764 research outputs found

    Les manuels récents de français langue étrangÚre : entre perspective actionnelle et approche communicative

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    In order to trace the emergence of the influence of an action-oriented approach to language teaching and learning, this paper presents an examination of activities proposed by three recent French textbooks. The textbooks treated are still very much grounded in the communicative approach, although to varying degrees, while they attempt to move towards a more action-oriented pedagogy. The interest of observing these “transitional” textbooks is that such an examination can reveal differences and similarities in logic with regards to the approach and also what might be modified in terms of teaching practice in the future. The paper concludes by raising the issue of how to construct phases in textbook teaching units within the logical framework of an action-oriented approach and proposes different models of organisation

    Hybrid intelligent machine systems : design, modeling and control

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    To further improve performances of machine systems, mechatronics offers some opportunities. Traditionally, mechatronics deals with how to integrate mechanics and electronics without a systematic approach. This thesis generalizes the concept of mechatronics into a new concept called hybrid intelligent machine system. A hybrid intelligent machine system is a system where two or more elements combine to play at least one of the roles such as sensor, actuator, or control mechanism, and contribute to the system behaviour. The common feature with the hybrid intelligent machine system is thus the presence of two or more entities responsible for the system behaviour with each having its different strength complementary to the others. The hybrid intelligent machine system is further viewed from the system’s structure, behaviour, function, and principle, which has led to the distinction of (1) the hybrid actuation system, (2) the hybrid motion system (mechanism), and (3) the hybrid control system. This thesis describes a comprehensive study on three hybrid intelligent machine systems. In the case of the hybrid actuation system, the study has developed a control method for the “true” hybrid actuation configuration in which the constant velocity motor is not “mimicked” by the servomotor which is treated in literature. In the case of the hybrid motion system, the study has resulted in a novel mechanism structure based on the compliant mechanism which allows the micro- and macro-motions to be integrated within a common framework. It should be noted that the existing designs in literature all take a serial structure for micro- and macro-motions. In the case of hybrid control system, a novel family of control laws is developed, which is primarily based on the iterative learning of the previous driving torque (as a feedforward part) and various feedback control laws. This new family of control laws is rooted in the computer-torque-control (CTC) law with an off-line learned torque in replacement of an analytically formulated torque in the forward part of the CTC law. This thesis also presents the verification of these novel developments by both simulation and experiments. Simulation studies are presented for the hybrid actuation system and the hybrid motion system while experimental studies are carried out for the hybrid control system

    Spatial reactions to crime: fortressing or emancipation of public urban space? Potchefstroom as a case study

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    In both historical, as well as contemporary cities, it was and still is believed that the built environment can play an essential role in the protection of its inhabitants. Today, one of the major challenges facing urban planners, specially in South Africa, is to offer possible spacial solutions to prevent crime in cities. While the traditional city were enclosed by thick walls and incorporate the public spaces, the contemporary city is following a new kind of fortress mentality where various smaller urban spaces (in most cases residential areas), scattered throughout the city, are enclosed by physical barriers with the result of internal spaces, once public spaces, now being privatised. This concept of fortressing - known as 'gated communities' - is multiplying drastically in both metropolitan as well as small and medium sized South African cities. Apart from the responsibilty to address crime, urban planners are simultaneously faced here with other responsibilities (in the way they design the physical environment): efforts in reviving a dying public realm in cities and addressing the segregation of urban space, created by the previous political dogm, are some of the major challenges. In this regard the notion of 'gated communities' could spell doom to a possible safe and vibrant urban future. This paper questions the long term consequences of a fortress mentality on the well-being of the public realm of our cities and explore, by means of an analysis of 'gated communities' in Potchefstroom, possible compromises to be made

    An exploration of social systems as informative for urban regeneration in Potchefstroom Central Business District

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    The future of cities undoubtedly spells change on many levels due to urban growth. One of the mechanisms used in cities to cope with change is urban regeneration. Urban regeneration has mainly been addressed through economic and planning policies geared towards physical renewal, with hardly any understanding or acknowledgment of the social dynamics underlying the physical process. Social dynamics are important to consider in urban regeneration, as they form the underlying driving forces of cities. However, little is known about these underlying forces. The aim of this research is to explore the role of social systems in the Central Business District of Potchefstroom. An ethnographical approach is used to guide the methodology, while qualitative methods (observations and interviews) are used to capture data about the social systems that are present in the study area, how these social systems interact with one another, and how they can be included in urban regeneration initiatives. The findings suggest the existence of three interactive social systems that reflect pro-social behaviour and cultural relativism which, in turn, create vitality in the study area. Social systems play a multi-levelled role in the study area. Their role can possibly inform urban regeneration by being proactive in terms of attracting new and maintaining existing social relationships; being creative in terms of adapting and changing the physical environment to address needs, and being supportive in order to unlock internal resources such as local knowledge, creativity, commitment, energy and ownership

    Smart Manufacturing—Theories, Methods, and Applications

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    (First paragraph) Smart manufacturing (SM) distinguishes itself from other system paradigms by introducing ‘smartness’ as a measure to a manufacturing system; however, researchers in different domains have different expectations of system smartness from their own perspectives. In this Special Issue (SI), SM refers to a system paradigm where digital technologies are deployed to enhance system smartness by (1) empowering physical resources in production, (2) utilizing virtual and dynamic assets over the internet to expand system capabilities, (3) supporting data-driven decision making at all domains and levels of businesses, or (4) reconfiguring systems to adapt changes and uncertainties in dynamic environments. System smartness is measured by one or a combination of system performance metrics, such as the degree of automation, cost-effectiveness, leanness, robustness, flexibility, adaptability, sustainability, and resilience. This SI aims to present the most representative works in advancing the theories, methods, and applications of SM

    Exploring place-making in the Vredefort Dome, South Africa: A mixed-method approach

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    Any space – interior, exterior and landscapes – becomes a place to which people attach meaning. The process where by meaningful space or a sense of place is formed is rarely considered in developmental planning. This article argues for an interdisciplinary approach to the identification of different types of meaning attached to the Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, and proposes a methodology for assessing these as an aid to sensitive development interventions in such precious places

    Public participation in town-planning applications: Tlokwe Local Municipality as a case study

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    Although public participation is deemed important in South Africa, negative perceptions of its legitimacy are widely acknowledged. Inclusive town-planning processes, as instruments to address inequality, have a significant role in enhancing democracy. This article reports on a study done from a communicative planning perspective, with the aim to investigate the influence of public participation in town planning by means of an analysis of town-planning application procedures between 1992-2008 in the Tlokwe Local Municipality, North-West province, South Africa. The results indicate that only 6% of all commentary on planning applications consists of objections from the public. Technically motivated objections and town-planning firms had the most influence on planning outcomes. This seems to indicate reactive and consultative participation wherein the final decision resides with the local authority. It appears that public participation’s idealistic ‘feel good’ mask does not live up to the expectations of an empowered civil society

    The meaning of place-making in planning: historical overview and implications for urban and regional planning

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    In its course of development, urban and regional planning has been greatly influenced by the modernist movement, which left human environments with various problematic ecological and social conditions. In reaction to these conditions, alternative planning approaches branched from the planning profession, one of these being the development approach known as place-making. Place-making is the physical designing of a place based on locational contexts. Place-making is offered as an alternative planning approach to current planning practice to ameliorate and possibly prevent continuation of the problematic ecological and social conditions. However, this implies that there has to come about a shift in the focus and aims of current planning practice. The main implications of place-making are that planning should become more contextually driven, holistic, multidisciplinary, as well as human and quality centred. Also, it is proposed to increase research on place in the South African context.&nbsp

    L’instruction en français du Chinois Kan Gao sous la Restauration à Paris

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    De retour de son « ExpĂ©dition d’Asie » en octobre 1820, le capitaine Philibert ramĂšne Ă  bord de La Durance un jeune marchand chinois du nom de Kan Gao. Celui-ci, recrutĂ© Ă  Manille 10 mois plus tĂŽt pour diriger la plantation de thĂ© que le MinistĂšre de la Marine et des colonies tente de crĂ©er en Guyane française, doit prĂ©alablement Ă  ce sĂ©jour suivre des cours de français Ă  Paris. C’est une Madame Celliez, institutrice de son Ă©tat, qui, pendant prĂšs de 2 ans, entre 1820 et 1822, se charge de l’instruction de Kan Gao. Les deux rapports qu’elle adresse au Ministre de la Marine en juillet 1821 puis en fĂ©vrier 1822, nous renseignent sur les procĂ©dĂ©s pĂ©dagogiques utilisĂ©s par l’éducatrice.On his return from his « Expedition in Asia » in October 1820, Captain Philibert brought aboard La Durance a Chinese man named Kan Gao. The young Asian merchant had been recruited in Manila 10 months earlier to run the tea plantation that the Ministry of The Marine and Colonies was endeavouring to set up in French Guiana. Prior to this trip, French courses were organised in Paris for Kan Gao. Mrs Celliez was the teacher to whom Kan Gao’s French instruction was entrusted. The two reports she sent to the Minister of the Navy in July 1821 and February 1822, provide us with information on the teaching methods she used during this period of instruction lasting for almost 2 years
