2 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Media Ilustrasi Pop-up Sejarah Dalam Pembelajaran IPS Di SD Negeri Batursari

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    This study aims: (1to know the process of learning social science in SD Negeri Batursari, (2) to know the use of illustration pop-up media in relieve the teacher to foster student‟s understanding toward the social science subject. This study was conducted in SD Negeri Batursari by using qualitative research strategies. The technique in collecting data were interview, direct observation, questionnaires and research document. The data validated by using triangulation researcher, theoretical and methodological. The technique using data collection, data reduction, and data presentation and conclusion/ verification. The result showed that fourth and rade students SD Negeri Batursari very anthusiastic in participating learning social science, students were formed into small groups and students talk to each other discussing visula messages in pop-up media. Illustration pop-up media is very helpful the teacher inleraning social science, it can be seen when students most easily to understand the material by looking at the illustration in the material. The syudents helped with the media as if the were in the illustration. Keywords: Pop-Up Media, Social Science Learnin

    Pengembangan Subject Specific Pedagogy Cerita Rakyat Dayak Simpakng pada Kelas Sangsangan Sakolah Adat Arus Kualan

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    Pengembangan SSP cerita rakyat Dayak Simpakng pada kelas sangsangan di sakolah adat arus kualan bertujuan untuk mengembangkan SSP berupa bahan ajar dan worksheet cerita rakyat Dayak Simpakng dan untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk hasil pengembangan. Proses penelitian menerapkan metode penelitian pengembangan ADDIE. Hasil validasi bahan ajar cerita rakyat Dayak simpakng layak digunakan dengan skor rata-rata 4,27 kategori “sangat baik”. Hasil validasi worksheet layak digunakan dengan skor rata-rata 4,57 kategori “sangat baik”. Hasil evaluasi one to one terhadap bahan ajar “sangat baik” dengan skor rata-rata 4,5, dan respon siswa terhadap worksheet “sangat baik” dengan skor rata-rata 4,47. Hasil evaluasi small group terhadap bahan ajar “sangat baik” dengan skor rata-rata 4,29, dan respon siswa terhadap worksheet “sangat baik” dengan skor rata-rata 4,