu ditentukan oleh faktor lingkungan internal dan eksternal. Berdasarkan modelresource based, faktor internal yang berupa sumber daya, kapabilitas, dan kompetensi inti yang menentukan keberhasilan UKM sentra pengolahan kerupuk ikan dan udang di Indramayu agar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meraih keunggulan kompetitif. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untukmenganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan UKM sentra pengolahan kerupuk ikan dan udang di Indramayu. Selanjutnya dengan menggunakan metode SSM (Soft SystemMethodology) didapatkan hasil bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan UKM sentra pengolahan kerupuk ikan dan udang di Indramayu adalah (1) menentukan strategi, (2) melaksanakan produksi, (3) melaksanakan litbang dan inovasi, dan (4) melaksanakan pemasaran. Hasil analisis terhadap keempat model perilaku strategis pemilik USAha tersebut menunjukkan adanya interaksi timbal Balik di antara keempat model tersebut dan tingkat interaksi ini mengindikasikan dinamika dan kompleksitas perilaku strategis pemilik USAha tersebut dalam membangun keunggulan kompetitifnya. Hal ini berarti bahwa perilakuperilaku tersebut dapat secara efektif mendukung Perusahaan untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif

    Pekerja Tetap Menghadapi Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja

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    Seiring dengan bertambah pesatnya keadaan perekonomian di Indonesia banyak pengusaha yang berlomba-lomba mendirikan badan-badan usaha/Perusahaan. Hal ini dilakukan oleh para pengusaha dalam rangka menghadapi arus globalisasi dan liberalisasi perekonomian dunia yang semakin kompleks dan bertujuan untuk menciptakan dunia yang semakin kompleks dan bertujuan untuk menciptakan kesejahteraan bagi rakyat. Dengan adanya badan-badan usaha/Perusahaan baru tersebut maka otomatis akan membuka lapangan kerja baru bagi masyarakat pada umumnya. Dengan terciptanya lapangan pekerjaan baru tersebut maka masalah-masalah ekonomi yang membelit dalam suatu keluarga akan terselesaikan. Berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 27 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 disebutkan bahwa tiap-tiap negara berhak atas pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan. Hal ini berarti menjadi tugas negara yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah untuk mengusahakan agar setiap orang yang mau dan mampu bekerja dapat mendapatkan pekerjaan sesuai dengan yang diinginkannya dan setiap orang yang bekerja dapat memperoleh penghasilan yang cukup untuk hidup layak, bagi si tenaga kerja sendiri maupun keluarganya. Dengan adanya pemutusan hubungan kerja sepihak yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha itu, maka pengusaha tidak bisa dengan seenaknya lepas tangan begitu saja. Pengusaha haruslah memenuhi kewajiban untuk memberi ganti rugi kepada pekerja, yaitu sebesar upah pekerja sampai perjanjian kerja tersebut selesai. Atau dengan kata lain pekerja dapat menuntut apa yang menjadi haknya apabila pengusaha melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja sepihak kepadanya. Dalam hal terjadi pemutusan hubungan kerja, pengusaha diwajibkan membayar uang pesangon dan atau uang penghargaan masa kerja dan uang penggantian hak yang seharusnya diterima. Dalam Pasal 156 ayat (2) Undang-undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 telah ditetapkan besarnya pesangon

    Uji Penyerapan Cs-137 Oleh Nanokomposit

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    UJI PENYERAPAN CS-137 OLEH NANOKOMPOSIT. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sifat penyerapan berbagai variasi nanokomposit magnet oksida besi dengan bentonit terhadap kontaminan radionuklida Cs-137 dalam larutan. Komposisi nanokomposit magnet oksida besi-bentonit divariasikan berdasarkan perbandingan berat dengan harga: 1 : 0 ; 3 : 1 dan 0 : 1. Penyerapan dilakukan dengan sistem bath, dimana 50 mg nanokomposit dimasukkan ke dalam 10 ml aquades sehingga membentuk suspensi. Larutan standar Cs-137 ditambahkan, sehingga konsentrasi setiap larutan kontaminan menjadi 100; 200; 300, 400; 500 dan 600 Bq/ml. Setelah digoyang selama 24 jam, partikel nanokomposit yang berupa suspensi dipisahkan dengan lempengan magnet. Laju cacah larutan awal dan Beningan diamati dengan Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC). Penyerapan terbaik 52,0 ā€“ 68,21 % untuk nanokomposit dengan ratio oksida-besi bentonit 3 : 1 dan dikuti oleh nanokomposit dengan ratio 1 : 0 (25,85 ā€“ 33,07 %) dan nanokomposit dengan ratio 0 : 1 (05,98 ā€“ 11,28 %). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa baik oksida besi maupun bentonit dapat menyerap Cs-137 sedang untuk nano komposit yang mengandung oksida besi dan bentonit dapat meningkatkan kemampuan penyerapan Cs-137 yang terdapat dalam larutan. EXPERIMENT OF Cs-137 ABSORPTION BY NANOKOMPOSIT. The aim of this research is to get the absorption characteristics of various compositions of iron oxide magnetic nanocomposite and bentonite to Cs-137 radionuclide contaminant in a solution. The composition of iron oxide magnetic nanocomposite bentonit was varied by the weight ratio of iron oxide / bentonite were: 1 : 0 ; 3 : 1 and 0 : 1. Absorption was carried out by bath system which for 50 mg of nanocomposite was filled into 10 ml aquades until the suspension was formed. Standard solution of Cs-137 was added, so then the concentration (activity) of each solution were100; 200; 300, 400; 500 dan 600 Bq/ml. After the solution were shaked for 24 hours, nanocomposite particles in the suspension was separated using magnetic plate. Counting rate of the solution and effluent were analyzed by Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC). The best absorption reach 52,90 to 68,21 % by nanocomposite with iron oxide / bentonit ratio 3 : 1, and followed by nanocomposite with ratio 1 : 0 (25,85 - 33,07 %) and nanocomposite with ratio 0 : 1 (05,98 ā€“ 11,28 %). It is concluded that either iron oxide or bentonite can absorb Cs-137 and then for the nanocomposite counting of iron oxide and bentonite can increase the absorption of Cs-137 in the solution

    Behavior Healthy and Clean Life at Household (PHBS RT) In Sidorejo Village Brangsong District Of Kendal

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    This Research is including research of Explanatory research that is to connect free variable that is characteristic, mount knowledge, attitude, exploiting of service of information presentation and health about PHBS RT to family with with variable tied that is applied PHBS RT . Population in this researchĀ  entire/all family head in Sidorejo village with sampel counted 342 familly. Analysis the usedĀ  with analysis of univariat to depict various factor related to PHBS RT and of applied PHBS RT, and bivariate analysis to know relation between various factor influencing PHBS RT applied and of applied PHBS RT use test of rank Spearman.There is relation between family characteristic, knowledge of head family, attitude of head family, exploiting of medium service of information presentation and health of PHBS RT applied with PHBS R

    The Effectivence Of Healing Wound By Using Normal Saline (Nacl 0,9%) And Hydrogel For Diabetes Mellitus Patinetsā€™ With Ulcer At District Of Semarang Hospital

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    The raising of diabetes melitus has increased complication on diabetes, one of that occurence is the wound on patientsā€™ foot (diabetic foot ulcer). There are three supporting factors to diabetic foot ulcer likes neurotic disturbance, infection, and flow of blood disturbance. Researchs showed the capability comparison of hydrogel in debridement on necrotic tissue with debridemen enzimatic, hydrogel has better result in debridement and granulation on the tissue grow faster. The purpose of this research is to find out the efectiveness of healing wound by using Normal Saline(NaCl 0,9%) and hydrogel for diabetes melitus patinetsā€™ with ulcer.This research is a quantitave one with experimental design. Population of this research are all of the diabetes melitus patientsā€™ with ulcer. Method of sampling is using purposive sampling which collected 30 respondent foe each group. This data prepared with independent t ā€“ test, but abnormality distribution of data, become use alternative analize is using Mann-Whitney U-test.The result of data analize by using Mann-Whitney U-test and 5% signification, with Ļ = 0,000 with Z result : 6,482 and mean rank 45,08:15,92 (3:1) it means that hydrogel is more effective than normal saline in healing wound for diabetes melitus patinetsā€™ with ulcer at District of Semarang Hospital. The mean repaired ulcer with hydrogel decrease mean 10-13 point and normal saline decrease 2-3 point on 9 days (Bates Jansen scale).Conclusion this woundcare with hydrogel 3 poit more effectiveness than normal saline on regenetaion tissues. This advice make hydrogel for woundcare diabetic ulcer or more ulcers

    Determination of Erosion Hazard Level And Bio-Mechanical Conservation In Post Merapi Eruption Land At Srumbung Magelang

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the Erosion hazard, to look for conservation of bio - mechanical techniques are appropriate . Research methods with overlies topographic maps, soil maps, land use maps, to obtain a Land Unit Map. Determined soil physical properties (texture, structure, permeability) and chemical properties of soil (soil organic matter), slope, slope length, broad of land unit, crops factor and value conservation factors that have been there for Land Unit. Each land unit is determined the amount of land erosion and erosion hazard level. Erosion hazard level is determined based on soil erosion, and soil depth. Erosion hazzard level is used to determine the bio-mechanical conservation, according Hardjowigeno and Sukmana (1995). The results showed that the highest erosion hazard level with an area of 12.947 ha is classified weight (Land unit 15A), and the classification of an area of 14.665 ha is clssified moderately (Land unit 6A). Soil conservation is done in areas with highest erosion hazard level by making individual terraces and ā€œkerandangā€ planted as a cover crops