9 research outputs found

    Estimating the Payoff to Schooling Using the Standard Mincerian Model

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    : Estimating the Payoff to Schooling using the Standard Mincerian Model. Using data from Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) wave IV, this paper empirically estimates the private rates of return to education in Indonesia. The result from ordinary least-squares estimate shows that one year of schooling increases an individual's earnings by 5.66 percent. Futhermore, Standard Mincerian Earnings function estimates reveal a gender asymmetry in private economic returns to schooling, with returns to women's education being substantially and statistically significantly higher than men's

    Instrumenting Education and Returns to Schooling in Indonesia

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    : Instrumenting Education and Returns to Schooling in Indonesia. This paper provides estimates of the profitability of investment in education in Indonesia, using IV approach and data for IFLS-4 (2007-2008). It also explores an alternative framework for assessing the present value of the financial gains from an extra year of schooling. This study finds that considering endogeneity bias via the IV method is important, and draws attention to family background factors being useful instruments. Another finding from this study that needs to be highlighted is that the benefit of continuing at school for an extra year is quite high

    Determinants of Foreign Direct Invesment in Developing Countries: an Economic Perspective

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    Sejak decade 90-an aliran modal asing ke negara berkembang terus menunjukkan peningkatan. Hal ini memicu makin meningkatnya persaingan antar negara berkembang untuk menarik modal asing ini. Beberapa kajian empiris yang menelaah tentang faktor apa saja yang menentukan mengalirnya modal asing ini ke sejumlah negara berkembang menunjukkan hasil yang beragam

    Perdagangan Elektronik: suatu Bentuk Pasar Baru yang Menjanjikan?

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    Electronic Commerce is claimed as a form of new market in electronic era. Although most current use of Electronic Commerce occurs at the inter-corporate and inter-organizational levels, Electronic Commerce services aimed at individual consumers are developing rapidly. The internet is a major catalyst in the diffusion of Electronic commerce into an increasing number of economic spheres, and is rapidly harmonizing the general environment in which electronic transactions of all kinds take place. This form of new market is able to create some incentives both in transaction management and business efficiency area. On the other hand, implementation of Electronic Commerce become an issue discussed extensively from many of point of view including: law, economic and technology

    Disparitas Gender dalam Tingkat Pengembalian Investasi Pendidikan di Jawa Barat

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    : Gender Disparity in Return to Education in West Java. The investment that one makes will yield a lot of benefits that will return to oneself or the surroundings. The return of the benefits to the individual who makes educational investment is called the return to education. This study aimed to find out the return to education between male and female workers in West Java in 2014. The model employed was the Mincer earnings model. The data in the study were the secondary data from SAKERNAS 2014 with 14,951 selected samples. The analysis technique was multiple regression analysis. The results of the study showed that the educational level, work experience potential, work experience potential squared, and gender affect earnings. The higher the educational level was, the higher return to education was. The results of the chow test showed that there was a difference in the return to education between male and female workers. The female workers had the higher return to education than the male workers, except for the diploma education level

    Analisis Elastisitas Tiga Bahan Pangan Sumber Protein Hewani di Indonesia

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    : Elasticity Analysis for Three Animal Protein Resources in Indonesia. This study aimed to analyze the behavior of household demand on three sources of animal protein (fish, beef, and chicken) were associated with different household characteristics and analyze the response of households in Indonesia to changes in price and income on the consumption of fish, beef, and chicken. Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) was adopted in this study, using data from the Indonesia Family Life Survey wave 4 (IFLS 4). Total number of the household analyzed in this study amounted to 839 households. The results showed that partially price of fish, beef prices, household expenditure, geographic region, and number of family members affect the share of expenditure fisheries products, chicken, and beef. The results implied that Price elasticity of demand for demand for fish, beef, and chicken were categorized as inelastic. While the income elasticity for beef and chicken were elastic, furthermore income elasticity for fish was inelastic

    Disparitas Gender dalam Partisipasi Sekolah di Daerah Perdesaan Indonesia: suatu Pendekatan Unitari

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    Using the 1993 Indonesia Family Life Survey, this paper examines the school participation among boys and girls in rural Indonesia and investigates why parents are less likely to keep their daughter in school. The analysis based on indicators of school attendance. In particular we focus on the effect of gender discrimination, the differential effect of parents' education and employment, household resource constraints, location of the household and quality of the school. This paper found significant gender differences in children's education. Parents are more likely to send their sons to school rather than their daughters. However, parents' education has significant positive impact on their children's schooling in different manner. Mothers' education has stronger impact on girls' education, while fathers' education, has stronger impact on boys' education. Household income matters for girls; it implies that education is a luxury good for girls. Further the household size has significant negative impact on the children's schooling